If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Serendipity & The Long Arm Of the Law
Unity Consciousness #2322


(9arf of 11)

Justice is not determined individually in this life, the Earth of Time.
Salvation is not determined collectively in the next life, the Earth of Eternity.
Both are determined by what is needed to accomplish the changeover of Ages and fulfill the need incentive for those Ages in accordance with larger cycles.
Sacrifice is always involved.

Ser The Person, The Thing

“SER” is the rock, chief, high one, arranger, placer, disposer at pleasure.
Seren and Serene is Highness. Sirene is a name of Aquaria. (BB)
Ser-Apis or Sher-Apis or Serapis is the dual-natured child as both the prepubescent opener and pubescent closer. (NG1)
Variations: Sher, Sire, Sir, Sar, Tzer (Hebrew), Tor, Tyre, Tser, Tser Hill, Sherah, Shelah, Serah, Selah, Sera, Sela

Thus the “Sars-coV-2” is related to both Sers, Aquaria and Kepheus.
The corner or angle at which the young sun-god was re-born is the Kheb or Kep is also called the “Cov”, the Cove. This location is called the place of the two times where the two became three in one.
As discussed before, “corona,” also relates to Kepheus.”
Thus despite the human shenanigans and lies regarding covid-19, this virus and societal manipulations are being used to setup societies for their domino fall.

Ser The Soul

Ser is soul and seed.
The soul is a circle (ser-kra). In several languages, a circle is zero.

Ser The Soul As Khi

Khi is rise, extend, elongate, rule, protect, govern, wield a whip. This describes coming forth out of the waters.
The KHISER is the wielder of the whip. This wielder is the Ser, the arm of the Lord, the overseer.
Khiser (Kheser, Seser) becomes User, Ser, Kasar, Kaiser, Caesar, Tzar, Tsar, Wazir, Wezer From this we can notice the rise of the “user” and “user name” in everyday use.
My name was Caesar when I crossed the burning sands as a youth marching onward and upward toward the light.

Ser The Long Arm Of The Law (Lord)

Ser is also Sel. This became “self” in English.
Ser means private, reserved, sacred, arrange, organize, dispose, distribute, amplify, augment, conduct, console.
One symbol is the arm with the scepter of rule grasped in the hand, typical of the arm of the Lord. (BB)

In Britain, SERENDIBLE is good drubbing, a thrashing.

Ser The Place

Ser is Tep Hill, the rock of the horizon at the corner angle in An where a Pool of Two Truths is located.

Serendib The Fish

Serendib or Ser-en-dib is the fish (also called An or Kha).
The mermaid is the fish-woman of early zodiacs. On earth, one of her locations is an island known as Serendib. This is clearly another announcement from Aquaria, Great Mother of the Waters, Mami Wata Sirene Oshun Yemaya

Serendib The Place

Serendib is the point of commencement and birthplace of the beginning in the upper heaven, lower heaven and eastern heaven. It is the place where cycles start and end, thus where the One, the Two and the Three transform to begin a new journey of creations. Serendib is the same as Ser-en-tep.
Serendipity is the English version of Serendib; however, serendipity means to make discoveries by accident, chance, happenstance, luck or keen perception. This definition is suboptimal as we can already see. Yet the definition of serendipity touches a little upon what Serendib really means (keen perception indicates all-knowing and all-seeing and all-powerful).

Serendib is the place at the corner which opens for the “coming forth” of souls of life, and then closes again to stop the pursuit of those opposed to this rising. At Serendib, Shu stands on the rock and causes the celestial waters to gush forth in light. This is a continuous process throughout the Age as long as that ever-coming one is ruling the pole or equator. (AE2)

Ser means “privately” as in surreptitious. The “repititious” part tells of the repeating nature of Ser. “Private” also describes the nature of the messiah awaiting resurrection. The ever-coming one spies, watches and lies in wait of its turn at the corner of the circle. (BB)
This privacy above that is becoming more self-evident is juxtaposed against the almost total invasion of privacy by humans who say they are protecting privacy.