If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Extinction Specifically Of Africans, Albinos & Others
Unity Consciousness #1798


(Part 9xk of 11)

As shown in the previous message UC#1797 extinction annihilation is a continuous event.
Environmental climate change is a supersonic freight train that comes around every so often. When it does, Earth welcomes it, needs it, is participating in it, doesn't want to stop it, slow it down or change its course. Environmental climate change is the universal immune system preparing to fight infections on all levels physically, mentally, emotionally, physically. So how in the hell do humans think....?

Even if through some make-believe scenario humans came together to stop climate change, humans would still be on an extinction trajectory because the virus people with virus logic would still exist.

Points Of Extinction

1. In one sense, Africans are vulnerably perilously perched in the path of historical large-scale death and enslavement that takes place as societies deteriorate, then collapse, seemingly all of a sudden.
However, it is also a certainty there will never be a time on this planet when there are no Africans. I'm not talking about Africans genetically as all humans, I'm talking about Africans in the current African Diaspora sense who are coming back to their natural sense of self.

2. A cell cannot live without elementals, mitochondria and nucleus and neither can the world of humans exist for long without the healthy functioning of the African. The most recent 13,000 year decline of humans coincides with the decline, mass extinction and death of the African, the rebirth and the prepubescent period we are in right now. The African has already become extinct and been recreated. The African has avoided the second death by going through Global Hell and the global valley of shadow of death and the process of purging. As multiple indicators show Africa's rising, barbaric people of color (white, brown and yellow folks) try to psych us out with self-doubt by using straight up murder, most of it disguised behind lies, except in America. The last test for the African is mass organization under one identity as African. This is why Africans are the only ones that folks yellow, brown and white spend so much time trying to hold down, even though we are supposedly hopelessly devoted to being married to an albino asian abuser. You don't establish and maintain a global system to defeat weakling African primitive good-for-nothings that ain't never done nothing worthwhile. You don't keep throwing out all these names for Africans to use to try to keep Africans divided.** Just as our teachers have said, Africa was in the midst of an evolutionary process that was interrupted by the viral infection of Europeans and other Asians. These humans are albino and yellow monkey wrenches in the process of god in human form.

**Note: This same tactic of the name game is used by folks white by using multiple names to describe racists to make you think they are different. The most deceptive being “American.”

3. Understand clearly that prior to 13,000 years ago, Africans had already gone through multiple 13,000 year periods of death extinction and rebirth recreation. Each of those times, Africans rose to higher heights. However during each of those times, there were only Africans that Africans had to deal with. But the Supreme Scientist had a hypothesis and a plan. The Supreme Scientist moved some of those Africans into an ice incubator so they could be cold-blooded brewed and reborn as an added complication for the African who would now have to deal with self coming from a cold climate and harsh culture and way of thinking and retarded maturation that was now the antithesis to the African way of thinking and level of maturation, thus the antithesis to the African. Thus we have the Albino African and the African and then multiple versions and mixtures. This is the same scenario and continuous battle as God and the Devil described in UC#1794. Slow down for a minute and go back and read the third example. Even the devil thought jesus was defeated; however that African rose from the grave. Stay tuned.

4. The existence of the human species will not end with Africans becoming the first to become extinct. Natural laws tells us the cycle ends where it begins. If humans are to become extinct, Africans in their most thoroughly melanated form will be the last ones standing.

Africans are the only ones who could endure, survive and begin to thrive in the midst of Maafa Racism. Africans are the only ones who can overcome Maafa Racism. If you put any other group in the same situation, they would have long since become extinct.

5. In the extreme worst case scenario, if there are any humans at all on this planet, there will always be at least one African female, pure and true. That female, though existing in a world as the last remaining African, will, by herself, give rebirth and repopulate the planet with Africans. Those Africans will rise to the highest level achieved before the most recent fall from grace. Those Africans will rise to an even higher level than any Africans before them. Those Africans will overcome any and all challenges and problems set before them. The process will take several thousands of years. This is knowable based on the repetitive nature of the universe.

6. The human race is still understandable as a tree. If the African seed, root and trunk become extinct, how long do you think all those branches of humans will survive? A few years? Internal wars would be rampant and nonstop because the same logic would then try to force more of the willing slaves in the favored groups, to become unwilling slaves. This would be necessary in order to replace nonexistent Africans. This would be necessary to maintain the same types of societies, cultures, systems, ways of thinking based on conquering and dominating.
From the beginning of the de-evolution of Africans into albinos, white people, and whiteness, white people have never treated each other civilly, not even their own children. No collective proof yet. If it were so, it would manifest collectively healthy rather than collectively sick worldwide. There is no white civilization on the planet, nor yellow civilization, nor brown civilization. Economics is not proof of genetic viability or worthwhileness as a human.

How do all these intelligent unified working together family oriented country loving brilliant Chinese allow the condition of the masses to be so pathetic.*** Same as in America, Mexico, France, India, Philippines, Indonesia, Britain, Germany, Israel and in all societies running around living consumptive lives. Those who produce, mainly produce junk and toxins. Thus they have the false assurance of monetary insurance that they can afford to buy whatever they need to survive the trouble they cause. The gap between haves and have nots is huge. Most of the favored group consists of have nots which is what makes them willing soldiers for racism. These have nots are the race soldier cops, official or not, who patrol the front lines of suboptimal and mistaken identity, thus low low self-esteem for bread and water.

***”The levels of ecological degradation in China as a result of a form of industrialization without regard for the population has led to China having one of the worst air qualities in the world. In all major industrial areas of China, the quality of the lives of the peoples have been impaired by pollution... China is home to 16 of the world’s 20 cities with the worst air pollution.

These are supposedly the intelligent people without significant dysfunction and who have so much respect for each other. Not true, they unify for money and power.

7. So while it may sound good and reasonable that Africans are near extinction, the thought process is incomplete unless we at least consider the possibility it is not true or consider a few other what if scenarios or consider the opposite context. This is what this message and earlier ones are doing. White folks are screaming climate change and got their children doing the same because their lives are in the greatest danger because their genetics are the weakest and a virus doesn't like it when the temperature rises.

8. Another incomplete thought process is one that states: hundreds of species are becoming extinct daily due to climate change, therefore this serves as proof positive that humans are in danger of becoming extinct due to climate change.
a) Who's providing this information? Is it those genius trustworthy racist scientists using the suboptimal context European utamawazo type-thinking who have no other agenda expect to tell the truth?
b) Who's sitting around counting all species and then saying, oops, another 100 are missing?
Are they looking all over the planet each day counting all species?
c) Let's assume the first part of the logic statement is true. Yes hundreds of species are becoming extinct every day.
d) What we're not told is how many new species are coming into existence. In other words, rather than species disappearing, they could be transforming.
e) What we're not told is that in large scale natural events, many species do perish, but either they come back or others take their place and life goes on with full diversity.
f) What we're not told is what types of species, where and what the percentage is in relation to all species.
g) What we're not told in human terms is if there is a place on Earth humans will survive a large scale natural event, it will be in Africa.

Africans all over the world are in jeopardy if we follow extinction logic (societal logic); however if we regain our natural sense, thus preparing accordingly, we will increase our chances of survival, and have the highest chance in Africa.

9. If we take another look at the tree as a metaphor for humans, the trunk can separate itself from all of its branches, shed them and allow them to whither and fall off, and that same trunk, root and seed can grow new branches. The branches need the African trunk, root and seed, far more than the African trunk, root and seed needs the branches. Africans be deceived no more that Africans will be no more. Africans have survived all over the world in all climates for millions of years, even when Africans were supposedly less intelligent. Yes many African might die all at once, especially if unprepared; however, many Africans will survive. Not all of us are hopelessly devoted to mold and mildew.

10. Imagine for a moment what you think the world will look like if the world came to an end. Close your eyes. Picture it. I am certain your vision of what the world would look like was not a bright sunny day with birds, bees and butterflies. No, instead it was filled with darkness. Why? Because instinctively we know the world began with darkness and must end with darkness, if the cycle is to be complete.

11. If it is true that the under-use of power leads to extinction, then it is also true that the overuse abuse of power also leads to extinction. So are we to think the African's under-use of power is so great that the African would become extinct before the Albino and Yellow Africans whose abuse of power, is not so bad as to make them vulnerable to extinction?

12. If Africans can survive an Ice Age for tens of thousands of years, and still have the possibility of being repaired by uniting with the original African, then what makes you think...
a) ...the African's logic cannot be restored and healed from the sickness of Maafa Racism?
b) ...the Albino African can bring about the extinction of the African, and do so in less than 500 years. In one sense, the African made a mockery out of terroristic trauma by inventing more than white folks did. And we still do.
c) ...the African cannot survive Maafa Racism and unite with self, unite with the ecosystem and unite with each other and overcome attacks from all enemies. Please!
d) ...environment change toward higher temperatures and more water, air, volcanic emissions and meteorites is not also the conditions that enhances the sekari abilities of the African? See UC#1795.

13. The African, starting from scratch, came to bring forth all foundational knowledge currently in use today. The African used the process of the supreme scientific method which is the same as the process of unity consciousness. This is the same process taking place right now in the African worldwide. .
Africans Unite! Unify consciousness under a single name – African.
This then will allow us to be in tune, in step and aligned with Ancestors Aquaria-Aquarius, The Great African Mother & Father and Kepheus, The Ethiopian King & Queen. These two sets of twins (quadruplets) are both rising and so is the African at the four corners.
In other words, the season of the stars are aligned just right for the uniting of Africans on Earth. What God has destined to be joined, no man can stop from uniting. Be faithful and start calling yourself African. Put no other word before it or after it. Send these vibrations out into the universe who is willing and waiting to conspire and raise our melanin vibrations higher.

Remember the Ancestors told us: our greatest strength is African spirituality which is grounded in every day reality. See UC#216.

Africans it's either now or never. Unite. Fight a singular-minded, singular-spirited fight.

14. So instead of the current set of environmental climate conditions being singularly indicative of the impending extinction of the African, the current set of conditions could be indicative of much trouble coming for those who stand in the way of the inner and outer African.

15. The need incentive of God and the African is the same, and so is the ultimate measure of success.
The fate of the African is tied to the fate of the Supreme Being. A far greater number of things are happening than we are being told sold. More is taking place than the evil ones are aware of.

16. Search evolutionary