If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Stumbling Blocks & Chokeholds #12
Camels & Beams, Gnats & Motes
Unity Consciousness #2300


(9aql of 11)

Crazed Mob Is Who They Are. This Is The Beam That Holds Up Their Worldview

Maafa racism is 24./7/365 mob mentality. Africans worldwide have been under siege ever since white people learned how to float in a boat and got besides themselves because they couldn't get past the rote copying of African everything.
Africans endure white mob mentality every day from the society to the point that many of us live in fear of, not just the police, but also being around any white person, because we know they are in cahoots with the status quo mob mentality as agents with smiling faces. Can you dig it? White people must be racists if they are not working within their world to fight against every piece of racism logic used against Africans.
Any African that does not recognize this is walking dead, as I was, schooled numb to not feel the backstabbing, backbroke buttpokes and okie doke opiate smokes obscuring vision and causing many to choke on false hopes. All this leading to collisions of decisions that make Africans easy prey for racism. Africans are trained to agree to remain slaves because we have longer or more expensive chains. Likewise the white overseers are also trained that the privileges of racism they must maintain using whatever screwed up reasoning they like.

I'll say it again. Africans are terrorized every day from since before birth. I was terrorized in the sleepy hollows of Buffalo Creek but didn't recognize it because it was normalized. All the torture tactics of Maafa racism were present, just as they were in Chicago, many tactics coming like nonstop dripdrops on your temples giving you not a moment's peace while making you think something's wrong with you because you have to work harder and be better to concentrate on achieving what supposedly comes naturally and easier to white folks, i.e., Africans have an inherent learning disability. Mob mentality is the easy way that paves the way for generations of white folks. .

Insurrection and talk of punishment is a Misdirection Deflection from White Collective Defective Thinking & Behavior

The media is playing mind game word games by finally saying it was an “Insurrection” that took place on 1-6-21 at the USA Capitol Building. They are playing with you by using uncommon words to make you think something different is taking place. Same intended effect as using the word “pandemic.”
The media has been, is and always will be part of the racist insurrection taking place against the rights of creation for hundreds of years. The media is a high priest who conjures up trickery using word spells and potions. They are sorcerers, shamans and pushers of just-go-along-with-us juice.
They, the media, are fingering your pineal gland making you think it is working and pliable rather than dysfunctional and comply-able.
Consistent with their directive and M.O., the media continues to spout all manner of idiotic information in the guise of sanity.
The use of “insurrection” is part of their mindfuck plan to make you think this was a one-off moment of temporary insanity by a few white people who were controlled by Donald Trump, thus it really wasn't the mob's fault. Napoleon and Alexander the Greek, George Washington and the Jamestown crew were all Donald Trumps. We know this because the citizens of those times upheld, supported and participated in their leadership mob mentality of those days. Same as now.

It is ludicrous to make Donald Trump responsible for white people behavior and skip past all the violence they've been taught at home that causes them to ignore right and wrong as if they were spawned from demon seeds.

It is ludicrous for all white people to try to escape their complicity in allowing Donald Trump to become president and remain president. It is that mob-mentality-is-okay-when-it's-in-our-favor, is a residue that can't be washed away because it comes from within and covers the surface of everything in society.
And this is why, in case you missed it, white people being called insurrectionists are only being charged with misdemeanors. An obvious contradiction that your media does mention not once or harp on like they would if Africans demanding reparations had stormed any white occupied government building.