If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Where Does Justice Begin & Injustice End?
Phase One
Unity Consciousness #1205


(Part 9cy of 11)

From wherever there is a beginning, there, in the same place, is the end.
Everything travels full circle. We already know this in many ways.
This circle is a continuous feedback loop of motion (energy, spirit-soul, logic, thought, attitude, behavior, action...)
It is a cycle that goes round and round in concentric circles, thus it expands or constricts.

If there is a beginning in a Supreme Being, then everything about Creation, flows out of and back to the Supreme Being, who is the end - the Alpha & Omega.
If life begins with water, then everything about life, flows out of and back to water, where life comes to an end.
If humans started in Africa, then everything about humans, flows out of and back to Africa, where the end is also.
And on and on we can go for everything that we identify as a beginning or an ending.

And so, if the beginning is spirit-soul, then everything flows out from spirit-soul and returns to spirit-soul, where it ends, or in other words, where it re-begins the next cycle.
This is how we know justice begins and ends with spirit-soul.
We also know, when it comes to humans, human justice begins and ends in Africa.
This must be so, unless you think it is possible to separate humans from who they are as spirit-soul.
Thus, the duality of spirit-soul, Har-ma Justice and Karma Justice, are in the human because it is in the African.
No human gets to be one form of spirit-soul and not the other form. It's not possible. Duality is duality is illusion is reality is the justice of human beginnings and the justice of human finality.
The parent seed of humans is African. The parent seed of justice and injustice is African.

An example:
We humans have a lot of issues we must work through. We are cheerleaders regardless of our team's performance. Imagine if the cheerleaders and the crowd also said, “what are you doing offense, get your shit together,” instead of always saying “positive” things. When you only say the positive and ignore the negative, you are creating illusion confusion. If we want to win together, we must also let each other know when we are messing up and how to improve. We can't just say Africans are great. We can't just expect foolish faith to replace facing mistakes. Who can correct what they are unwilling to accept? We must say the stuff we also were not great in – talk to yourself. We must speak both truths. We can't just love our parents and ignore they are fallible, just like us and everybody else.
Justice begins and ends with humans understanding duality, acknowledging it and accepting that we and all else in the universe are good and bad, negative and positive, suboptimal and optimal, etc.
Our parents are simply humans who came before us. As Ancestor Yosef Alfredo Antonio ben-Jochannan reminds us, ancient humans in Africa were humans just like us. They did not have any special powers, genetic potential or spirit-soul that was different from what we have right now. And this is one of the ways we know their greatness is in us. And this is how we know our weakness is in them.
And this is how we know justice, both forms of it, begins and ends in Africa, where everything else human, begins and ends.
End-Begin Words: genesis, origin, phoenix, renewal, revival, reborn, rebirth, birth, start over, fresh start, Khes Khart, resurrect, born again, do over, replenish, recycle, represent, reproduce, life, recreate, return, come back, repeat, restore, change, transform, metamorph, home, heaven....

Begin-End Words: finish, stop, over, done, final, dead, last, no more, hell...

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