If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Harmony, Disharmony & Explosions
Unity Consciousness #1762


(Part 9wa of 11)

Harmony and disharmony are often mentioned, but only sometimes extensively discussed. Sometimes harmony and disharmony are called harmonic and non-harmonic or disharmonic. Or optimal and suboptimal. Or functional and dysfunctional. Or healthy and unhealthy. Or civilization and society. Or dark and light. Or light and dark. Or rights of creation and privileges manufactured by humans. Or Creator and Destroyer. Or Good Guys and Bad Guys. Or Humanity and Inhumanity. Or Khaos and Chaos.. Education and Miseducation. Or Enlightenment and Dis-enlightenment. And so on, various additional descriptions are used.

As discussed elsewhere, we are reminded that even if everything was in harmony on Earth, that state of existence is not sustainable. History overflows with evidence.
Why not?
Because if harmony always existed, that would be a state of stagnation. Permanent stagnation leads to permanent death (non-existence). Full motion would cease and never again be achieved. Thus, even if stagnation is actually partial motion, that motion would continue to lessen and come to a complete permanent halt.
By The Way: Among humans, a current illusion exists that our enormous amount of motions will keep us alive, and even save or destroy the planet. Our motions, as a collective will not keep humans alive or save the planet or destroy the planet. Underlying our physical motions are our spiritual motions. So although our physical motions are many, our spiritual motions are stagnant. Thus stank nasty ranked below skunks, skinks and skanks, is an accurate description of human motions.
Now we go back to the perspective of the entire universe. Although non-existence is possible for forms of creation in Existence, non-existence is not possible for forms of creation in Preexistence. In Preexistence non-existence is only possible for the Whole, the Total, The One. In this Preexisting State of Supreme Beingness, nonexistence is either All or Not At All.
Preexistence is the half-cycle when harmony exists. Existence is the half-cycle when disharmony exists for a period of time beyond human ability to calculate. Creation has been going through a universal half-cycle that includes various periods of harmony and disharmony in different aspects of creation. Eventually all Creation in Existence must again reach harmony at the same time so it can be re-merged with Preexistence so once again, all things can be in harmony in the waters of Nun.

The necessity of disharmony is why, in the Early Formation Of Creation, we are told the Destroyer Principle had to be introduced. Creation (Existence) was designed with planned flaws and disrupters so genetic material (word of god logic) could eventually contain self-initiating degrees of disharmony in various forms for varying lengths of time.

This is why, even earlier in the JC bible, in heaven on earth called the Garden of Eden, this same angel of lightness was the respected serpent who became the disrespected.

This is also why the JC Bible includes early disharmony in heaven from Lucifer, an angel of lightness who became an angel of darkness.
This then tells us disharmony increases when the Solar System is in the lower part of the Galactic circle. Currently this is taking place during the Equinoctial Ages of Leo, Khepera, Gemini, Taurus, Aries, Pisces and the half the Polar Age of Herakles and all of the Polar Ages of Great Mother Hippo, Draconis Dragon and Wepwawet Jackal.
This then is another way of knowing there has been no Golden Age in the past 13,000 years. What humans have accomplished since approximately 332 BCE, when the White European (White Asian) began to exert greater amounts of world rule, represents the last stage of the Age of Dis-enlightenment. Thus the continued presence of disenchantment among the masses. Favored groups have a slightly lesser sense of disenchantment because they are preoccupied with disenfranchising the masses and they are suffering from the delusions of grandeur in the manner of vampires who mistakenly feel more alive than those they feed on. Notice how vampires view their lives as being immortal, yet it can only be so by feeding on mortals, thus in reality vampires are even more mortal than mortals, more pathetic than mortals. Why. Because vampires are limited to only half the day.
This then tells us that reign of vampires and their societies are limited to half the Great Year Circle Cycle. As the Sun rises in Aquaria-Aquarius (collectively Ptah) and the Sun rises in Kepheus (collectively Atum-Iu, Nefer-Atum), then vampires in their societies will have to retreat to their tombs.
Most people automatically accept the fact that God created harmony, peace, love, clarity, and so on, all the “good” things in life.
We have just been reminded that God, the Self-Created, also created disharmony.
God's word contains the instructions for disharmony to self-initiate itself into existence in Existence. This is a disharmony principle that has also been called the Destroyer Principle. Based on what we now remember about the Destroyer Principle and the two truths and the twin power relationship, then we also know if God's word contains the instructions for disharmony to to self-initiate, then God's word also contains the instructions for disharmony to self-terminate (self-destruct) or self-correct. Which way it goes is likely determined by a combination of logic that includes fixed pieces and variable pieces. Thus, the short version of the point being made is that under no circumstances would God leave the entire fate of Earth to the free will choices of humans. This is proven by the known fact that God does even leave the fate of individual humans to that individual alone.

Please stop thinking humans are more powerful than the superhuman or more powerful than other creations. We are not. We have been given a season and the climate of that season is finally entering the critical mass period of momentum increase and rapid change.

Always in the changeover from harmony to disharmony and from disharmony to harmony there is always upheaval to unseat outgoing times up powers to be and fulfill incoming times now powers to be. This is a deeply spirit-first activated superhuman set of processes that uses any means necessary to bring about needed change. Nothing about how natural law functions is off limits to be changed and used to bring about climate change in all necessary domains. Likewise then, since nothing in the superhuman realm is off limits, then we should know nothing in the human realm is off limits. What is seemingly not possible is possible. What is seeming unassailable is assailable. What is seemingly unchangeable is changeable. What is seemingly unbeatable is beatable. All it takes is one change and the chain we cling to will fail us. History overflows with evidence.

Historical pattern indicates the next group that rises and defeats two countries in short-order succession, will likely be the next world ruler. Either this human action will bring down the top ten societies wreaking the most havoc and/or there will be non-human actions that will bring these societies down. All societies are currently on the brink of systemic collapse, not just ideologically, but also in the furnishing of basic needs. Since this collapse, as always is falling on the backs of the masses, the masses are pushing the pressure back onto the laps of those they've allowed to lead them into this deep glitch-filled death trap. Slowly this has been happening and is reaching the critical mass needed to move from slowly to suddenly. In the combined words of master teachers, “there's got to be many explosions.”