If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Peace Is What War Is Good For
Phase One
Unity Consciousness #1240


(Part 9eh of 11)

Most of us do not realize we are in a war.
The war is composed of many smaller wars, that are still big enough to do much damage locally, nationally and worldwide to our bodies, minds, emotions and spirits.
Most of us do not realize we are in a spiritual war, a mental war, an emotional war and a physical war.
Each of these wars are composed of many smaller wars.
We should know because it's all around us and inside us affecting every part of our being from before we come out the womb to right now as you are deciding what to do with this message, a battle is taking place in you. We should know wars are going on because it's throughout our cultures. We should know because it's all on the internet and other places of information. We should know because there are bills to pay.
Most of us do not realize we are heading deeper into these wars.
This is so because we are heading deeper into the equilibrium zone of the changeover of the Great Years, star constellations and the elementals. Thus as those greater powers that be, do battle, along with Moons, Suns & Planets, so will humans more and more do battle and encounter more stress and strife and disruptions of the systems they have mistakenly come to rely on as it pertains to basic needs. In order for light to replace darkness there must be fulfillment through upheaval. Light must resist, push back, contend, struggle, fight for its inherent rights to manifest in as many ways as possible. Darkness must do the same. The difference is, the time of darkness is fading faster and faster into the twilight zone and light is emerging. The skies and elementals ain't never lied and have always foretold what we call surprise.

War Is Necessary For Peace

So before you start habitually fearing or dismissing one form of war, the physical kind, let us move to the wars against spirit-mind-emotion.

There will be no peace on the planet until all humans come to grips with the natural fact that the overwhelming majority of human history is the history of black people and the overwhelming majority of the Ancestors of all humans are black people and that all humans are the descendants of black people and all of the major continents were first inhabited by and made indigenous by black people and that black people are a worldwide people. Until recently, all humans knew Africa was home and that the world was Africa and Africa was the world. (Finch, min 16)
You will not be settled within your spirit until your spirit settles back home, thus peace within manifesting as peace without, thus as we move closer to Africa, so will we move away from war with each other and only do battle with darkness.

The Superstar Power Ages of Aquaria/Kepheus tell us there absolutely will be peace on the planet once again, due to the major celestial changeover. This tells us humans will find their way back to respect for the African parentage through hell and high water. How that is happening is yet to be fully revealed. What is certainly happening is any means necessary.
Never has there been a time in history where the continuous star cycles didn't usher in the new and usher out the old.
Whatever it took to take down the dinosaurs is still available.
Whatever it took to take down all previous empires is still available.
Whatever it took to change every culture on the planet many times, is still available.
Not only is that genetic potential still available in the universe, it is a more knowledgeable potential that has been through this before, enough to know, it can, it must and it will.

Those who cling to current logic will absolutely be in for another ruder awakening worse than the recession robbery fabricated financial crisis in America.
Those who are waiting, before doing anything differently, for the final breakdown of their societies, well that's foolishness
Those who are waiting for everybody to start recognizing it, that's just foolishness of crabs climbing into a barrel.

What is the process for something to break down or go wrong?
It is the same process for something to work properly and right.

Little by little, step by step, one moment, everything's okay, the next moment it's not.
We can know for ourselves when something is going to happen based on our understanding of the process by which that thing occurs. We know when we are going to be ready for work based on the process we go through. We know when dinner is going to be ready, based on the process. Understand the process and you can know in advance, you can predict and prophesize the future, because you know the process does not lie and does not honor any human. The process obeys the steps and the energy put into it or taken away from it. So now we are back to the energy of the Stars, Moon, Sun, Planets that are ruling the processes in this universe. They are changing and so are the processes, thus the processes that create “climate” is part of that process, and part of climate change is physical, mental, emotional, spiritual change. Most of us don't know our religion is part of the weapon of war being used against us. We don't know because we don't understand love, law, sin, right, wrong...

The star constellation Aquaria/Aquarius is in labor pains and is releasing blood and water, bloodlines and water lines poorly constructed to endure these times, are breaking.

Those who cannot “get with” their Africanness, will either not survive the transition or cease to exist in this dimension like dinosaurs, empires and cultures that are no more. Their spirit-souls will be put on lock down to limit their influence. This is another way of knowing the outcome of current wars. There are multiple sides to genocide. For those who are hopelessly devoted to the status quo as being the ones who know and the ones to follow, you're gonna be okay as long as Pisces and the Jackal are able to stop Aquaria and Kepheus from taking the throne. So far they have not slowed them down one bit, in fact, momentum is increasing.

Everything changes moment by moment, and though the effect is immediate, the detect is delayed reaction due to delayed recognition due to developmental delays due to delayed nutrition causing defects. Logic cannot detect defect, unless we continuously inspect logic.
Our thinking and behavior is ruled by the same powers that rule the stars because that's who we are. We have been operating under Pisces/Jackal logic and now must switch to Aquaria/Kepheus logic. It's okay if you don't, but the word of God, is becoming the word of Ka, which is changing what is being removed and installed to reprogram the entire universe.
We, in our Africanness understood this before the current cycle came into existence. We could sense it coming on many levels and by many ways of knowing.
Right now, in these knowledge of self declined modern times, if we had understandings of what is coming out of hidden earth below in the black hole and out of hidden earth above in the black hole, we would see what's coming down the pipe, a long ways off and adjust our thinking and behavior to ensure self-preservation during the Galactic War that is filtering down to Earth. We'd do it because we recognize what is happening within and without, and there would be no doubt.

We can expect the weapons of war used in the heavens to impact Earth and some of them fall to Earth. And this is exactly what is happening increasingly.

So before you miss the point: All forms of war are not just human-involved. Greater powers and forces and the entirety of every part of nature is involved in the same wars. Pay attention to yourself and to non-humans and you will know before the morning, midday and evening news.

Just sit back and listen to yourself and to people when things happen to you or them. They will blame it on the government for not letting them know or for not taking care of it. They will say they didn't know. They will not say, I should have known or we should have known based on abc...xyz reasons. All the time, every time it is always true that there are warning signs, emergences. We just keep on dismissing them and saying, Aw, that aint' nothing, that don't mean anything...And yet, we keep on being subject to process, cause and effect, and expect something else to happen and expect something not to happen. The indigoes are looking at us saying what in the world was I born into, it's gonna be up to me to save my family.

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