Under Various Named Totems & Cultures (mother is primary in the form of female-female)
Before the child was used to represent elemental nature powers, the mother was the Only One & Great Mother who was honored as the bringer forth of human life, therefore, she was the first human likeness used to represent the elements that sustained life: water, milk, blood, air, sky, tree, earth, mountain, tree, darkness, light, moon, sun, etc. The female as the mother was also represented in the form of other mothers: cow, serpent, sow, crocodile, lotus, beetle, vulture, etc. (NG1 512-13/530-31); (AE1 125/135)Stages Skipped
These stages will be added later and linked to and perhaps summarized here.Aten Is the Double Circle Cycle of Life
We recently learned AT is represented by mother and child.AT is the mother as the circle of Preexistence and AT is the child as the circle of Existence, the ever-coming reproduction.
Within both the mother and the child is the father principle in hidden form. The father being the elemental nature power that fertilizes activates the circle.
Aten (mother is primary in the form of male-female)
Initially, during the transition period, Atenism still favored the mother, but only when the child was prepubescent and unborn below the horizon. Then when the child was born at the break of dawn in the east, the child began to rise in prominence, just as the sun does. (NG1 512-13/530-31)Aten (child is primary in the form of male adult-female adult-male child)
Then Atenism became the culture (cult) which put the child out front in a trinity: bull-bride-baby.Because earth and sky were still recognized as womb birthplaces, Aten was the name given to the elemental nature power of light in the form of the rising sun and setting sun, thus also the moon.
Aten was not human. Aten was superhuman.
At the eastern horizon of the rising sun, the sun was the child of the mother.
At the western horizon of the setting sun, the sun was the bull of the mother, the one who re-entered the womb of Mother Earth, thus fekhed (fecundated) the mother so she could be impregnated and give rebirth to the sun again. Word variations: Horus-Behutet, god of the hut or god of the winged disk (vulture's wings, a symbol of mother). (AE1 339/349) In the cult of Aten, the mother was Virgin because she gave birth to the child initially without male input, then was fecundated by the son who impregnated her with himself so he could be reborn. The rebirth of the child is the rebirth of life and existence - the continuous renewal of the elements through various cycles. (AE2 728/192) Word variations: Kheper, Horus, Aten, Tum, Nefer-Atum, Iu-em-hetep, Atum-Ra, Jesus, atone, Adonai, Adonis, item, Atem, Atam, Atom, Adam, ten, team, total, self-esteem
For hundreds of thousands of years, in Africa, the elemental nature powers were noticed, studied and captured in various ways in human culture to teach these understandings. In doing so, the progression led to representing these nature powers in the form of plants, animals, insects, planets, stars, Primordials and then finally humans. When the cycle turned suboptimal, the link to understanding Sign-language was broken and human logic clicked and got an error message. Humans have not been able to access the memory of what these symbols and deities really mean, thus humans began thinking the human personification of mythology spirituality culture religion, was talking about actual humans. We are indeed estranged from our earlier nature. Jesus returns every day when the sun comes up and we don't know it. Aten and Atenism are not about people. They are about the elemental nature powers. Because the larger nature powers of the Star Ages had changed from the beginning phase and moved into the ending phase, so also did the ways in which nature powers were represented and honored. The elements had already manifested themselves optimally and needed to be renewed. This process involves re-entering the Circle of Preexistence. During this time of gestation, the father principle rises to prominence. It is his turn to show what he can do when he is primary. The father cycle is long in the tooth and becoming more obsolete each moment. This is reliable because it has happened so many times before. Under different names, Atenism has come and gone and so has Amenism. Current day religions are a form of Amenism.The elemental nature powers in trinity form of bull-mother-child is optimal. Emphasis on the child is in keeping with Optimal Theory, Ten Cardinal Principles of African Deep Thought, Kwanzaa & communalism. It is also in keeping with the natural fact that mother and father are each one-half of Preexistence, while the child contains both parents as Existence. It is in the best interests of the parents, for self-preservation purposes, to put emphasis on the child rather than seek individual parental prominence, especially since, to do so only represents one-half of duality whereas the child represents totality. In the primary understanding of Sign-language, we know it makes no sense for it only to be dark or only to be light or only to be wet or only to be dry. We know both must exist in a unity that is able to change and give each form a chance to manifest. Should his hydrogen or her oxygen be first, or is it more optimal for their child, water, to be given importance? And then also their other children they produce in combination with other elements?Amen puts these things in improper order, thus when this trickles down to humans, the last is first in many ways. Amenism logic attempts to delete the mother, and then hides the importance of the portions it can't delete, while continuing to try to find ways to replace the mother. Akenaten was trying to restore Atenism during a time when star powers were aligned toward Amenism. Amen. Now the Great Year favors the child as primary and the mother as secondary, just as it is in Atenism. Say Aten when you pray instead of Amen.
Aquaria, the mother of the great equalizer, comes first to give birth to Kepheus, child of law and order.
The father will once again be moved to the background. These signs of change, being continuously broadcast throughout nature, are another way of knowing what is coming and what is going.