AntiThesis: A Different Somebody or Different Something Else.
EntiThesis: Everything The EntiThesis is the synthesis of the first two sem-sames.
Quickly Skipping Through Duality
Thesis: LoveAntiThesis: Hate
EntiThesis: ?? If love is part of a duality with hate then, using love to describe the total is inconsistent to describe the total unless hate can also be used to describe the total. The duality of female and male is described as gender. Hydrogen and oxygen are described as water. The duality of male and female is described as child.
What is the Entithesis of love and hate? What encapsulates the two, thus encapsulates all else? Thesis: ??
AntiThesis: Hate
EntiThesis: Love Thesis: Love
AntiThesis: Hate
EntiThesis: Duality, Nature, Waters, Nun, Nunu, Nana, I am Thesis: Love
AntiThesis: Hate
EntiThesis: Khat, Khaos, Kha, Khekh Thesis: Love
AntiThesis: Hate
EntiThesis: Khept, Apt, Aptu, Aptitude, Sebti Thesis: Love
AntiThesis: Hate
EntiThesis: Spirit-Soul Thesis: Love
AntiThesis: Hate
EntiThesis: Essence Thesis: Love
AntiThesis: Hate
EntiThesis: Mercy, Merti, Merkhi, Murky, Merkey, Mermer, Mirror Thesis: Love
AntiThesis: Hate
EntiThesis: Azza, Anna, Amma, Wawa Thesis: Love
AntiThesis: Hate
EntiThesis: Maat