(9azzzzzf of 11)
Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.
What goes around, comes around.
Only fools pollute places and expect to avoid the effects due to reliance on the partiality of races.
Hardly a day goes by that the media institution promotes the notion that some jobs, professions and careers are better than others, thus, by extension and activation of culture-defined macros, so are the people in those positions.
It is profane of what is sane to use phrases that claim some people have dangerous jobs as an excuse to excuse their bad behavior.Everyone has a dangerous job because it is dangerous to work with insane people or be anywhere among them. This is proven on a regular basis.
We inappropriately hold up police, firefighters, EMT's, doctors, nurses, sports referees, soldiers, judges and others.
By default, if some jobs are held up higher, then others must be held in lower esteem. This is far more sinister than it seems because it begets bad habitual thinking and behavior that says some of us don't deserve the utmost kindness, consideration, accolades and benefit of the doubt as others, all because we don't work a certain job.
This of course is a variation of the sickness of greater consideration given to whiteness over blackness or greater consideration to males over females and other such aberrations and corrupt logic of humans.
No one in any institution, profession or cover identity, is immune, because the society has not reached herd immunity in regards to the effects of sickness. Instead societies thrive, in their eyes, on sickness, even while lying about the causes and decrying the effects.