If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Lord Jesus Help Black African Christian People
Unity Consciousness #1785


(Part 9wx of 11)

10.14 RMU:Fort Worth cop kills Atatiana Jefferson; Guyger judge speaks; Black clergy vs Word Network

Here's another fundamental (major) problem in the logic of a lot of black people.
In the Botham Jean related trial, his murderer, Amber Guyger, was given a slap on the wrist. Starting at minute 44 in the above video, Judge Tammy Kemp, who presided over the trial said:
”First and foremost, I am Christian, then I'm an African-American...”
I am certain no Black person was Christian in the womb or born Christian.
In the hospital delivery room, no physician or midwife says, “Congratulations, it's a Christian!”

I'm also certain all Black people are born Black African first because that what the seed in us is.

As I've said in previous messages about the Botham Jean murder, Amber Guyger played the okie doke rope-a-dope on the court, jurors, Brandt and the Judge. The Police and Media played most of the masses for the gullible fools we are. Our logic is limited to what somebody said or didn't say. Killer Amber, evidently on her own, or with help, plotted how to maximize sympathy. Listen closely to what the judge said Amber said. It is textbook to pretend to show remorse, cry, ask for a bible, talk about being a bad person, ask for a hug. Damn that Amber is an evil manipulator extraordinaire and purely pathological. The devil could learn from her cunning.

The black female judge's explanation of why Amber's hair is being stroked, is ridiculous. If the black female bailiff was, at that moment, still checking Amber's hair for paraphernalia, it wouldn't look like that. Instead it looked like the bailiff, was perhaps finished and trying make Amber presentable and to perhaps comfort her a little the way she was tenderly stroking her hair as to comb it. This was also likely to say, I'm sorry for messing up your hair officer, you are like me, we are both officers of the law, I'm sorry you have to go through this, I know you're not a criminal, here, let me fix your hair that I messed up.

What we must remember about Tammy Kemp is that she was born an African Black Female. She later in life became a Christian and is employed as a judge. In essence, she is no different than any other black person anywhere in the world, yet she is an example of how most Black Christians think.
Yes, the logic of Black Christians is first and foremost the logic of Christianity. The version of Christianity Black People are using is the European Worldview Version of Christianity. This form of Christianity serves the agenda of Europeans, thus current day Christianity serves the agenda of the racist collective. This is the main driver of Black Female Tammy Kemp's decisions.
Any person who puts Christianity before their Black Africaness is not on the side of Africans or Black People. Instead, that person is on the side of African-Americans, which must be a euphemism for Christian First, Pacified slaves second, European wannabe third, Job title fourth, African-American fifth, Black sixth, African next to last, Nigger last (only because it was retired as the N-word, another ridiculous appellation).

Lord Jesus please help African Black Christian people, or at least quarantine them.

I now repeat to highlight another point. The problem is not putting Christianity first. The problem is not also putting Black or African first.

If you love something that much that it becomes your primary identity, then why should an earlier part of yourself, that you supposedly love, become relegated to second place? Both identifiers should be equally first. Shouldn't they? This is possible in the logic of the African Utamawazo.
However, in the European Utamawazo, Christianity and Africaness cannot share first place because both Christianity and the European context conflict with being Black African because both are designed to attack Black Africans in every part of their being. Especially in their sense of self-preservation and self-determination.

Even though Tammy Kemp currently, along with her family of ancestors and descendants, experience racism on a regular basis, she is yet another black person who thinks Christianity is a better way to be, in her words “a decent person.”
She doesn't understand that the African Utamawazo is the way to be a good person. As Dr. Battalora said, a good person is a huge step up from being a decent person. What Tammy Kemp and many other Black Christians don't understand is that inherent in the African Utamawazo is the original form of Christianity.

All this is why I speak out against JC bible Christianity because it is a subtle serpent in the tree of life. Current day Christianity is useless in the fight against racism. Only us uniting as Black Africans will do. And on that note the enemy knows we are moving towards unity. This is why dem enemies continue to try to divide and conquer by using traitors and fake black people to throw out a proposed census category of ADOS (American Descendants of Slavery). Good grief. This is worse than people of color. Much can be said about this ADOS suggestion. I'm not sure if this category is official. The main thing is for none of us to fall for it. All Black People from anywhere in the world, should always choose “Black” when asked to group identify. We should do so no matter what other categories are listed.

Consolidate Deeper with us and we!
Conspire Higher to the Aquarian-Kephean destiny!

What are we willing to differently today to get what we don't have today?