If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Thursday, January 18, 2018

I Am Ready For Love Too, Change
Phase One
Unity Consciousness #1216


(Part 9dj of 11)

Love never comes on time, according to how humans define time.
And neither does love come late.
Love always comes early.
Love always comes early in the same way solution always comes before problem.
So if I am ready for love, I must have missed it when it came earlier.
I must have misapplied the guide to love so many times, love is now hard to recognize, even as it remains.

If I am ready for love, I have miss taken my partial condition as the basis for what I'm missing.
Now I know better so I'm writing me this letter.
Love came for me early in the womb, then came even earlier before my parents were born.
Love came for me at least 51,920 years ago at the beginning of this cycle. This is the second time around.

If ready for love is what I claim, then I've miss taken the current configuration for the entire rotation.
To be ready for love is to imply love hasn't came, instead of understanding love arrives so early, by the time I'm hip to the situation, love has changed.
How I came into being is nothing but love. Love that was ready for me and,
now that same love, in order to remain, as everything goes through climatic change, must also change form and name.

So now I revise my former claim: I am ready for love, ready for love too, change, according to the way humans define change. The kind of change that gets noticed late in the game.

I'll say it again: love that's supposed to be here, already came.

Instead of being ready for love, I need to be the love I already am.
So the next generation, won't be ready either, because they'll be love too, busy making readily available love, making love change things – even before love sees the need to rearrange.

Love supplied, I applied, the problem of being ready for love satisfied.

So now I change out my former claim because the cycle is change in, love too, to the kind of love that remains when time is no more.

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”Strawberry Letter 23 - The Brothers Johnson ( 12" Extended )”

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