If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Forests, Trees & Water-Bred Ancestry
Unity Consciousness #2321


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We are getting down to the nitty-gritty of space and time before things on Earth significantly realign. These messages are going to slow down to a trickle, relatively speaking, because most of what need be said along these lines, has been, more than once. This will not take place immediately, but it is on the horizon I can apprehend and touch. A new phase is at hand for new hands being dealt. As such, the last of remnants are waking up and getting on board the mothership ark of consciousness.
Can't never could see the forest because of a single tree called ancestry.
If there is a tree of life, there is a forest of life.
If there is a family tree, there is a family forest.
It will help to understand that the large came before the small and the collective came before the individual and the forest came before the tree.

What Forest Did You Come From?

The big One came before the small Many.
One is the collective that gave birth to individuals.
Thus, then we continue on this spiritual-religious-scientific path of explanation.
The Word that was in the beginning, was not a small word but a big bad word whose manifestations were good. It was a word bigger than all our imaginings and bigger than any word in any human language. This is because that Word that was in the beginning had to contain everything for everything in Creation. It makes sense this word was condensed and had to be unpacked. Thus when the packet opened, there was a Big Bang to release all the tension pressure of that power (spirit, genetic material). It was not a little bang.

So if there is a family tree for a group of humans, then there is a forest of family trees for humans. Furthermore, that forest exists within a larger forest that contains the forests of all species.

In other words, your single family tree, though it might be vast and take you back thousands of years into the past, did not come into being in a vacuum, as a single tree. No instead it is the combination of many trees from a forest whose totality of life is so intermingled it cannot be separated accurately. The most accurate descriptions come from the common denominators.
No organism or forest exists in a vacuum, thus where does one forest begin and another end, especially when all existence depends on the process of continuous combining and separating, mixing and mingling?

So to repeat what has just been said, not only are there individual trees within each of the so-called races of humans, but those trees are all part of the same race forest.
Furthermore, each racial group forest is part of the same human forest.
The human forest is part of the Earth forest and so on.
Our family tree is part of Earth's family tree, thus we are related to the sun, moon and other stars and planets, and so on.
All this is why all genetics on this Earth are the same, even if the formulation is slightly different and even if the outward appearance is different and even if our sensing abilities are different.

So Far So Good?

If religious devotees find this difficult to understand, then stop talking about a Tree of Life and Paradise, until you understand how in the hell can one Tree of Life give life to all life and all trees and all human life, and yet somehow your family tree of life is singular, narrow, stunted and barely a twig in the big configuration of Creation.

Where Is The Forest In All This?

The more I understand about myself, the more I can tell you about yourself and all else.
The more the truth comes out about the parentage of individuals in the hollow I grew up in, the more I am realizing that me and my “immediate” family are related to a lot of other families that lived here and that live in many other places in the USA, outside the USA, and of course, Africa.
All this stuff about finding your tribe in Africa is fine and good on the path to understanding who you are; however, the fuller truth is, we are part of many many tribes in Africa and many tribes outside of Africa.
Great mixing had already taken place umpteen times inside and outside Africa.

So if all this applies to human me, then why would it also not apply to all humans, all species, all Earths, all Solar Systems and all Galaxies?

We are moving fast through recent messages and packing a lot in because there's more we gotta to do.
Since we are part of many family trees of genetic material and many forests of genetic material inside and outside this Earth, then all this leads us to the only place One Forest and One Tree can exist - the waters of Nun in the Circle of Preexistence.

If your family tree doesn't reach this far and wide, then you can't see the forest for the tree of ancestry.