If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Monday, January 31, 2022

Dialectic Redefined, Defined & Reexplained
Unity Consciousness #2641

(9azzzzzl of 11)

Dialectic Redefined

Dialectic is eclectic dialogue.
Dialectic is wide ranging dialogue, within self and with all else, with a variety of sources, the purpose of such dialogue is to achieve the best possible understanding.
FYI: “Dialogue” is more than speech in the verbal sense and in the sense of sound from a mouth. Dialogue is the result of action of two things and the interaction of any two things. Thus the full range of all motions and mations of all creation are involved in continuous multi-faceted, multi-dimensional, multi-layered dialogue via thinking, behavior and interactions.

Motions and mations are spirit-soul motions and spirit-soul transformations.
The broad dialogue mentioned above is another word for conversations. What conversation means must be properly understood.

Dialectic comes from dialect.
In a suboptimal sense, Dialect is said to mean “a particular form of a language which is peculiar to a specific region or social group.”
More specifically and universally, dialect means language in any form by any aspect of creation.

This is why dialectic, as properly understood and used, is the continuous process of awareness-recognition, observation, experience, thesis (hypothesis), inquiry-questioning, engagement, investigation, examination, analyzing, multiple ways of knowing, self-knowledge inseparable from and simultaneous with learning something else, inference, extrapolation, inductive reasoning, dynamic balance, mini-conclusions, comparison-contrast, “both/and” conclusion-inductive synthesis, revision and repetition that helps us unify understandings from all the consciousness of all creation. This is the same as the process of becoming one with the Creator-Destroyer via knowledge of self and all else. This is the process of unity consciousness, which is the same as the supreme scientific method used by the Supreme Being, as opposed to the lesser scientific method used by societies of human beings. Thus then, societies do not use dialectic properly. Therein lies all problems.

Those familiar with this weblog recognizes this blog to have always been all about the dialectic approach, without using that exact word, except twice.

Dialectic Defined By Society's Most Intelligent

Read the 24 page Harvard paper at https://scholar.harvard.edu/files/furkanozturk/files/popper_what-is-dialectic.pdf

For shortest explanation, see last paragraph of page 2.

The use of the world dialectic is a European confusion that gives a different word to what Africans were already doing in order to bring forth all the fundamental knowledge we use today. The wholeness approached is expressed in Nile Valley Mythology & Eschatology and summarily restated in modern times in the African Utamawazo, Optimal Theory and Ten Cardinal Principles Of Ancient African Deep Thought.
The claiming of new thought by Europeans is rampant in all subject areas. One that quickly comes to mind is “permaculture” that claims harmony with nature as if it's something new.

All this is why education is societies is largely miseducation beyond the basic utility gained from learning a language, reading, 'riting and 'rithmetic. As grade levels go higher, explanations become more confusing and disjointed fragmented because they are not based on the universal sense of dialectic, which is not to be confused with dialecticism, dialectic materialism and dialectical behavior therapy.