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The Big Truth
Dna has been used to establish paternity, maternity, guilt in crimes and determine relatives (ancestry, genealogy). All of this is said to be accurate with almost 100% certainty. None of these tests say you are such and such a percentage likely and such and such a percentage this, that and the other.Human Dna, that applies to all humans, has been mapped into what is called the Human Genome. This tells you with 100% certainty where your base ancestry lies.
The Human Genome Project has already determined that all humans have their base ancestry in Africa. All humans are 100% African. All humans have 99.5% identical African genetics and 0.5% genetics that are variations of African genetics. This makes it impossible for any human dna test to show they are less than 99.5% African, unless that Dna test is using the small variation (one-half of one percent) in our genetics as the basis for our genetics to tell us our ancestry. That would be like using our fingernails to tell whether or not we're alive.For no other species do we use such ridiculous reasoning when determining lineage. Of course dogs have variations, but we say they all descended from wolves, thus all dogs are still wolves and are not primarily the breed they have become.
Therefore it is foolish to swallow the little lie. .