If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Black Folks Always Open To The Okie Doke
Unity Consciousness #1788


(Part 9xa of 11)

This is yet another chapter in the saga of the okie doke that has a special relationship with black folks.

Oh okie doke, Oh okie doke, wherefore art thou Oh okie doke?

Yep, we evidently love us some okie doke so much we seek it, call out to it and accept any response as favorable.

Here's four examples out of millions:

1. Botham Jean's murder – We keep repeating Amber was in the wrong apartment.

Evidence was provided that she knocked on the door said let me in, had a conversation with Botham, then shot him. Secondly, do you think he was in his underwear? Listen again to what one of the witnesses said https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gzoRbl4JkgA

2. Joshua Brown's murder – We keep repeating drugs and drug dealer.

Common sense tells you that if Joshua Brown said he was afraid for his life because now people would recognize him as a result of testifying in the Botham Jean case, that that same Joshua Brown would then sell drugs and secondly do so, to people he didn't know that came from out of town? Hell no. He would be trying to lay low. Joshua was not a drug dealer. He was real estate investor. He was a good guy. If he was drug dealer, he would not have given a damn about testifying on Botham Jean's behalf. Come on Black People. Ask more questions.

3. Atatiana Jefferson murder – We keep repeating what the Forth Worth police is swiftly doing in terms of the right thing.

Evidence proves that Forth Worth had killed seven other people in 2019 and did not do the right thing. All this right thing stuff they are doing is the okie doke. They are going to take care of that murderer's family and find a way to get him off for murder or put in in jail and then when we're not looking put him in a nice cozy hideaway. No police department, mayor and prosecutor who did not do the right thing prior to Atatiana's murder, suddenly “comes to Jesus” and does the right thing. Hell, racists won't admit they're racists, so why would they admit that something one of their buddies did was wrong? They would do so only as part of a different okie doke.

4. Bunny – the neighbor across the way from Botham. She filmed Amber walking in the hallway breezeway and hear words exchanged. Bunny was fired from her job because her company said they were getting contacted by people in the community. This is the same lie the NFL uses when they say their fans complained about Colin Kaepernick.

There's a lot more okie doke going on in each of the stories above. Listing all of them would take at least two full pages each.
In each of the stories above, the initial information comes from known liars (companies, media, police, prosecutors, mayors, etc.). On the other hand the counteracting information comes from people who have no reason to lie. Counteracting information also comes from within ourselves if we ask enough questions and weigh the information properly.

The Botham Jean okie doke is the most ridiculous. Black people still keep repeating what the police and Amber said, even though it was proven they fabricated the crime scene in numerous ways.

Evidently, tricks are not only for silly wabbits. Tricks are also customized for African Blacks with bad habits where critical analysis is comatose.

Also, we gotta gotta stop giving away our “benefit of the doubt.” Search “benefit of the doubt” and learn about that logic within yourself.

Until then, we'll continue to participate in the call and response:
When they say okie doke
We say okie dokie

Part of the solution is the mental illness Black Africans have that makes us more afraid of black people who speak plainly against racism, rather than being afraid of the racists harming us. We feel more comfortable around the racist collective practicing racism, than we do around a black person talking about fighting against racism. That's some deep sick wad of shit clogging up the psyche.

Another okie doke we keep falling for is getting afraid when someone uses the word “conspiracy.” This logic has been addressed to prove that everything in the universe is a form of conspiracy. Yet Black Folks allow white folks to trick them, so when they hear the word conspiracy, black folks have self doubt and then give away their benefit of the doubt to white folks. We'll do anything to avoid appearing to be part of a conspiracy, yet the racist collective is a conspiracy and they sure ain't breaking that gang up.