If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Monday, January 11, 2021

Kingo, Jingo & Djindja Energy Unchained
Unity Consciousness #2303


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Variations: djinja, djindja, djandja, jinja, django, Ejinja jingo, kingo. Also Repa, Renpa, Renpu and all variations. Also Ankh and all variations. (BB 337, pdf 349), (BB 337, pdf 349), (BB 210-11, pdf 222-23)

The Energy Of AU and UA

Djindja is the dual energy of everything at rest and in motion, old and young, in Existence and Preexistence.

Every changeover of Ages, there is an inundation release of Djindja energy from the Pool of Djindja (Pool of Two Truths). This process is the same as djindja unchained. Since the souls of life have been set free, they also set other aspects of creation free. (BB 343, pdf 355)

Au-ter is another way to express the mixture of old and young energy of the Makhaut family.. (BB 175, pdf 187)

Our use of the word “modern” unknowingly draws upon “mat-ren,” the young renewing healing elemental souls of life from the Pool of Maat. (BB 198, pdf 210)

Once you begin to wrap your mind around any primary creation in this universe, you have the nucleus seed basis to grow to understand the enormity of change always taking place and that is also outside of human control.
This message is another in the chain to help us remember so we can continue to align our thinking and behavior with natural facts. The tribe called remnant will evolve while the rest will experience further setback.
The fantastic things humans have imagined or that we think is fiction, any one or more of those things are possible and even more than that based on what ever-changing primary creations have already revealed. What will actually happen will be determined by whatever the New Ages require to establish their kingdoms.
All of these possibilities stem from the source of all energy that is renewed in layers and levels according to the stage of the cycle. The masses of current day humans are ill-prepared to understand the climate change and environmental change associated with the change of a single Age, let alone two Ages changing simultaneously and let alone the change of Galactic Seasons. In terms of this we've been told a bunch of bullshit from a pre-Giri So perspective.
Consider the annual seasons taking place where you live. What if you, your family and no one else in that region had ever experienced that type of change? Your thinking and behavior will be all over the place and grossly out of sync with a natural cycle of change because your responses to the changes will be determined by who you've come to trust to teach you what you need to know, their understandings of self and all else and their intentions regarding your betterment.
Despite not understanding Great Year changes, we should already know that when natural phenomena change, no creation or their habitat, can remain unchanged, no matter how much we try to control it. Our best course of action is to learn as much as possible and prepare accordingly.
Djindja energy has been in favor of male monarchies, but that favored group, governing style and goers along, are running out of space to diss grace and running out of time to mastermind a new rat race.
No one expects seasons to manifest exactly the same from year to year, thus neither should we expect a change of Great Year Ages to result in no significant changes. We know we can't go about things the same way in Winter as in Summer or in the rainy season as in the dry season. At the barest of minimums, if our understandings do not go back at least 6,500 years in relation to self and all else, then all the cycles we already know will ensure us its okay to stay asleep with the company we keep, even as we experience slow motion crisis emergencies personally, nationally and globally.
Absent the knowledge of larger cycles, reliance on understandings of smaller repetitions will mislead you to over-trust those smaller cycles as being more permanent in how they manifest. So for instance, it can cause us who currently live in four season areas to think that has always been the case for the area and will always be the case. We will then compound the mistake by thinking humans can always devise a plan to live anywhere we want, in the same way, no matter how much the natural world changes.
The energy of AU and UA is the earlier energy of AF and FA. And even earlier KAF. The Kaf is the black, dog-headed, almost human monkey. Ape and Kaf are named as the closest antecedent to man, who was very short, the so-called pygmy. (BB 29, pdf 41)
Once again be certain to understand that the inundation, deluge and flood often talked about as having taken place several times worldwide, can and do take place in any form. For instance, humans are a flood, lies are a flood, locusts are a flood and Maafa racism is a plaguing flood whose diseased waters continue to produce monstrous mutations. Thus then, we are already in the midst of multiple deluges and more inundations are on the way as promised by the ever-coming ones.
Every cycle has signs that tell us it is coming, that tell us the cycle is here and that tell us the cycle is leaving. Even Great Year Cycles announce their intentions. Thus current reliances, compliances and alliances must be adjusted as we already do when Earth's rotation causes the sun to rise above the horizon and the sun to fall below the horizon.