If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Saturday, January 2, 2021

Stigmatized People With Astigmatism | Definitions Realigned
Unity Consciousness #2283


(9apu of 11)

Why does it usually come as a shock to people who think they are, in some way, head and shoulders above the rest and then the further the person gets out into the world and the longer the person lives, they realize they are average at best in the area they thought they had a superlative advantage? At the same time, the person realizes they are below average in other ways.

All of this bloated greatness is setup and reinforced, like violence, in the home, the larger family, the community, the school, the city, the state and the country. The person has been unduly lauded and applauded as having some type of epitome quality, looks, intelligence, talent, ability, job, position, talent, net worth, god, gender, race and so on. However, that praise is extremely imbalanced in relation to others with same or different talents and extremely imbalanced in relation to the whole self.
More often than not, the person has experienced a life of privileges based on false notions which has not allowed the person to mature properly because their faults and weaknesses have been intentionally overlooked. This occurs because caregivers, family, friends, community and so on, are living vicariously through someone else because they have not been able themselves to escape living precariously with the fragmentation of spirit-mind-emotion-body.

This accounts for a lot of horrible behavior by individuals and with favored groups, who, misled by the false nature of their favoritism, have added to their own astigmatism. Thus in contrast to the soul salvation advice of Matthew 5, Matthew 18 and Mark 9 of the Judaeo-Christian Bible, people who deny their astigmatism and indignantly deny they have been stigmatized, will further obscure their vision and avoid corrective action because they are sore afraid their self-esteem won't be able to handle the soul reconciliation detoxifying process of exposing truth and lie, reality and illusion and fixing other contradictions about self and a bunch of other stuff.

Individuals, families, groups, businesses, job classifications, universities, countries and so on, can all be stigmatized due to unwarranted accolades and little to no chastisement. They become spoiled rotten tyrants in some aspect of their behavior.

To be stigmatized causes astigmatism which is an unclear view, vision and self-estimation. Thus self-esteem becomes less and less graspable as the person or group realizes the falsehoods their self-esteem is based on. The feeling of being on solid standing in this life moves steadily to a sense of hanging on to a greased rope over a cliff. Most people hold on to the false image of self as long as possible until it all falls down, their entire life. Meanwhile this causes desperation behaviors we've seen that people will harm others in order to save themselves, even when those being harmed are not responsible for hijacking the person's or group's self-esteem. The person or group continues to run amok into walls and off cliffs while being unbearable to interact with and leaving a path of destruction like cartoonish, but not funny, tasmanian devils.

To stimatize and astigmatise in this fashion is the same as stereotyping in a suboptimal way which is attaching a label to something, an identifier, and making that label representative of way more of the entire self and self-worth than it should. This causes us to lean to one side and get stuck there rather than having understandings that converge at the vantage point.

By the way, this delusion is often played out by people who are parents who think by virtue of having a child, they have greater insight on parenting. They think parenting knowledge does not require anything else, not even their own personal growth. In different cultures, at different points in time, either the mother or father will tend to think they are more imbued with parenting acumen than the other parent. As time passes, the parent, and often the child, realizes that being a parent does not necessarily make you a better person unless that tendency and quest was already in motion before becoming a parent. Parents do not necessarily understand more than non-parents. If a person is actively engaged in personal development, then they can understanding parenting themselves, parenting other people, parenting other creatures and parenting projects and ideas.