If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Friday, October 4, 2019

Grimaldi Negro Became Cro-Magnon Albino
Unity Consciousness #1759


(Part 9vx of 11)

(From UC#374) “The first White appeared only around 20,000 years ago: the Cro-Magnon Man. He is probably the result of a mutation from the Grimaldi Negroid due to an existence of 20,000 years in the excessively cold climate of Europe at the end of the last Ice Age.” “With the abatement of the cold toward the end of the Ice Age (about 10,000 years ago), a group of these Cro-Magnons moved to the North.”

“It appears that the Nile Valley was necessarily populated solely by Blacks from the origin of humanity up to the appearance of the other races (20,000 to 15,000 years ago). Prior to some infiltrations at the end of the fourth millennium [just prior to 3,000 BCE], Whites were absent from Egypt, and it practically remained that way until 1300 BCE.”

Based on items A and B above (in UC#374), and the footnotes to UC#374, the first white people (Cro-Magnon) appeared out of black people (Grimaldi) and then mixed and created the Yellow races and Arab races.

“The Slavs were part of the first group of Cro-Magnons who detached themselves from the northern group of Cro-Magnons. Russians, Polish and Balkan people are Slavs. [The Slavs later became the first people called Slaves. The whole notion of the Slave is based on White People.]

Caucasians are a branch of Cro-Magnons who separated from the main group of Cro-Magnons in the north and moved down to Caucasia and the Caucasus Mountains near the Black Sea.” It is more accurate to refer to all white people as Cro-Magnon rather than Caucasian because Caucasians are a branch of Cro-Magnon. Before Greeks came into existence, African civilization was ancient and fading. To paraphrase Ancestor Diop, “by the 3rd dynasty in Kemet in 2800 BCE, all the things we admire the Kemites for were already in place. The Greeks did not exist in history.” The Greeks are the claim to fame of Western white societies. The group of Cro-Magnons called Greeks did not even begin to exist until around 2200 BCE...

(From UC#381) 35,000 to 40,000 years ago, the Grimaldi's from the southern tip of Africa (Monomotapa), left their writings and their pictures in caves all along the entire western coast of Africa and all along the way of their continued travels to Spain and Austria.” A reasonable person can appreciate the fact that this writing and artwork ability must have been developed in the civilization before they left Monomotapa. One can also appreciate the length of time it must have taken them to travel from the tip of Africa to Austria.

70,000 years ago, the world's oldest example of abstract art was found in Blombos Cave in South Africa. The engravings were complex. "There is no doubt that the people in southern Africa were behaviorally modern 70,000 years ago. [“Modern” humans existed at least 70,000 years ago in Africa when there were only Black people in the world.]

To be continued in this same space in time