If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Collective Close Joint Destinypurpose
Unity Consciousness #1770


(Part 9wi of 11)

Due to human logic glitches, we glorify “flower and fruit, even though a significant portion of the work is done by the roots.”
In that statement, the seed is almost always forgotten, even though the seed comes before the roots because the seed is the beginning of everything. The seed is everything anything is.
However what good is a seed without the water, air, earth and sun energy it needs?

Yet the seed, by itself, cannot make full use of water, air, earth and sun. The seed needs roots, stalk, leaves, flowers, fruit.

We, as individuals and as a human collective, are part of the seed of the universe that has grown many parts. What part are we as individuals, in the human plant? What part are humans in the universal plant organism? Where do we fit into each level and each process? What is the seed we are all manifesting? What is the universal destinypurpose? What is the human destinypurpose?

If it is true, that there is a close joint destiny for honeybees and flowers, then what is the co-partner to each of our individual destinies? It is definitely the human collective, but what part of the human collective? What is the co-partner to each of the human collective's destinypurposes? Is it certain species on Earth or aspects of Earth or the entire Earth?

If none of this is true, then we need to quit saying stuff like, “there is one human family and origin, one God and one universe, we all share this Earth and all depend on Earth.”

Each collective has multiple purposes and so does each individual in each collective. These seeds of destiny are multiple aspects of self that manifest over the course of a life-cycle as we develop and mature.
If the pursuit of one or more of our destinies is unhealthy or suboptimal, then, of course, our overall self will suffer accordingly. When one part of the human collective functions as a dysfunction (racist collective) that attacks it's roots (the black collective), then of course the entire plant (human race) suffers, especially the sickest part (the powdery mildewed leaves) whose logic glitches found nothing worthwhile left to feed on within itself, then turned its attentions outside of self (and spread to other plants). [In keeping with human logic, this metaphor was switched from humans as one plant to humans as multiple plant groups.]
But as we also see, since right now the human collective is highly defective, our relationship in our close joint destiny with other species and with Earth is also infected affected, cause and effected by human logic glitches. This ain't nothing but the self destruct sequence of cancer that has been activated. Cancer being the result of energy vibrations that flip the switch from composing life and changes it to decomposition mode. This same thing happens to individuals whose use of genetic potential returns mostly vibrations equal to malnutrition and toxins. For some reason Kylie Jenner comes to mind as to how empty her life pursuits must be. How can what you Kylie are known for, be one of your optimal life destinypurposes? Expect the veneer to lead to a crash and burn that no amount of pretension can cover-up. She is a clear example of someone who can't stand being alone with herself.

What it takes for individuals and the human collective to be healthy as one and as many is the same process it takes for the rest of nature. Plants species, as a collective evolve and devolve over lengthy cycles. Some individuals in a species do so over shorter cycles than the larger collective. Many processes necessary for the finished product, take place separately, in locations apart from each other, then come together towards the end of the larger process. Many healing processes take place simultaneously with sickening processes. All of this is what is taking place in the human collective and also in the rest of nature. Multiple, seemingly disjointed, things are taking place that are and will come together to achieve the desired result required by Aquaria and Kepheus, the leaders of the pack-age of genetic instructions of the next two Ages.
Since humans are not a closed system and Earth is not a closed system, we must always account for the continuous interactions taking place in collectives that we tend to overlook. As levels of awareness are increasing this forgetfulness is diminishing. How this changeover is going to take place is of great interest so it can be recorded for future generations to understand when the shifting period begins to occur more noticeably 2,200 years from now and 3,700 years from now. I suspect this information regarding previous cycles and there implications is available in human hands somewhere, but it is still being hidden. It is not yet time for more evidence but it is almost time. I suspect as this evidence is brought forth, it too will provide enzymatic catalyst converter energy to help flip our processes and shift them into a gear that will be essentially a turbo boost, and turbulent.

The destinypurposes of that which is outside the human collective has a greater effect on determining human events and destinies. The perfect storm is being formulated. This is what has already been said is similar to twilight zone moments. These are the twilight years. This started much earlier than the past twenty years. Many moving parts are re-teaching and helping us remember as they move towards transforming the masses into a critical mass necessary to reach escape velocity and breach the event horizon between Ages of Logic. This will send masses to death in a hurried hellified handbasket and, in rapid reversal of fortune, lift masses up out of the muck of logic and conditions. Something is always cooking in the universe and breakfast is ready to served to some while lunch is about to be handed to others.

All of this is said to keep reminding us, yes we should pay attention to the individual aspect of things; however, we should also pay much more attention to the collective aspect of things.
Naturally, in order to do so, we must look at the collective impact on the individual and the individual impact on the collective.
This will help us understand the power of the individual and the greater power of the collective; however, not overestimate the power of the collective, nor underestimate the power of an individual whose time has come to manifest express destinypurpose.

The individual pursuit or non-pursuit of destinypurpose influences the collective pursuit.
The collective pursuit or non-pursuit of destinypurpose influences the individual pursuit.
The individual and the collective dictate each other.