If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Monday, January 22, 2018

Female/Male Principles & Childbirth
Phase One
Unity Consciousness #1225


(Part 9ds of 11)

The male principle becomes father of the Sun at sunset, when the Sun enters earth below the horizon. The Sun enters Mother and Father Earth and is fertilized in spirit-soul. The Sun is then born of the Virgin at sunrise. This is the story of Seb as Joseph, Isis as Mary, Horus as Jesus and Amen-Ra as God the Father.

This must be further understood, Neither the male principle nor the female principle, by themselves, can produce children or be the only principle that gives birth to the ever-coming one.
1. 1. God the male, needs Mary the female and
a) God the father needs the female Holy Spirit to activate the male principle in Mary.

2. The male Sun needs female Earth to revive and female sky to rise in and
a) Amen-Ra, the holy spirit needs virgin earth as matter in order to fertilize immortal rebirth of spirit. (AE1 332-3/342-3)

In other words, neither the male principle nor female principle can create anything on their own. Spirit-soul needs matter and vice versa. First Truth needs Second Truth in order for the First Truth to give childbirth. Suboptimal needs optimal in order for suboptimal to give childbirth. Good needs evil in order for good to give childbirth to creations. Hate needs love in order for hate to manifest its logic. This is true for all dualities.
And this is why, in the current context, the human male needs the female in order to do the dirty deeds he does. A male-dominated world is only possible with a female assist. This applies to all dualities. The First could not be first without the assistance of the second, third and the last and the majority of everyone else who is not first. Racism could not exist by the elite or the KKK or the few, without an overwhelming collective assist. Religion could not fool the people unless spirit-soul assisted religion so religion can give childbirth.

Single Parents

In the human realm, this speaks to the notion of single parents. There has never been a single parent in the bringing forth of a child and there has never been a single parent in the raising of a child. The male and female principles take many forms and all children are raised by both principles in some form or another ranging from optimal to suboptimal parenting.

The Creator as the Only One, is still not a single parent. The Creator is Two existing as One, who then becomes One existing as Two..

Individual Collective Parenting

There is no such thing as I did it all by myself, except in rhetoric.
If there is an individual, then there is always a collective.
If there is a collective, there is always an individual.

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