If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Monday, January 25, 2021

Nile Valley Ptah Is Irish St. Patrick
Unity Consciousness #2327


(9arl of 11)

The typical birthplace living space of the sun, child and ever-coming one is the “BUT”, “MUT”, “FUT”, “PUT”, Ba-t, Bat, Ma-t, Mat, Fa-t, Fat, Pa-t, Pat. This is where the child is shaped, formed and fashioned.
Hat trick meaning three is a form of hatrick and ptah-rekh, both meaning three rekhs (tricks) in one, the trinity, a number signifying completion in the Khat, thus the hat is a symbol.

In English, atrick is the usher of a hall.
In Egyptian, aat-rekh is the announcer and speaker of the house, hall, living space.

St. Patrick

The notion of “saints” is an attempt to obscure recognition and understanding of the ancient symbols and dieties that are still being revered in an obscured form. Many manipulations such as these are in use in many subcultures to hide the fact of their common origin in Africa.
The implementation of saints was part of the process of converting the still somewhat spiritually Africanized Irish to religious Asianized Christianity. Even the devil was turned into a Christian saint. The Irish are a large portion of police and other law enforcement in the USA. This of course after being despised by other Europeans for their impureness (blackness).
St. Patriotism Day (St. Patrick's Day) is relatively recent and has been concocted to celebrate the arrival of Christianity in Ireland as well as celebrate the culture of Ireland, and commemorates the death of Saint Patrick. You can be certain that the “celebrate Irish culture” part was the sugar to entice the acceptance of Christianity, which most likely was forced upon the Irish. This is because an entire group or large portion of a people do not make a change at the same time unless it is by force and fear of something else, such as losing their physical lives. Same as the corona virus changes the sheep herd has made, not by a well-thought out choice, but by fear.
St. Patrick's Day, like most holidays worldwide, is filled with more smoke and mirror stuff.
To say human St. Patrick drove the snakes out of Ireland is another way to sneakily say he replaced the serpent imagery of their pre-Christian deity Ptah who was half female and represented by a serpent.

Green is spring and rebirth, not a color specific to Irish culture. This is why St. Patrick's Day is near the Spring Equinox per the current calendar reckoning.
The date of St. Patrick's Day is not based on the death of a pied piper-like Jesus-like savior in the flesh named Patrick; however, Patrick, whether or not he existed in human form, still does represent the soul of life of Osiris Ptah, the savior and ever-coming one who makes some blind and makes some see.

St. Patrick's Day is like St. Nicolas Day and St. Valentine's Day and others that have lost their very early significance, yet the significance still operates in the background and has for years now, been in the process of being brought to the foreground of consciousness.

St. Patrick represents the child who goes through the underworld and defeats the powers of darkness in the form of dragons or other creatures.
St. Patrick also represents the parent Ptah as Father out front and Mother hidden.
Ptah is the potter who forms both the sun and man from the clay matter of earth. Atum is the soul of life in the matter of the sun and Atum is also the sun of man (the soul of life that provides the blood and breath and flesh of man). Ptah is Atum and is green with a blue tint as the color of reproduction from the underworld representing the rise of plants, water, and ever-coming souls of life.
Although Ptah as St. Patrick has a strong masculine intent, the subtext of Ptah is Ptah-Ur, the first Ptah who is the Mtah-Ur, the Mother. Thus St. Patrick serves as the announcer of the Mother out front as parent. This mother is Aquaria plus Ma or Tefnut of Kepheus, who among many other things, will facilitate the rise of mothers who are in their natural mind. Meanwhile, unnatural mother minds still currently exert a strong influence along with the unnatural father logic.

Also unknown to the Irish is that their supposedly unique shamrock, is a three leaf clover symbol of the trinity with the Main Mother of Great Year Spring, Aquaria, rising to the top to rule the New Age from the celestial galactic equator.
In Limerick county, the Morning Star river used to be called the former female names of Samhair or Samer; however “Morning Star” is still an announcement of Aquaria who is the incoming Morning Star of the Annual Year and Great Year.
Sam is a form of Shem and Sem, Egyptian type-names for a woman, thus the Shamrock is an ode to the female rock, rick, rook, rekh, rekh-ur, rector, ruler.
SHEM (Sam), is the woman of rivers and inundation and Aquaria is the Great Mothers of the Waters and Deluge.

Even though St. Patrick is the deity Ptah, in pre-Christian times, there were definitely priests of Ptah who had the title of the Ptah-rekh (plural Ptah-rekhi, the priests of Ptah). These were likely carried into Christianity as priests of Patrick.
A priest is a rekh, thus a rekh of Ptah the rekh.
Also can be referred to as a rekh of Patrick or rector of Patrick or rook of Patrick or Spirit of Patrick or rep of Patrick or repa of Patrick.

The Rekh is the mage, magi, priest, the wise (wi-ser, wisert, wizard, wisart), the reckoner, time-keeper, Mage, wise man, the knower, the architect, the washer, purifier, and whitener (enlightener) of the priest or Rook.
The Druids used the form, Paterah. Attius Paterah and Patrekh.

More On The Women In St. Patrick's Life

Patrick is accompanied by St. Bridget. This is Sekhet as explained in detail in the previous message and others. Sekhet is the mother goddess of fire and the south. With this in mind, it is certain that Sheelah-na-Gig, sometimes called Patrick’s mother, is Pasht, mother goddess of moisture and the north. Thus in St. Patrick, the trinity of Ptah exists hidden in plain sight.
Sheelah-na-Gig is the twin sister of Sekhet (Bridget) and has her less celebrated day, one day after St. Patrick's day.
Sheelah-na-Gig is the way of life and source of the waters.
Sheelah (Pasht, Bast, Bebaste) and Bridget (Sekhet) were goddesses of drink and pleasure. On Sheelah's day, the shamrock worn on Patrick’s Day is drowned in the last glass of whiskey.

”Bridget” comes from Brid, the name of the child Prydhain and from Ket, the womb. Thus Brid + Ket is Bridget, the birth mother in the south, while Sheelah is the wet nurse in the north.
Through additional lines of linguistic inquiry, we understand Pa-REKH to also mean the burnt house, the womb, the fort of Sekhet of Fire, thus the Pa-rekh (P-rekh) house is a broch house and brick house. Bricks are made true in the fireplace. Remember the song, Brick House, published 1977.


Of late there is a lot of talk about humans as g.o.a,t.s, the Greatest Of All Time. This is an announcement for the First Goat, and the secondary goats of prepubescent son and Father. In other words it is an indicator of returning to an earlier cycle to help restore balance to this galaxy.

Father Ptah, the breather, the wind, is a he-goat.

Mother Ptah Sekhet is a goat. The she-goat is kah-t (kaht). Thus Sekh + Kah-t is sekhkaht is sekhet. Kaht is Khat is AT.

The child as Hu, Hut or Hutu is the goat representing one-half of the circle cycle.

Mother Ptah Pasht, goddess of moisture, is a cat, cougar, lion and also a beast which can take many forms. The Old Great Mother was a goat as was her son. This is after being represented with symbols such as water, earth and tree. This is before the fatherhood was known. Aquaria as Great Mother of the Waters, along with Aquarius, is likely manifesting a goat presence, even if it is as male Aquaria and as the sea-goat of the next Age, Capricorn who contains Sut-Anup (Anubis).
Primary and secondary symbols are consistent with primary and secondary truths that are simultaneously manifesting. For instance, the mermaid of Aquaria was also part of Pisces. Secondly, Shu is also the jackal, thus Kepheus Shu is the dog-faced ape.
The use of goats, as farm animals, seen to have spread more widely, more than sheep, cows and pigs.