If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Camels Above Shoot Light Beams/Gnats Below Drop Mote Mines
Stumbling Blocks & Chokeholds #14
Unity Consciousness #2305


(9aqo of 11)

Starlight Beams

What has been, is and will continue taking place is due to schema greater than Earth and anything humans have launched into outer space.

1. All countries, their governments, institutions and citizen collaborator collectives have been indicted and convicted and are now being sentenced, even as smaller level humans are not. Keep this in mind as you consider the following facts.

2. America has held itself out to be the center of the universe, galaxy, solar system and earth. They continue to lie about being a democracy and lie about freedom, justice, civilization and everything else.

3. A proxy represents something else as an agent. This is the same as the Prekh, the priest. This is the same as the rekh, the priest repa ever-coming one.

4. Trump is a proxy for America and America is a proxy for the worldwide white collective racism mindset. (11-09-16)

5. Trump is a proxy for the runaway depraved logic of white supremacy worldwide. White people still believe their invasion, murder and enslavement of Africans worldwide, was and still is a beneficial act that has saved primitives from miserable lives. [Trump's craziness and callousness is that of white people, America and their wannbes] (01-06-20)

6. Genderism could not exist without the assistance of the vast majority of women. Especially those whose grabbed pussies, by proxy, don't really bother them. Stop repeating feminism is a crime. Just say I'm a stockholm syndrome sucka for thug love. (09-06-19)

7. I have no love for Brett Kavanaugh and what he represents. It is a certainty he is a kingpin of racism. However, what is taking place right now is another example of a nation, media and public completely unbalanced. We know American justice is injustice, and now, dem same dangerous chickens are roosting all over the place. What is happening to Kavanaugh is just a proxy for what will continue to happen in mentally ill societies. The monsters created are coming home to get those who turned them into monsters by feeding them monster mash that turned out to be toxic food of the gods. (09-27-18)

8. We can already see justice-by-irony. As a small example, the logic which made America great and powerful is the same thing, this time around, that is making America disintegrate like dem brittle bones. This dismantling transformation process cannot be stopped. It can only be guided in such a way that the soul of life that is the will of America, gets reincorporated with a Greater Good form of free will. Delay, resistance, denial causes buildup of tension and pressure of the soul of life forces on the other side that are flipping switches in a momentum gaining posture and pace. (07-03-18)

9. Trump came to trump the rising stars of Aquaria and Kepheus and try to make America great again for another hundred years. This approach is a continuation of kicking against the pricks of inevitability. As a result America has paid for it through all their efforts that have ensured self-destruction. Thus the rising powers to be have used a different tactic and said that if white people worldwide and their wannabes won't step aside, then we will assist white people in running amok and self-destruct in a controlled implosion slide. This is exactly what is taking place as their damned resistance has been shoddily constructed in relation to what it takes to stop the momentum of the gods of everything. This is why , for example, the whole approach of white folks to medicine is to set aside food and use medication because food is also poisoned. This has led to the use of a pandemic as another means to maintain power and control in these last days and moments when the dams of the damned are about to all break at once. This scenario is endemic to a pandemic of suboptimal logic.

10. In October 2018, Melania Trump went to the Great Pyramid White House, then she returned to the USA White House and decorated it in red trees (symbols of mountains) in December 2018 in celebration of the rebirth of the ever-coming one Christ. [This is an attempt to invoke the powers of the red one in their favor, and stop the powers of the golden mom and golden son, the lord of the white cloth. Meanwhile the crimson tide kicked the butts of the buckeyes. I expect the white and gold of notre dame to rise.] (07-16-20)

11. As always, America is a metaphor for all such societies who have fulfilled their destinypurpose during these suboptimal times. Now comes upheaval to make room for another type of fulfillment. There is no country immune from this round of transformation which will replace current power structures. All of the conditions fostered in human logic and that has also weakened the superhuman, the effects of that logic are coming back in many different forms of energy. All we're doing is claiming they're unrelated, giving them different names and looking for two sets of motives - why more humans are now behaving certain ways and why the natural world is doing the same. The answer to both is that the prepubescent souls of life are becoming pubescent (born again begotten of the civilizing truth). (07-03-18)

12. Roseanne Barr is not the individual of racism. She is a proxy for the collective ideology that breeds Trumps, killer cops, killer kids, killer municipalities, kill food systems, killer technologies, killer education, killer religions and so on. (05-30-18)

13. Who can stomach the cluelessness and disingenuous manner in which the media and government are even talking about this incident [on 1-7-21 in the USA]? They'd rather deflect blame onto one white person, Donald Trump, than to accuse all of those people who made the individual choice to do what they did. Can't blame white people for their own behavior because that would be admitting to sociopathy and psychopathy and the double standard of Maafa racism. (1-7-21)

14. The use of “insurrection” is part of their mindfuck plan to make you think this was a one-off moment of temporary insanity by a few white people who were controlled by Donald Trump, thus it really wasn't the mob's fault. Napoleon and Alexander the Greek, George Washington and the Jamestown crew were all Donald Trumps. We know this because the citizens of those times upheld, supported and participated in their leadership mob mentality of those days. Same as now.

It is ludicrous to make Donald Trump responsible for white people behavior and skip past all the violence they've been taught at home that causes them to ignore right and wrong as if they were spawned from demon seeds. (1-10-21)

15. It is ludicrous for all white people to try to escape their complicity in allowing Donald Trump to become president and remain president. It is that mob-mentality-is-okay-when-it's-in-our-favor, is a residue that can't be washed away because it comes from within and covers the surface of everything in society. (1-10-21)

16. Mob mentality is the easy way that paves the way for generations of white folks. (1-10-21)

17. Racism exists because of [the cult of] culture which is why racism exists worldwide.
18. All this, and more, is why America is this Earth's ground zero target for the rekhoners of reckonings and kherrekhters of correction (the heroine and hero).
19. The original angels of all humans are the angels from Africa that Paula White called upon to help Supertramp Trump and his legion of doom. (11-20-20)

20. Crack of doom is the last trump, the signal for the dissolution of all things. (12-26-20)

21. The word “crack”, is the same as the word Khekh. Thus the Cracker is trumped by the Crack-ur, the Khekher, the re-khekh, the rekh (truth and justice, the ever-coming one). (12-26-20)

22. Nowadays Mac means “son of,” whereas primarily it signified the clan. Mac-Donald means the family or clan of Donald, named from the uterine abode. Maga ls the clan of Mac-Donald Trump (1-10-21). In January 2020 Trump calls himself a Son of a bitch. This fits the big picture that Donald Trump is a proxy for the greater soul of life of Pisces and Wepwawet that must take a backseat to Aquaria and Kepheus.

23. Preedom gives us DOM which means justice, court, jurisdiction, rule as in domain, dominion, dominate, domino, wisdom, kingdom, doom, don't, done, don and Donald, dome as in home as in khom as in khem as in khep as in khepera. Khepera is one of the names for the chief change agent [the chief priest, the Great Proxy]. (1-10-21)

24. On 1.6.21 when Donald Trump said ““We fight like hell, and if you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore,” he was mainly speaking as a proxy for the souls of life who are losing their dominion over the galaxy, Earth and all governments and their institutions. Those souls of life are resisting the transfer of power to Aquaria and Kepheus. Since what happens on Earth among humans is a delayed reaction to what has already taken place in the galaxy, the battle has already been one, and right now we are Biden our time. Biden is a form of Shu, meaning make go out and drive out of the house. Biden also relates to the two houses of the sun on the horizon as the Biddenden (Biden den and Bi-den). Joe as IU or IOU is another form of the ever-coming one who will transfer power to Kam-ala Har-AS or Khem-Horus, who is the same as Khepera and the same as the ever-coming one, but is likely more like the second truth Tefnut of Kepheus-Tefnut than first truth Aquaria. Based on what she had done when in the seat of power, she is more like the waning light of the moon when it comes to restoring justice.

So guesstimate the number of human supporters of Maafa racism, genderism and other evil discriminations, then multiply that number by seven or seventy and you will begin to understand how big the mob of god is that is spread out all over this Earth. And this is only talking about the varsity first team.

25. Trump as #45 is 9. 9 matches Ptah with the mother out front. Biden as 46 is 10. 10 matches ra, the repa, the pubescent child, thus Kepheus; however as stated above Biden-Harris are still part of the suboptimal transition of power before America and Earth are placed back into the hands ol much more balanced rule. Together, Trump-Pence and Biden-Harris are 9 + 10 = 19 which is a Han cycle. There are 19 years until Aquaria is fully seated on the throne. Thus we can see other meanings of “Han” (“An”) apply: the young, youth, the repa, the feminine, the waters, the vase (source), Cycle of dog-star, All this speaks to Aquaria and her pubescent son, now consort, Kepheus. Also 19 is also 10. 10 also represents the triangle and pyramid. Furthermore it makes good sense for the albino male to transform into the partially black female, just as I suspect it was the genetics of the black male Grimaldi in the Ice Age that helped give birth to the first permanent albinoid traits that manifested in a white female as Cro-Magnon.

26. Media is saying Trump supporters are loyal to him and disloyal to democracy. I am saying this is the same as white people and other racist collectives being loyal to their country logic and disloyal to the rights of creation.

27. Humanity is heading back to Africa because Ages are returning to First Truth (this is why the feminine is moving out front). Trump and pre-Trump America, are one of many societies who are speed bumps of this Pisces-Aquaria stage. They are glitches in matrix and anomalies to harmony. Trump and likeminded folks serve as wannabes and pavers preparers of the way to Light of Day which is Night's second incarnation Display. (12-19-16)

28. In other words, Trump is a pawn of the dawning of Aquaria. Get it re-twisted. Reconnect the celestial to the terrestrial and spiritual to the physical. All of us are pawns more of one Age than the other, be it Aquarian or Piscean and Kephean or Jackalan. Reckonize the stars for the energy centers they are, personally influencing us universally from afar. The Ages are constellations of spiritual energy waves. (12-22-16)

29. These next 19 years and 30 years are the interim period for new governments to be installed worldwide who will restore balance and punish the deserving.

30. Earlier summary of D. Trumpet & Trump Symbolism, Unity Consciousness #1728

31. Once again, all this is to say that what took place on 1-7-21 in Ta-meri-ka is not as much about Trump supporters on Earth than it is about supporters of the spirit that thinks it can keep trumping and trampling on the rights of creation,

32. The big to-do about Trump being removed from social media and losing financial support is more about racist collectives and their institutions no longer being supported with resources from the higher powers to be. Thus the period of their manifest destiny is heading full steam into the shallows and the rocks as massive scrambling, human flotsam and jetsam take place as part of the reclamation process. Think Titanic and Titanic 2.0.


Daughter & Son Of A Gun

Avoiding days of reckoning just can't be done
The unaccounted for hungers and roams
The most vulnerable time is out in the open
So dem seek safety behind walls called homes
From those inside Earths and from outside ones
Greatest help becomes greatest threat unknown
The unaccounted for inside dem own bones
Dem gain power because dem killers of all else
Dem lose power because dem killers of self (11-06-16)
And now when the situation is self in reverse
Dem choose to assist and retreat, rather than shoot first
Allowing injury and death by the lone gone berserk
Not protecting those with whom dem co-work
Because dem plumb numb to outside hurts
Dem excuse most of dem family at the crime scene
As dem try to talk dem way back into great night's sweet dream
Even as the mirror image of the gun in dem hand gleams
Next sound heard is the promised word of what big bang means

Mote Mines Meant To Obscure & Keep Us In The Dark

Media, government officials, businesses and other factions of white folks suddenly acting like a righteous mob are talking, like one big fat fish, out the side of their rednecks against Trump and his supporters as if they are different and uphold the highest human values, I.e., against Maafa racism and for the rights of creation. All this is misdirection and in-fighting and good cop, bad cop routine behavior. All their triplespeak rhetoric about the goodness of this country and its values is bullspit, be they republicans, democrats, tea party, green party or no party.