If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Ancient & Current Psychology | Four Definitions, Meanings
Unity Consciousness #1765


(Part 9wd of 11)

#1 – Expanded Definitions & Meanings

Psychology is currently said to be the study of the mind. By necessity this study must include the study of language. Why? Because in order to study the mind and understand how it works, there must also be an understanding of the information the mind is working with. Otherwise how can mind processes be understood? Language is a huge topic that includes context, definitions, meanings and more.

What is the mind? Most will say the mind is the brain; therefore the mind is located in the head in the body. If so, then the mind cannot be understood without understanding some Physiology. Then to go along with that we must study some Pathology, some Anatomy, some Biology, some Genetics, some Nutrition, some Botany, some Geology, some Anthropology, some Archaeology, some Chemistry, some Physics, some Astronomy, some History, some Zoology, some Agriculture, some Ecology, some Sociology, some Horology, some History, some Eschatology, some Philosophy, some Mythology, some Math, some Reading, some Writing, some Sign-Language....,..and as much as possible about Science Science Science.

Science includes all topics, all subject areas, all areas of knowing, all ways of knowing.
In short, in order to study and know the mind, Everything must be studied. This is true in order to truly, fully optimally know anything.

To simplify and abbreviate, in order to study and know the mind, there must also be a continuous study and knowing of what affects mind, body, emotion and spirit.

#2 – Expanded Definitions & Meanings

“Ology” is said to mean “study.” This is why Psych + ology is called Mind Study or study of the mind.

Fuller Truth is, “Ology” means fundamentally more than “study.”
“Ology” is Logos. Logos is Logic. Logic is Word. Word is Instruction. Instruction is Formula. Formula is Genetics.

To shorten the point being made, “Ology” relates to the universe, universal. If you prefer, universe can be called Nature or Supreme Being or Nature of the Supreme Being.
Therefore, anything that is an “ology” or has similar meaning, is actually the seeking of understandings regarding an aspect of nature, universe, God, Supreme Being. It is also the seeking of understanding of self, even though most are not aware of this subconscious aspect.

Therefore also, under no circumstances can we achieve an appropriate understanding of the human mind unless something connects us to the universal. This is supposed to be achieved through human interaction with the natural world; however, since this interaction is impaired and estranged, then we must make the connection through our worldview utamawao context. Most worldviews do not connect us to the natural world context, thus do not connect us to the universal, thus leaves us unable to think universally. We can repeat universal sounding phrases, but not process logic universally. In other words, we say universal things but act non-universally because we don't recognize or care about the connections between our various pieces of logic.

Here's a litmus test: When the human mind understands the universal context sufficiently enough, the human mind will step down as EL in the highest and instead become primarily the student rather than the teacher. Secondarily, the human will reorient self to be total-spirit-soul-led, rather than mind-in-the-head-led. Under that mindset scenario, the human mind is humble and respectful of Everything. There is no chance for superior-than-thou thinking. God knows we are disconnected from the natural world context. How will God get us back to that context? With soft love or tough love?

If we are seeking understandings of the mind through an optimal education process, the very first subject we study, will make us aware that we cannot properly understand that subject or any subject without at least gaining a working and growing understanding of another subject and another subject and so on and on.

It is not possible to properly understand the mind of humans without simultaneously seeking to understand the mind of all other creations, thus, by default, as a beautiful beauti-filled byproduct, this leads us to understand the mind of God.

Think about it, how can humans understand the mind of humans by comparing their mind to the mind of other humans? Nope, that's the same as grading on one's own partial curve and the same as grading within a teeny matrix.
In order to understand the mind of humans, we must understand the mind of the Creator of humans, also the mind of the creations humans evolved through, also the mind of creations that are part of the Being of a Human Being. There's more, but we now get the point of our need to re-expand our thinking through remembering as we safari home down Sankofa Road.

As discussed elsewhere, the mind is not limited to the brain of humans in the human head. Also, a cell is fundamentally more than what we are taught. Because the mind exists throughout the entire body of all beings/organisms, the mind does not simply process information in one language. Information is received through all sensing abilities in multiple languages. All organisms are multi-lingual. An organism that primarily uses only one language to receive, process and transmit information, to the diminishment, exclusion and confusion of other languages, will have a mind that operates at a deficit relative to its potential. This problem is made worse in organisms such as humans who perceive themselves to have only one mind. This problem is made worse further when that one mind is the smallest mind. This problem is made worse when that smallest mind, now in lead position, is dependent on inputs from all other minds. Dysfunctional communication exists within self.

By The Way, in a more imaginative sense, ology is logos is o-logs. This is circle logs, circle logic, full circle logic. Thus, in a much purer sense, psychology is the study of the full circle logic of the mind. This mind emanates from and is centered around the mind's eye.

#3 – Expanded Definitions & Meanings

The Ancients, prior to 10,920 BCE, studied the totality of self and summarized it in what we now call Mythology.
One way of summarizing the totality of self and all else is to call it Khekh, Sakhu or Ra. This is why Evolutions of Ra were studied because it was also simultaneously the study of the Evolutions of Everything. Thus also the study of Evolutions of Self, Evolutions of Mind, Evolutions of Thinking, Evolutions of Behavior, Evolutions of Human Interactions and so on.

Later on, this Study of Everything, became known as Psyche. When this word was first used, it was understood to mean the study of everything; however, this understanding was slowly chopped into pieces and fragments and then each fragment was reduced to its weakest understanding.

This has been discussed in detail, so I will only quickly and briefly repeat portions and add new commentary as follows:
1. Psyche started out meaning the same thing as Totality (Everything, Khekh, Sakhu, Ra, Spirit-Soul).

2. Psyche, the spirit-soul of life, was then diminished and divided into (Psyche + Nous + Cupid)

3. Psyche was physical matter of the body.
Nous was physical matter of the MIND.
Cupid was spirit.

Thus we have the physical body and mind, and then the spirit. This is the simple version of the total self. But as you can already sense, if this is where we start, and never make it back to the beginning total context, then we learn to think in ways that do not connect us to the broader whole of the universe. We think the human body, mind and spirit are somehow different in such a way that we can study and know and understand body, mind and spirit without understanding the same about all other creations. Likewise, we study other creations in the same fragmented way. Not only do we fragment creation from creation, but we also fragment each creation within itself. This is why we study the mind as a separate subject from studying the body or the spirit or emotion.

Another understanding is that what we currently call psychology, is mostly Nousology, and to a lesser extent, Cupidology.

4. It is important to understand that we humans currently think the mind can be properly understood without understanding the brain. Furthermore, as mentioned above, we also limit the mind and the brain to the head of humans, however, the brain in the human head, is the smallest brain humans have, when compared to the combination of all other brains in the human body.

5. We also make a multitude of logical errors by thinking the mind consists of two parts. First part is the physical brain that is non-thinking. Second part is the mind that is conferred upon the human by God in a separate special way from other creatures. This mind is installed as separate software and brings intelligence to humans. Other creatures do not have a mind, they have instincts that do not “reason” information. These glitches led to the goofy thinking that the human mind is superior to all other creatures and humans are the only ones with souls. Then later, the perversion continued and is still taught that God conferred a superior mind to white people. It was later fabricated that folks white are the only ones with souls. By now we should recognize the thought pattern of how the human mind works and the pattern of how the mind of white folks works. You are not going to reach these understandings through the study of Psychology. In order to even begin to reach these types of understandings, a person must have multi-disciplinary understandings. This is why in all subject areas in use in societies, those with supposedly the greatest understandings, still miss enormous amounts of the obvious, because their adult approach to education and their childhood imposed education have conspired to ostracize other subject areas from being as important as our specialized subject areas.

6. Here's the truth arrived at through the ridiculous. If the mind of Africans is inferior, yet those inferior minds created pretty much the foundation of all subject areas currently being taught, THEN, white human saviors come along and God gives them a far superior mind, then what should we see? As a result of white tutelage as the ruling group, we should see humans evolve way beyond the point achieved by Africans worldwide. We should now have reached the point where all basic needs are easily achieved via optimal efficiency of logic. We should have successfully colonized the deep blue see and deep black sea and deep white sea. However, what we find as true is the exact opposite results. De-evolution and destruction in all things touched by folks white. Who aspires to be that kind of superior? Only the mentally ill wish to be superiority stupid due to lacking the ability to achieve harmony, not even for one moment in any area during their season of rulership. Always trying to get over on something or someone. Always trying to lord over something or someone. Past time to give up and double time to get over the Big White Lie.

7. Let me go back one or two steps to make another point. The reason white people say God gave them a superior mind as evidenced by their superior soul, is because white people are trying to justify how they got a more superior mind than the Black Africans that white people mutated from. Secondly they are justifying how their morality is greater. I'm certain this has a connection to their white skin. In Africa, white is a symbol of spirit. White minds have confused the symbol of spirit with their white skin; however one of them figured out they could use the white spirit symbolism and connect it to their white skin. This is also why Jesus was turned white and everybody in heaven is white except the devil. As discussed elsewhere, all this screwy rabidness is what happens when a virus invades a cell and gains access to the nucleus. The virus is able to get the cell's components to fulfill the will of the virus.

8. All of this is Psychology. None of this is taught as Psychology today. White people lost their melanin card. They then trumped black people by creating a white race card, a superior mind card and a white soul card. Listen closely Africans! White people claim to have soul and spirit and black people are said to have neither, on top of having an inferior mind. And this is why, in the White Mentally Ill Psychology of how their minds work, Black humans are the lowest possible creation on Earth, thus the most worthless. This is exactly what we see through white behavior for the past two thousand years at least. This is why white people are on a constant quest to put things in terms of their intelligence and in terms of their ability to determine what human rights are.

9. We must briefly be re-mind-ed that the Mind of God is in every creation, no matter how large or small. Understanding the workings of these minds is essential to understanding the workings of the human minds or any mind.

10. When we separate education into disconnected subjects, the mind will be taught programmed miseducated on lockdown to think out of sync in a box because the mind does not make the necessary links.

#4 – Expanded Definitions & Meanings

The study of any subject area as a stand-alone subject is like growing a plant in a pot indoors. It's possible. The plant will grow; however, due to the unnatural fragmented conditions, the plant will never grow to its optimal potential.

The study of any subject area as a stand alone subject is like finding a plant growing in a location where it regenerates itself every year, thus is a perennial, but then transplanting the plant to a location where the plant does not regenerate itself, thus becomes an annual, thus dependent on the human to allow it to partially fulfill its genetic mandates.

Neither of these two approaches are the Optimal Way of Black Brilliance and White Wisdom.

Time to move back to basic subject areas such as Sign-Language, Motion, History, Patterns, Transformation, Repetition, Duplication, Variation, Integration, Dimension, Duality, Cause & Effect, Logic, Process, Cycles, Spirit-Soul and on and on through breaking dawn.
If categories such as these were our subject areas, we'd quickly realize that anything we want to learn, falls into all categories. Then without anyone telling us, we'd think to ourselves what a wonderful world. Simultaneously we'd know everything is a world, including the Universe. This is how our minds would work. Truths would continue to emerge and merge as self-evidencing self.