If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Mut-Ar: Mother, Father, Child | Definitions & Meanings
Phase One
Unity Consciousness #1207


(Part 9da of 11)

The great mother, mirror and comb all denote the resurrection or reproduction of the child of duality. The mother and child are Aquaria & Kepheus. These Star Ages are representatives of spirit-soul and they are changing, thus the form of justice is changing along with many other cycles. (BB 426-7/438-9)


Mother is derived from MUT which means mother, emaner, mouth, uterus, womb, tomb, chamber, place, abode, fix, establish, bear, penis, to die, death, underworld.
AR is the child, or the likeness, the type of a fulfilled period, time, the thing made.
Thus Mut-AR is the place, the gestator, founder, and emaner of the child, the repeating period of time, the ever-coming one. (BB 245-7/257-9, 346/358); (NG1 510/528); (NG2 42/50)

Words variations: Ma, Mama, mute, mutual, mutation, permutation, Isis, Maut, Mother Nature, Math, Mat, moth, Mak

Mut is female, male, child
Mut-ar (Mother) is dual parent and dual child.
Mut is one-half of the truth combined with one-half of the truth reproduces the whole truth.
Mut is not based on humans. Humans are based on Mut.
Mut is the principle of duality.

Mut tells us the One & Only Spirit-Soul manifests through principles that are the same, but go by different forms and names, and these principles combine and interact to create the continuous changing cycles of life and existence that keep repeating, moving from beginning to end and restarting.
Thus woe is the human status quo, thinking and behaving as if it can come but doesn't have to go.

We take note of AR, which has been mentioned several times. AR is the child, the star and the repeating period. This matches what we have just learned and what is happening with the changing constellations and the changes taking place in all forms of nature.

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