If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Monday, October 14, 2019

Outdo White Folks & Be Done With 'Em
Unity Consciousness #1783


(Part 9wv of 11)

My whole family has been murdered numerous times, now another one of my daughters has been hunted and murdered by a spiritual deviant, a worthless human. ”Atatiana Koquice Jefferson murdered”

For black folks looking for the best solution, over a period of one to seven days, briefly go back and get some quick understandings so you can get rid of logic that is interfering with you waking up to reality.

Search this blog for (1) white people, (2) white folks, (3) racist, (4) racists. Read every message and understand the nature of white people. That's all you need to understand. Get over all this nonsense about love, fairness, justice, peace, harmony, healing, forgiveness, and so on. Forget about it with white folks, brown folks and people of color. Forget it quick. Be black and African, that's it. Think and act Black African. Stay away from anyone who doesn't understand that. Stop protesting and having conversations. Learn to speak the language of other folks.

The explosion is set to go off soon.
In keeping with Sodom, Gomorrah and Babylon, here's what's going to happen. A global population correction. This will affect everyone because neither the oppressors or the oppressed are changing their logic fast enough in order to restore the rights of creation

If we're going to continue copying white folks, then we oughta “be like white” in every single way. Show white folks just how great black folks are. In all aspects of white behavior, outdo them.

Mathematically speaking, all white people are damaged beyond repair. Only a few crumbs of them are redeemable. Likewise this applies to all other groups, including a whole bunch of black folks by any name. I don't care about your sorry black ass if you don't care about mine. Not mine as an individual, but my ass as a collective.

Once you're wide awake, but honestly are unsure where the next step should begin, then search (1) black people, (2) black folks.

As the opening link points out, black people. stop calling the damn police! We've been told this for decades but we still do it. We ain't learned. When you call the police, you are calling white people. You are calling white male logic. You are calling racists to come help you whom they love to hate. I don't want to be around any black person who thinks it's a good idea to call racists for help with legal authority to use guns and legal authority to lie. Don't even call them for a damn car accident. Go to the police station. Take an attorney. And if someone does call the cops for any reason, and you can't leave the area, then get on the phone and call 911 and tell them you are afraid for your life because the cops are on the way. Tell the 911 dispatcher to notify the cops at your location that there is no need to feel threatened or to pull out their guns. There is no danger. Repeat this to the dispatcher nonstop. Tell the dispatcher you hear or see the cops. Ask have they been notified. Tell the dispatcher the behavior of the cops. Tell the dispatcher to call supervisors and commanders and the chief because it looks like the cops are overreacting and have their weapons drawn or ready to be drawn. Tell the dispatcher there are too many cops responding which is escalating the situation. Even before all this, tell the dispatcher you don't want any white cops or asian or hispanic. Also have as many people as possible record everything, including on facebook live. We should not trust any cop, even if female, black, hispanic, asian or whatever. A cop is a cop and they all represent the racist collective and are too punkish to stand up and tell the truth and are too in love with a job, position and power. It's not even worth rolling the dice hoping a sane black cop will show up and be able to keep the situation under control. Ask the black cops and security guards who've been shot by other cops. Wake up black folks. Think back and act back. Get back self-respect for yourself and then it'll be crystal clear how to get it from everyone else.

When dealing with the copouts, what has been stated above might not help save your life or the life of someone else in that moment but it might make it a little harder for copouts to lie. It also might help to save future lives. We must understand that all other groups of people have increased their harmful behavior towards black africans, including sellouts and traitors. Other people have changed their behavior. Meanwhile black africans keep doing the same things, including protesting. At least try a year-long boycott of something. A change in logic by one group against us should result in multiple changes in our own logic to respond to and counteract what is taking place. So far, black people's logic has not changed one iota in the right direction. Go ahead and vote but don't think that that is going to bring about the immediate change we need. See “voting” and “vote” for more strategies.

Don't Call The Police