If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Sunday, January 7, 2018

How Do I Find & Know My DestinyPurposes?
Phase One
Unity Consciousness #1196


(Part 9cp of 11)

Nowhere in the previous two messages have we discussed jobs, careers, money, what you like, what you love, what you want, your dreams or what you're good at in connection with destinypurposes. And for two good reasons.

First Good Reason: DestinyPurpose existed before humans and before humans of today had the notions we have today. Humans are not the only ones who have destinypurposes. Everything does. Human destinypurposes are not the priority of the Universe.

Second Good Reason: We are living during suboptimal times and have been for thousands of years.

We have suboptimized minds.
Most, if not all nutrition is suboptimal and intentionally so.
We are mentally ill.
We are physically, emotionally and spiritually sick.
Most, if not all, information, contexts, definitions, meanings and logic are also suboptimal.

Therefore if you base your selections of destinypurposes on understandings you have acquired in these types of societies, you are staying covered in mud trying to see your way clear.

Briefly again, here are a few suggestions, that have been covered in greater detail in many other messages:
Get silent on a more regular basis and listen to yourself.
If you really want to find and know your destinypurposes, you can't run from them when shown.
Keep repairing, corrupted contexts and thousands of pieces of associated logic.

These preliminary steps are necessary because your definitions of what destiny and purpose mean are likely suboptimal. Thus, so also must be most, if not all, of your other understandings. This is just the way it is for most of us. And this is why we have de-evolved into societies rather than civilizations. Clearly we are not following optimal destinypurposes. Not just a few of us, most of us. We have chosen a sedative substitute as proof of concept (context logic).

Also, we must be careful about using “what we're good at” as the sole or primary basis for how we use our genetic potential and then use that to think, well I'm good at it, so it must be my optimal destinypurpose.”

As said above, we have not been nurtured nourished properly. We have been nurtured to serve the current mindset and power structure. Of course we are good at what we've been taught or what we have been led to believe is possible, impossible, best, worst, acceptable, unacceptable, honorable, dishonorable. Genetic potential is genius. We can be very good in an unhealthy way or very good in a healthy way. We must check our context to make sure we are not being very good in the wrong way.

It is not possible to reach the place of optimal destinypurposes when all things that support finding and knowing destinypurpose are suboptimal. You gotta break away or be broken away.
Here is the first and simple truth: we absolutely have other, more, additional genetic potential that we should be using and that we are even better at than what we are currently good at right now. We already know we are only using a small percentage of our cranium-encased brains.

From the moment we begin to detoxify and re-nutrify ourselves, we will begin to heal genetic potential and progress will begin to take place exponentially. The growing season and knowing season is moving into summer.

Now we come back around to the top of this message. All the logic we are using related to: jobs, careers, money, what we like, what we love, what we want or our dreams and what we're good at – all of these things, despite being suboptimal, they still offer clues as to what our optimal destinypurposes are.

I am the one of stronger faith. I am promising you, as you fix and optimize the program logic in your cells, your destinypurposes will move you to changing how you use your genetic potential.

Be certain to relearn that the changes that are necessary for you to make do not necessarily have to be wholesale completely, but sometimes it just might be. You will know as you grow along.

Finally, we reach the sedative substitute mentioned above.
If your understanding of destinypurpose is tied to “making a living,” and not also consciously tied to the extended self (the collective) then you are more than likely in suboptimal destinypurpose mode, thus even if you are very good at something and are making a living, it is still not where you need to be.
Relearn and turn. The turn doesn't have to be 182.625 degrees, it could be 10 degrees or any degree necessary to get you to more and more optimal destinypurposes. Just know it will take steps and stages. Take the next one.

When we are in optimal mode, in pursuit of optimizing ourselves, then we can make a living using our genetic potential in accordance with any optimal destinypurpose. This is possible, because in optimal mode we work with the extended self and thus all destinypurposes are shared and work together. This allows the collective to benefit from what everyone is good at, yet not require everyone to be focused on making a living, thus susceptible to making a tradeoff that diminishes what the collective needs overall. The farmer farms. The tailor makes clothes. The cook cooks. The hunter hunts. And they all have what they need.

You cannot in any way be in possession of optimal destinypurpose if what you are doing right now with the use of your genetic potential is not for the collective and is not working with the collective as much as possible.
Spirit-soul, duality and destinypurpose are inseparable. There is an optimal combination and a suboptimal combination. Yes, whatever you are doing is still your destiny, but is it for you the individual to prove your worth and that you can make it or is it to build and support the collective so we may wax stronger against the opposing forces?

”Hidden History of Haiti - Battle of Vertières with Ezili Danto and Kaba Hiawatha Kamene”

Note: One way to tell if you are in civilization is if children understand their destinypurposes by the time they are 13 or before they can be considered an adult and if everything in the civilization supports the achievement of destinypurposes because everyone's destinupurposes are understood to be basic needs of the collective.

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