If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Monday, October 7, 2019

Belief, Gullibility, Naivete
Unity Consciousness #1766


(Part 9we of 11)

All groups of people are prone to being gullible.
Gullibility is made worse by belief. Belief, used improperly, is just like arrested development. Our overuse of belief as the end of a thought process is like starting your vehicle, putting your foot on the brake, shifting into drive, then shifting into park, then shutting off the engine, and thinking you went somewhere.
This then enhances ignorance because the longer one stays in a state of belief, the learning process is halted.
Then then leaves us in a state of naivete, which is pretty much the same as illusion.
When an overly illusioned mind processes information taking place in reality, there always tends to be more confusion than clarity.
Through misuse and outright abuse of belief, the person thinks and acts in ways counter to reality.
As a result, I reflect on two examples several decades apart.
1. My high school football coach and his staff were likely suffering from a great deal of belief, gullibility and naivete when dealing with the referees and other teams in West Virginia. I didn't realize it then, but am now certain we were cheated a lot by the referees. Secondly there was not enough flexibility and adaptability in the systems we used based on the personnel we had and the training we needed to optimize our potential. This too must have been largely do to a lack of growth, despite plenty of experience acquired from failed attempts to move our school beyond being State runner-up several times. We never reached the height, despite always having the better team, but not having the better scheme and not having an awareness of how the racist collective will cheat at anything and everything, including a workplace chili judging contest where the reward is the sicko grin on the face of self-appointed white judges.

2. Due to the lack of hearing certain key facts over and over, that clearly show Amber Guyger's premeditated murder of Botham Jean, the prosecution allowed the defense narrative to dominate most media accounts and dominate the courtroom, thus dominate judge, brother, jury, bailiff and an enormous percentage of the general public. The prosecution failed to account for and adjust for the degree the racist collective will go to win using any means necessary. The defense failed to take into account the psychology of prosecution and overestimated the jury's ability to be critical listeners, thinkers and analyzers. The jury resorted to and relied too heavily on old habits of believability, gullibility and naivete.

3. All the defense had to do was repeat lies, no matter how foolish, but first make sure most jurors showed tendencies to be easily swayed. One way to know this is see if they have a JC Bible belief system. Then choose mainly black females.