If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Trinity Seeds: Spirit-Soul, Water-Earth, Darkness-Lightness
Phase One
Unity Consciousness #1220


(Part 9dn of 11)

We have spent much time covering the beginning with water and with the mother principle being manifested out front in the beginning. There is no avoiding going back and forth to the water, the circle of preexistence, to revive refresh memory. We have reviewed the creation story in several ways Here are a few:
a. ”Christianity's Black Night Watery Creation Story, Phase One, Unity Consciousness #1219”

b. ”Seven Elemental Nature Powers, Phase One, Unity Consciousness #1211”

c. “Early Formation Of Creation: Preexistence To Seventh Dimension, Unity Consciousness #748”

d. Some messages with keywords: zero, duplicat

In order for us to move to the 8th Dimension of Creation, we must go back and fill in several gaps to serve as stepping stones to build on and leap across on. Between each stepping stone is a large space of information that will still be missing, however, it will be sufficient for now, to help us cross the deep portion of rivers of understanding, until we can reach the part in which we can wade in the waters, and then submerge ourselves as needed, without fear of drowning.

The oldest creator is Water-earth, spirit-soul and darkness-lightness. This Creator was called the mother because the Creator gave birth just as other creatures give birth through the mother. In reality both the mother and father principles existed in the beginning. The mother principle was out front revealing, while the father was in the background, still helping to bring forth creation.
I'll say it again: there must be at least two things in order for a cycle to exist and be continuous.

Water-earth, darkness-lightness and spirit-soul are either female and male or they are neither.
Whenever you hear of one being spoken of, the other is still there in the background or side-by-side.
We humans run into logical error when we don't understand this fundamental idea of duality.
Duality is not taught in an optimal way for us to understand life and existence as fusion.
Duality is taught in many suboptimal ways to keep us in illusion confusion.

The elementals of water-earth, darkness-lightness and spirit-soul are each a seed because they are each needed to form the entirety of creation. Each one is one of three and each one is one-third of one.

Water-earth, darkness-lightness and spirit-soul are the three seeds that form the Creator. The Creator of Preexistence who self-creates and self-duplicates.
Water-earth, darkness-lightness and spirit-soul are a duality in the form of trinity.

We know spirit-soul, darkness-lightness and water-earth are seeds because they are necessary nutrients for life.
And this is why, when one is absent, life goes to sleep, into dormancy, transitions, dies.
And yet, when spirit or soul is added back, life is resurrected.
When water or earth is added back, the desert comes alive.
When darkness or lightness is added back, healing rejuvenation takes place.

Water-earth, darkness-lightness and spirit-soul, as the Creator, was given many names. Some of those are Taurt, Khebt, Sekhet, Mother Earth, Mother Nature, Great Mother, the Creator. Taurt means corn-bearer or seed bearer.
Ta, as in water, also means land, corn, pregnancy, gestation, totality.
We are children of the corn. (AE1 179-80/189-90)

Corn or seed means life. We are children of the life. We are children of the life in the Creator. We are of life which is water, darkness and spirit-soul. (BB 317/329)

When Nile Valley Mythology reached the solar stage of expression, the mother, was still called the corn-bearer and her child was called Hu.
Therefore, Hu is another word for corn.
Also Hu is the basis for Human. We are khu-man. We are khu-man-ifestations: seed, life, mother, water, darkness, spirit-soul. (BB 316/328)

We reach the same place again after already understanding that corn and seed are a principal form of nuter. One of the meanings of nuter is of water, from water, by water and return to water.

The Creator As Father

Lest we forget, the mother principle of the Creator cannot self-create unless the father principle is present, helping the mother principle activate, become fertilized and perform other elemental processes. The father principle is present in the beginning in water, in darkness, in spirit-soul, in seeds, in life, in the Creator, in all things.

Humans just didn't always understand this and didn't always recognize it.
Secondly, we still don't understand duality, especially the simultaneous nature of duality and its dynamic balancing act and its revealed/hidden aspect.

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