KhesTes (Justice) is the result of spirit-soul in motion. These motions produce all causes and all effects in the Universe, back then, right now and ever-coming. The physical justice of today taking place through humans is the spiritual justice of thousands of years ago. Justice is made backwards and paid forward in a double circle, so yes what goes around comes around and reverses. Nothing happens in an instant, a moment, a second, a split-second, the blink of any eye, a heartbeat....No, everything happens via process, emergences, cycles. Even if we don't think in terms of the spiritual, we can still look at the behaviors of non-human nature and human nature and we can tell how things are adding up and repeating and moving towards inevitable results that must come about based on the steps (motions, actions, behaviors) taking place.
Now if we add back in the spiritual perspective, we can detect physical steps before they take place because we understand the spiritual steps taking place. I say all of this because this world calls loudly for justice . Not just the human world, but Earth itself and all its inhabitants. In response to the cries of her child, the Double Mother of the Waters and Black Hole have been sending the energy of a different form of justice this way a long time ago. Packets arrive continuously. In order to get to the other flipside of justice, we must pass through the equilibrium zone, the horizon, the equator, the balance, the equal position, equal poise, equipoise…
Before night can turn to day and day to night for the opposing side, there must be twilight (Karma & Har-ma). Just as most of us rarely see night turn into day, because we are asleep, most of us are also not seeing the step by step processes taking place all over the place, that are bringing about changes in Justice. Neither do most of us hear the calls of the phoenixes rising and falling. Here are two, out of thousands of examples, many of which are spread throughout this blog:
1. The poison societies have used to sustain themselves is now clearly backfiring and increasing societal demise through epidemic sicknesses of the physical, mental, emotional, and of course, spirit-soul.
2. Nutrition continues rising in all areas of basic need, yet many of us have yet to change the way we feed.