Mâ, denotes measure, to measure, the measurer. (NG1 136-7/154/5) Mat means mother, fruit, the fruit of the primeval deity, to pass, unfold, unwind, open, as the chrysalis entered the winged state and passed (moved from one stage to the next). The winged thing was a symbol of the soul. (BB 105/117, 346/358) The Two Truths, called Mat. (BB 198/210) Word variations: Mak, Mut,, Mat, Mati, Matt, Maut, Math, truthMatter
Mat-ter is the twin-total of truth. (BB 25/337) Matter is the corruptible incarnation of incorruptible spirit. (AE2 788/252) There is no such thing as spirit-soul without matter.There is no such thing as matter without spirit-soul.
Spirit-soul is matter.
Matter is spirit-soul. The Ma, the mother, must be spirit-soul, must be matter.
The ma, the fruit, must be matter, must be spirit-soul. Spirit-soul is invisible matter, that we call energy and spiritual, yet it is also physical.
Matter is visible spirit-soul, that we call physical and material, yet it is also spiritual. Matter is the twin total of the truth.
Spirit-soul is the dual mother.
Matter is the dual fruit.
Both are Ma. Or it can be said...
Spirit is Am, Matter is Ma, thus, both are Amma.
I am ma. Spirit-soul is invisible matter.
Matter is visible spirit-soul.
Both are one-half of the two-tal. Spirit-soul measures itself into time and space and divides itself into sections and forms and gives each body part a different name (rhyme) and function (reason, destinypurpose). These metaforms, metaphors and mirror images are demensioned and remembered in cycles which causes changes in understanding of spirit-soul, thus changes in justice.
Time is motion is energy is invisible matter.
Space is matter is visible spirit-soul.
Both are measured. Both are a form of each other.