I am amassed, assembled, rewatered, rekindled.
“The shape of water is the shape of love. Love and water are the most malleable, powerful, things in the universe.”SHAPE is Khape is kape is cape.
The shape of water is the cape of love.
Different shapes water takes serve as capes over love. This cape is a physical cape and a perceptual cape.
Water is the shape of love because water contains all things.
Once water begins to take different shapes, then the shapes provide a cape over knowledge of self in relation to all else. We can reduce the “everything” that water contains while simultaneously giving it enough definition to help us wrap our minds around water.
Water contains the two times three of duality and trinity.
1. spirit-soul (air)
2. darkness-light (fire)
3. water-space (earth) To exist in water is to have on a cape. To be born out of water is to escape the water cape and be clothed in another cape.
We must escape. We must es-cape, ex-cape, exit the cape. We must be able to remove the cape of shape and reconceive ourselves as water and what water contains. In other words we must become more fully aware we are living in a simultaneous state of existence and preexistence.
Existence and Preexistence are a duality. Where there is one, there is the other. In the movie, “The Shape of Water,” life in the water and life out of the water were able to see each other as they truly are, thus able to love.
“He sees me as I am.”In order to reach this level of awareness we must again make use of the two times three:
- - Elisa Esposito
contextually, conceptually, perceptually
cover up, long enough,
what's revealed to expose the nakedness of what's hidden beneath cape and shape.Notes: (BB 149/161, 183/195); (NG1 151/152); (NG2 190/198)