If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Deyshia Hargrave's Justice Viewed As A Logic Tree
Phase One
Unity Consciousness #1201


(Part 9cu of 11)

An understandable instance, of example #1 from UC#1199, is Deyshia Hargrave getting arrested. Don't get confused because she is female, white, and the police officer was black, male and the government group was adult, older, white, male, female, black, male, female and the majority of the other citizens in the meeting were white, female. None of that is the primary basis for understanding.

Take note of what the “officer” said. He said to the people standing around, “someone else might get arrested. Deyshia said, “for what? He said, “public intimidation.” This a version of what police use when they say “I feared for my life.” Nobody was within 20 feet of the officer who arrested Deyshia when they were standing at his squad car. Yet, he is scared and calling for backup and transport and looking over his shoulder as if that “gang, mob, crowd of people with children in tow, were threatening to attack him and free the prisoner from the clutches of insanity. The whole scenario was ridiculous from the always public comment sham to the pay raise to the meeting to the vote of the board to the behavior of the council to the arrest. Justice from thousands and hundreds of years ago and yesterday keeps getting paid forward, general delivery to current occupant. Progress has two forms, good and bad.

This message is not for the purpose of comparing who is doing what to who and to what degree.

This message is to remind us there are continuous examples of human logic, thinking and behavior affecting us all day in every way. Secondly, there are continuous examples of non-human logic and behavior that is affecting us all day in every way.

Be certain to understand that most of us in this world participate in and encounter thousands of examples of thinking and behavior that is creating justice that someone else is going to have to pay for in the future, as close as the next moment away.

We don't understand that if we build our homes in valleys and do so many things to change the landscape and take away trees and other vegetation and then the remaining trees are burned down, that every step along the way has made the ecosystem less and less stable. Then when the last domino falls in the form of rain, guess what happens.* You get the West Virginia Buffalo Creek Disaster and you get the Santa Barbara California mudslides and you get Deyshia Hargrave and you get worldwide genocide, gentrified, pushed aside, hide the lie and thousands upon thousands struggling to survive. You get every form of every sickness festering and germinating like dandelions all over the place from the womb to the grave – within and without.

You get pain and suffering in human form that is the payment for the pain and suffering in the non-human world. And so the elements continue doing their thing earth, air, wind and sun take back what was taken.

We don't understand the physical or physics.
It takes a lot of energy to move a little uphill because energy must be constantly sustained, but it only takes a little energy to move a lot downhill. All it takes is for energy flowing downhill to meet that which is less rooted than the force it encounters. Rain falls down. The motion of water moving downward has energy in it. When that rain hits earth, the energy must move into the earth. When the energy does, the earth moves. Have you ever seen clean rainwater flowing on the ground? No, it always moves and carries earth with it.

This must be properly understood: Humans are down stream in the cycle of life and existence. In addition, human logic is currently shallow, thus we don't even understand that most of are using our genetic potential in shallow ways. We are making mostly deals with the Devil. When justice rains down on people in societies and beats them back and down over and over again, you cannot expect that same justice to move in the opposite direction for you, such that when it hits you, it's a clean shower of purity. For those who think they are getting away with murder, their soul, and the souls of their co-conspirators, are headed for the second-death and their descendants are in a hell of a lot of trouble. Justice does it's best work in the grave and in the womb.

Now, back to the person hiding behind a job to attack Deyshia. He was clearly mentally ill, as are most cop outs and most people in societies who cop out as a means of cope-in.
Clearly, those board members were mentally ill. Those citizens were also mentally ill. Those citizens expected a different form of justice, yet it is a high probability that they are in support of the same kind of justice Deyshia received, except when it happens to someone else or some form of non-human life.
The same thing that happened to Deyshia has happened over and over and over in pretty much the same form for the same reasons. The citizens are mentally ill when they think they can allow one type of justice for others, and yet, they themselves, get another kind of justice. What human justice is lacking, the elements make up for it, treble.

That same logic that tolerates homelessness, causes people to become homeless via flood, fires, earthquakes, etc. And on and on we can go, if we examine our logic and then compare it to what is taking place with other humans and compare it to what is taking place in the non-human world. Sooner or later, we must begin harmonizing for real and now just in words or laws. The law in words were on Deyshia's side but the law in thinking and behavior was not on her side. The thinking of others worked against her and her own thinking worked against her because she expected what she should not have expected given the state of justice in America. When there is not equal protection under the law for all, there is not equal protection under the law for all.
Logic at the root flows to all branches. Any form of justice at the root of a society, eventually makes it way to all parts of the society.

Newsflash: Nothing that humans do or construct can protect you from the changing dynamics of spirit-soul and elements.

The elements are deeply rooted in spirit-soul thus have no obedience or obeisance to form. Elements are branched throughout our bodies and throughout Earth and Universe. Whatever form of justice flowing through them will leave no one unaffected.

*No you can't blame it on the rain. If that same amount of rain had fallen when the wildfires were raging in the trees, everyone would have thanked God. Yet when wildfires are raging domestically and abroad, we just pretty much pay no attention. And so, once again, the justice of our attention spans is catching up with us. The justice of us listening to trump-ets playing a perverted kind of jazz is causing us to not be able to see the elements think.

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