If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Sunday, January 9, 2022

Truths From Imprisoned Daniel Reveal Precious Lies Will Imprison You For Eternity
Unity Consciousness #2596

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If the truth shall set you free, then lies will imprison you for eternity.

According to Abomi-Nation Representative, Joe Biden, on 1-6-22, “Great Nations face the truth, deal with it, and move on.”
This is the same Joe Biden who said the USA was racist, then capitulated from the truth when lie-dependent white folks got angry that their pigeon-hole abuse of the English language and non-critical race theory, exposed their race-based privilege to be full of holes and actively oozing pustules.

Daniel 8 and 9 in the Judaeo-Christian bible (see the CJB version for more clarity), speaks of times such as what is taking place right now that has been taking place for quite some time.
It speaks of England, The USA, Africa and many more.
It speaks of the sanctuaries of the ark, the nucleus, the heart, the mind, the pineal.
It speaks of star constellations above as greater sanctuaries and rulers.
It speaks of desolation upheaval and fulfillment caused by large scale changing of heavenly guardians.
It speaks of desolations and transgressions and abominations of which we all know too well that are plaguing humans, thus sickening all of Earth, by the vice of those who desire to wax great without great responsibility for their actions and inactions.

Insufficient Reckoning

We are guilty of mostly missing the points pointed to by things easily perceivable and easily knowable. We are deficient in thought process (scientific method) to understand cause and effect, i.e., the relationship influence connections between one and one; two and two; and this, that and the other.

Despite the insufficiency of methods unable to provide enough information to understand connectivity, continuity and longevity, we continue to judge things mainly by years. Our big macro picture is mainly limited to Earth years of 365.25 days, each year representing one revolution around the Sun.
Many tens of thousands of years ago, humans, in their African free state of mind, learned, that for long-term survival and thrival, we must also reckon by Sun years, which is the Great Year of 25,920 years, each great year representing one revolution of the Solar System around the center of the Milky Way Galaxy.

These are just two cycles. There are many more lesser and greater cycles than these.
We know there is a moon cycle that we reckon by to enhance understandings.

Great Great Year

We've forgotten there is a cycle greater than the Great Year, that I shall call the Great Great Year. The Great Great Year represents the cycle of the Lord of Lords (LOL).* The timespan of the Great Great Year must be one revolution of the Galaxy around something.
The Lord of Lords is one or more constellations that preside over an entire Great Year or several Great Years (likely between 2 and 16).

*Note: Based on the science of Nile Valley Mythology, we know the Circumpolar Great Year represents the seven (7) elemental souls of life, while the Equinoctial Great Year represents the twelve (12) elemental souls of life. The Great Great Year likely represents the eight (8) elemental souls of life, and eight on the ark and eight principles and characteristics of everything and, like all cycles, representative of the ever-coming one.

All this is to say spirit guidance brings me to suspect what Dani-el (Daniel, Belshatzar, Belshazzar) speaks of in Daniel 8 and 9, and brought into my present mind, encompasses the Great Great Year Lord of Lords cycle since it doesn't seem to primarily match the Great Year Cycle. Even so, we can be certain that cycles of the moon, earth, sun and galaxy are elemental souls of life combinations that are simultaneously dictating changes taking place right now today.
So not only must we keep in mind the days, months, years, but also the Great Years and Great Great Years. This helps us understand that continuity of events and cycles are much larger and ongoing than reckoning only by years, decades, centuries, millennia and the age of nations.

Daniel spoke of the goat.
The Goats of the Father, male, patriarchy and prepubescent, immature boy child, are on their way out and are responsible for many evils, desolations, transgressions and abominations. The Sun of this Earth, is another goat.
Humans are a goat. Most humans love to boast that we are the greatest species of all time. We are an abomination in the sanctuary of garden paradise of Earth.

Some goats are on their way out, while others are on their way in. What is taking place on this Earth in human societies, is a microcosm of what is taking place beyond Earth in the governing bodies and powers to be, is higher, mightier, more knowledgeable, more technologically advanced, more chosen and more elect than whatever control humans think they have to remain out of harmony with the ecosystem of two truths. Obvious upheaval and present since the beginning of current nations, is fulfillment by way of entire worldwide changing of human governance and ability to live the way we are living, even if it takes the destruction of cities and nations and all institutions and infrastructures, that then forces those who are able, to reboot and rely solely on the ecosystem for instructions on how to restore logic health back to last known good configuration for living, thinking and behaving as an ecosystem citizen (universal citizen in good standings: under, over, inner).