If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Environment, Intelligence & Problem-Solving
Unity Consciousness #1795


(Part 9xh of 11)

The following video was included in the previous message to provide detailed background to help us see the reasoning process from the vantage point and through human-related examples. This video has far-reaching implications, and provides much needed deep thought assistance to the African, as do all of Amos Wilson's videos and books.
Amos N. Wilson | Developing the Undeveloped African Mind, Part 1

Environment, intelligence and problem-solving are an inseparable trinity. Thus, since environment is the same thing as climate, then climate change is the same thing as environment change.
Therefore, environmental change exceeds mere global warming and physical changes of the organism called Earth.
Earth is one of the members of a species of creation called the Earth race. Through genetics of the Earth Race came all species (races) on Earth. All creations on Earth are Earthlings.

A Fuller Range Of Change

Since environment, intelligence and problem-solving are inseparable, then environmental change also includes intelligence change and problem-solving change.
Thus, what has been easily noticeable as changes in the weather, also means Earth's intelligence is changing and so is the ability of Earth to solve problems Earth is facing in terms of its survival and thrival.

Changes in the physical being of Earth, the intelligence of Earth and the problem-solving ability of Earth, will favor the seeds of the species (races) scheduled to succeed current prevailing groups.
This is true within the Human Race and also true in the dynamics of Humans in relation to other Species. In brief, multiple indicators suggest Humans will have to move over and make room for multiple species. This “moving over” of humans, is not something that is optional for the humans to decide. It will happen. One of the races humans will have to share Earth dominion with is the Primate Race (the closest parent race of humans). Just as Aquaria the parent and Kepheus the child are sharing heavenly ruling space, so also it will be on Earth. Far from the notion of extinction and the notion of the Earth rulership going from the Albino African to the Yellow African, they both will have to move over and make room for the Parent, the African.

Short Explanation Of The Process Of Change Using The Human Metaphor

Change takes place little by little. This change is recorded in the seed, the offspring, the children, the descendants. There's comes a point in a series of generations where change after change finally accumulates into the next seed such that that seed now has all the pieces of change that recent generations did not.
When this takes place, human children are able to overcome and transcend epigenetic error and insufficiency that has limited their parents and earlier generations from reaching full momentum.
Another way to say this is that logic error in the child's epigenetics switches from problem to solution because the child is able to see, understand and assess information from a perspective closer to the vantage point. The accumulation of changes in a child proves an epigenetic momentum boost which enhances involuntary melanin function. The melanin boost effect is produced by the realignment of the Star Ages. All the information hogging of white folks is counteracted by epigenetics which are much more than human. Be certain there are essential pieces of information soon to be revealed that will help change the playing field.
What the Gods of the Ages join, no man can put asunder. This is the larger reason that brought forth and sustained European domination. However, the stars are no longer aligned in favor of the European. Nothing they can do will change that. Absolutely nothing. Not even their no holds barred war on Africans. Within this behavior is an overall clue. If the greatest threat to Albino African demise was the Yellow African, then the European would be waging all-out open war on the Chinese, Japanese, Koreans, Indonesians, Filipinos and others. They would not be wasting time with hopeless helpless pitiful Africans, if it were true that Africans had no chance of rising above any of them. Instead, Europeans would be doing what they always do. They'd be giving Africans anything they wanted as long as Africans helped Europeans defeat so-called Asians. Since we know China and Japan are just as crazy as the rest of them, then something else must be true.

This then is a supporting clue to what was mentioned earlier in this message regarding the changing dynamics between Parent and Child.

In order to bring all this into human existence, spirit-soul goes back into the epigenetics of humans and other organisms and restores the logic needed. This is the same as going back to the last known good configuration to handle the current set of conditions. This is not as limited as how man-made computers work. Man-made computers can only restore a configuration from one point in time. However, spirit-soul can pick and choose logic settings from all points in time and continuously create a new configuration, and without data loss, install that configuration through a series of changes that we call climate change, but in this message we are calling environment change. We use environment because it helps us better relate to the video linked in this message. We use environmental change because it matches the change in the environment of the waters of Nun that is the ultimate source of all change.
Therefore, yes, it is a change in environment or environmental change that portends and precedes, all other fundamental change. Environmental change is a plain as day sign to let us know change has long since been taking place and is now about ready to significantly alter many things in societies.

The stimulation and raising of melanin vibrations can, does and will happen at any point in the life cycle of a human who begins to function as an Initiate of Learning by continuously seeking knowledge of self, thus is continuously open-minded, thus continuously returning to the vantage point as a part of processing information. The stars are aligned in favor of these types of humans.

Crystal Indigo Persuasion Like Diamonds In The Sky Over Rainbows

Environment change is what is taking place when we hear terms like: Crystal Children, Indigo Children, Diamond Children, Rainbow Children. These children are present in every generation throughout human history. But let's just, for the moment, limit ourselves to the past 400 years. What kind of human is able to endure, survive and invent an enormous amount of things while enslaved? Was able to do so in an unhealthy environment? This innovativeness and resilience of genetic potential in the African took place prior to 1863 and has continued since that time up to this very moment in October 2019.
We, the Africans are a long ways from being defeated. In fact, all indicators suggest we are at the brink of flipping the script on all our enemies. Relatively speaking to the process currently underway, Africans will go to bed one day seemingly dysfunctional and wake up the next day, clearly functional. Thus as the African is coming together, meanwhile our enemies will be dealing with enormous internal problems from favored groups and cross-allegiance breakdowns.
Meanwhile, the recapturing of healthy logic is taking place right now and will continue tomorrow and every day after until enough understanding has been accumulated and remembered to bring forth among humans what has already been brought forth above. Search “indigo,” in the epigenetics of this spirit weblog (spirit web, weblog, blog: these three words have identical meaning in their fullest sense).

Lastly what Aquaria and Kepheus have explained to us, matches what Amos Wilson is saying and matches what this African Safari In The Spiritsphere is sharing. Multiple predictions are manifesting proving themselves true to word patterns and solving word problems inherent in the supreme scientific method – which is what life is more fundamentally about.