If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Thursday, January 7, 2021

Constitutions That Don't Shoot White People Are Their Own Restitution
Unity Consciousness #2287


(9apy of 11)

A constitution is that which establishes, settles and fixes a system of "laws, regulations, ordinances, rules, rights, principles, precedents and customs (thus culture adds to official constitution of a nation).

The events of 1-6-21 are the metaphorical chickens coming home to roost. How many times have white people been allowed to march with guns, be vigilantes as citizens and as police? How many times have white people been allowed to get in the face of police and storm courthouses and capitol buildings? What happened yesterday is just another brick falling out of Humpty Dumpty's wall.

Sane people know that if black people, in any of the above instances had just showed up with weapons, hundreds would have been killed, beaten, tasered, tear gassed, pelted with rubber bullets, had dogs sic'ed on them, blasted with water-hoses, pepper sprayed and so on. Under no circumstances would the police run.

Do you mean to tell me that none of those police feared for their lives or thought those people had a gun? Obviously, well in advance they had decided not to shoot white people, even when they were violent and attacking and destroying property and looting.

Who can stomach the cluelessness and disingenuous manner in which the media and government are even talking about this incident? They'd rather deflect blame onto one white person, Donald Trump, than to accuse all of those people who made the individual choice to do what they did. Can't blame white people for their own behavior because that would be admitting to sociopathy and psychopathy and the double standard of Maafa racism.

For God's sakes Africans, don't be one of those needy people who are happy that some mention of the double standard is being made. Media and government and citizens are still doing very calculated misleading things that are too many to mention, but here are a few: the media is showing very select still images rather than moving video of the violence and the guns and weapons and behaviors. Media is avoiding saying “white people” and “racism.” Media is avoiding showing you all the people involved such as women and children. Media is not harping constantly on the violent mob but is deflecting to Trump and the police and many other topics. Their lipservice of mentioning the disparate treatment of Black Live Matter protestors is still disingenuous and is too little too late. Government is pretending to do something but most of the white mob will go unpunished.

Don't worry, constitutions like this create their own restitution. Yesterday was the storm before the upheaval. In their bid to uphold the constitution and their culture to not shoot white people who deserve to be shot, the USA is creating its own national brand of restitution because the wrong white people with guns are afraid of the wrong white people with guns and the wrong white people all over the world are too comfortable with the thinking and behavior of the wrong white people, most of whom were not in Washington DC yesterday.

This is both Chaos and Khaos as the shift begins to hurt so good.