If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Ultimate Measure Of Success | Context & Definitions
Unity Consciousness #1794


(Part 9xg of 11)

Brief Summary Of Earlier Messages

The Supreme Being, God, Universe or Spirit can also be described as Genetic Material or Genetic Potential, Organism, Species, Race and so on. However, we tend to use each of these words as if they only apply to certain aspects of creation. It's all the same thing. We must keep this in mind as we try to understand ourselves and anything else.

This message mostly uses the words Genetic Potential to help us humans understand I am also talking about humans as a group and humans as individuals. Hopefully then, humans will be able to see that the same fundamental natural laws apply to all genetic potential in any form, whether we call that form God or Spirit or Animal or Human or whatever our name is.

Quick Test: Are you all of the things above? Why? Why not?
If you think you are not all of the above, it would be more beneficial to go back and search earlier messages containing those words.
To proceed before doing so, and expect to get a lot of nutrition, is the same as trying to eat before opening the mind to the fullness of possibilities of who you are. No, I'm not God, but I want to do amazing things. Those two pieces of logic form an inconsistent link in your genetics.

Genetic Potential Starts Out As One, Then Becomes Many

The title to this section is a good summary of the previous section.
Genetic Potential becomes many what? Many in number? Yes? Many in form? Yes? Many in size? Yes. Many supremes, gods, beings, universes, spirits, souls, materials, potentials, species, organisms, races. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.

In the beginning, genetic potential was one in number, form and harmony. Therefore, genetic potential was the one and only thing and also everything. As genetic potential began to change in number and form, genetic potential was still the one and only thing and was still everything. This has always been true and is true right now. This is why Everything is Everything.

Suboptimal Measure Of Success

Human understandings is the weakest link in the life cycle of genetic potential. Genetic potential in human form has allowed word games and name changes, to cause humans to think and act estranged. Humans have become poor at making logical use of metaphor. Humans have become rich at making illogical use of metaphor without fully understanding metaphor. It is not difficult to see how humans using disconnected logic, can in no ways manifest express bring forth the optimal level of success achievable by genetic potential. Despite what existed prior to 2,000 years ago, are we to think the past 500 years is the best God can do? Clearheadedness recognizes, that whatever current societies of humans have accomplished is not the ultimate measure of success, instead it is merely the low end of success.

Optimal Measure Of Success

Regardless of the set of conditions (the mix of genetic potential) it faces, genetic potential's ability to adjust adapt transform itself to maintain continued existence, is passed on to other genetic potential. Genetic potential continuously seeks ways to know better so it can do better. Not as a moral imperative but as the optimal way to ensure continued existence in a universe where all genetic potential is always changing.

God's Ability To Maintain Eternal Life Is The Ultimate Measure Of Success

This is true even though God as One died and was born again as Two, and then this process has continued nonstop. Therefore, Genetic Potential called God, is not Great because of Eternal Life, but rather is also great because of Eternal Death and genetic potential's ability to continuously make adjustments between life and death. This is the process of self-renewal and is a cycle that characterizes ultimate success.
Ultimate success is not giant leaps from life into death into life. But rather a chain of many processes, each containing many steps. Therefore, each step of the way, each form of genetic potential must contribute to the ultimate success of God.

This we've discussed many times that the Success of One requires the Success of Many. It is difficult to understand this without a communal context; however, it is easy to understand when we look at one or more communal groups of genetic potential functioning as plants, as oceans, as solar system, and so on. The genetic potential of one God cannot achieve ultimate success on its own, without the assistance, thus success of many gods. And neither can a specie achieve ultimate success on its own and neither can any member of that specie without the assistance of the specie and other species. Inherent in this is the individual knowing and doing better that enhances the knowing better and doing better of the collective. Likewise then, it is the collective knowing and doing better step by step, that enhances the knowing and doing better of the individual. All this logic then, gets passed on in multiple directions. This then covers all bases so that no individual or no collective is without a connection, that if followed will lead them to greater understandings of self as genetic potential and as all else. God is measured by us. We are measured by God. This must be so, otherwise logic is one-sided, yet there are two parts.

Success has a wide range of forms and degrees ranging from optimal to suboptimal. Therefore, every species (specific creation, specification of genetic potential) that makes the appropriate adjustments will go through cycles of moving from suboptimal functioning and measures of success to optimal functioning and measures of success.
Thus, even while a specie is in the suboptimal stage, by making optimal adjustments each step of the way, the specie moves towards optimal functioning.

This means there is an overall measure of success and ultimate measure of success for both the individual and the collective. Additionally there is also a different level of success for each stage in the process. It makes no sense to judge each step by the end process, instead of by their contribution to the end product. Thus, in simple terms, for some generations of a specie, survival is the level of success for that generation; however thriving becomes the level of success whereby the next generation must measure up to.

First Example:
1. Genetic potential in the form of our African great grandparents, grandparents and parents did not do what is necessary to overcome their problems, thus they are deemed too dysfunctional, thus failed. This confusion conclusion is the result of the suboptimal context.

2. Our great grandparents, grandparents and parents were part of the necessary process to accumulate enough change based on the conditions of their generation, that then could be passed on to the next and so on until children are born who possess all necessary logic to help them contribute to solving the problems. Previous generations had to go through various levels of survival, but now, once logic has accumulated in the child and been further stimulated by melanin vibrations from within, then it is the child (us) who must move from the logic of survival to the logic of thrival. Because the previous and current generation has already tried the reform approach, the process right now must be immediately adjusted to a revolutionary process which begins with mass organization. This more optimal conclusion is the result of the supreme scientific method.

Second Example:
Genetic Potential in the form of the African was subjected to an Ice Age for tens of thousands of years. Genetic Potential did what it had to do to survive. Survival is the minimum level and measure of success. Genetic potential had to ensure at least one reproducing female or producing pair survived the Ice Age so those processes, experiences and logic could be passed on and integrated into the larger set of Genetic Potential of humans. Eventually, this is what happened. Albino Africans came out warped as Hell in their relationship with the natural world. They were afraid of everything, and sought to dominate everything to soothe their psychosis. Contrast this with the Africans who sought to understand those things they were afraid of, rather than simply resort to domination.
Albino Africans were headed in the right direction of logic when they returned to Africa to be reborn in spirit, mind, emotion and body. They reproduced with non-Albino Africans. Thus, in doing so, the Albinos moved from survival towards thrival. Somewhere along the way this changed. We can be certain the bad examples of other human groups contributed to the logic currently known as Maafa Racism. Albino Africans have had plenty of opportunity to adjust to a more optimal measure of success; however, the opposite has thus far taken place. This then indicates there are some combinations of genetic potential that is so internally conflicted, it can't be fixed voluntarily or involuntarily. This then becomes necrosis, apoptosis, programmed cell death, planned obsolescence, self-extinction because a plan is maintained that does not make the appropriate changes to maintain life in relation to all other genetic potential.

Understand clearly that genetic potential in the form of the Albino African and its wannabes, thinks it can maintain existence by defeating the African, defeating climate change and defeating humans from other planets, and so on. Too many things have changed and are changing causing a large gap between logic resident in the Albino group and logic of much larger collectives.

Third Example:
Success has at least two overall forms: optimal and suboptimal. In order to reach ultimate success, genetic potential must go through both forms. Then repeat and continue to do so until genetic potential either reaches perfection or cannot go any further.

Creation could not achieve ultimate success based on God the Creator alone. Instead, God The Destroyer has to also manifest. Likewise the greatness of the African cannot be the ultimate measure without having to overcome the weakness in the African. This applies to any and all forms of genetic potential.

As the story goes, Genetic Potential in heaven was doing just fine until a portion of that logic became what is described as Satan and his demons. That genetic potential had to be separated, plus Heaven had to be separated as far as rulership – Heaven and Hell. Both of these heavens have temporary rulership over Earth. This is a reminder clue of why genetic potential of humans has currently been able to do much evil. This is the Devil's Season that is coming to an end as leaves are falling and winter is setting in. The Ice Age logic of cold-blooded killers is once again out in the open full swing. Albino female and males are the same people. Do not make this mistake by falling for the gender fake when voting.

After a period of separation, Genetic Potential from Heaven met back up with Genetic Potential from Hell. The story calls it Jesus and the Devil. Genetic Potential as Jesus had to be tested by Genetic Potential as Devil to see if Jesus could be tempted on Earth with the same logic as previously tempted others in Heaven.
This is what's going on all day every day with human logic. Human logic is being tested by the suboptimal choice and the optimal choice and the same choice under different conditions. For instance do you steal when you're poor or when you're rich or both? Do you lie when you make a mistake or do you lie because of love or both. And so on multiple scenarios are continuously being introduced that each specie must face to face. Because God is the Supreme Scientist, the results are being duly noted and recorded in our genetics to mark us to remain or be removed. As we use our genetic potential, it's our choice each time, each day, all day in different forms as to what logic we will follow as conditions change, climate changes and natural laws change. Will we make the appropriate adjustment towards the optimal harmonic way of thinking?

Closing In On Success

Genetic potential makes choices based on how well it understands self. Thus we can immediately tell who knows themselves due to how they use their genetic potential. As knowledge of self improves, genetic potential places a greater value on optimal logic, harmonic logic. As long as a human is seeking truth about self, historic epigenetic memory begins to open up to the person to help provide information not otherwise obtainable.

"Man in the full knowledge of himself is a superb and supreme creature of creation. When man becomes possessor of the knowledge of himself, he becomes master of his environment, the captain of his own ship, the director of his own destiny, the accomplisher of his own ends. Man should understand himself because man is full of knowledge and this knowledge is a gift of nature. When Mother Nature created man, she deprived him of nothing. He was given the faculty of understanding all things around him. This faculty for understanding has not been taken away from him. None of his senses have been taken away from him." (Marcus Garvey Interview)