If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Police Lynching Of Police Officer Nakia Jones
Unity Consciousness #1764


(Part 9wc of 11)

We already know police are brutal even to black police officers.
What most of us don't know is how a recent example, relatively speaking, has escaped ongoing widespread public radar. At some point we gotta stop forgetting and simply moving on to the next public crime, then forgetting...
Alton Sterling was murdered in Louisiana. Nakia Jones, a black policewoman in Warrensville Heights, Ohio, spoke out against it. She was fired for bogus reasons. Her life was and is threatened. Her entire life, pension and ability to work as a police officer has been attacked and is in limbo.

Black Cop Fired After Denouncing Police Killings Of Blacks Sues City Over Racial/Sex Discrimination

Black People, please once and for all, please get it through your thick skulls, that no matter what, you will always be treated unfairly no matter who you think you are, what you're worth, where you live, what organizations you belong to, where you work, who your friend are, and on and on. Nothing matters to the racist collective and their wannabe butt-kissing groupies, other than the fact that you are black and that people with your color skin existed long before any of them and people with your color skin created 99% of what they all now use and depend on and can't live without.

This behavior going on in America and worldwide has increased, not in number or intensity, but rather has increased in the manner of in-your-face, we no longer need to disguise our hate or plan to either kill all of you or put you back into pre-1863 slavery.

We should support Nakia and her lawsuit against Warrenville and it's appeal to higher courts; however Nakia still has false notions about the police and unity in America and unity of black people with other people who think they are not black. Furthermore it is not possible for black people to be united with other people if black people are not united with themselves. It will always be an unequal unity if black people try to unite with or work with other groups, unless black people are in charge and if the number one agenda is to help black people, nobody else, not even people of color and not even women.

Nakia, bless her good heart, somehow thinks the police and black people want the same things. This is clearly not true. It is true on our wish list but not true according to history that repeats itself daily. Once again, I hear the logic of the JC Bible in what she is saying. Also the misunderstood logic of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. from his “I Have A Dream Speech.” Black people don't wanna judge people by the color of their skin even though we are being attacked thousands of ways daily worldwide by ALL other groups who do not consider themselves black. This includes other groups of color. There are only a few exceptions.

None of this diminishes Nakia's sense of right and wrong that she expressed as one of the few people on the planet who will put it all on the line.
If there are more good cops than Nakia, all they had to do was to stand up and speak out and publicly agree and support Nakia. Then if they had been fired or harassed or murdered, then the racist collective would have no way out. This can still be done by the supposedly large number of good cops.
I've talked about the police enough on this blog to provide deeper understandings. The police are the internal military designed to protect the racist collective, and especially protect their leaders, government and business. The mission of the police is not what black people want. Serve and protect does not include black people. It will do no good to talk to the racist collective about anything concerning justice. The racist collective only understands a few things a few ways, and that's how we should communicate with them.