If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Thursday, November 14, 2019

All Organisms Must Follow Natural Law Logic
Unity Consciousness #1818


(Part 9yd of 11)

Suboptimal logic justifies Maafa Racism by providing logic that satisfies the unhealthy condition of the mind. Racism exists due to sick minds. We are dealing with extremely sick people.

This we know. What we don't know is that the mind takes that sick logic and tells/sells emotions and body on what to do. However, the logic of the mind cannot blindly satisfy spirit-soul because spirit-soul is the checker and balancer. Spirit-soul does not simply take the mind's word for it without double-checking. You said what? You want me to do what? Wait a minute. Let me check to see if that's okay with natural law. Spirit-soul then does a check against self and all else independent of the mind's reasoning.
This is why, in order for racism to work, spirit-soul must be detached, as much as possible, from thought processes in order for the suboptimal logic of Maafa Racism to prevail and be carried out.

No aspect of creation can undertake a motion without instructions (logic). This is natural law.

Instructions are god's word. Word is god's logic. Logic is god's reason. Reason is god's justification.
And this is why, even racists must justify everything they do.
This is why racists use the mental logic of legal laws and religion and experts and culture and so on, to replace the logic of spirit-soul.

In the suboptimized human, although spirit-soul is detached, it is not completely detached. Let's say it's dangling or mostly comatose and cancerous. Even in this condition, spirit-soul will not give its consent or cosign on carrying out logic instructions from the mind) UNLESS:

1. it is compelled to do. This compelling is done by that which has the ability to exert greater power or influence, and forces spirit-soul to comply. For instance, a child learns to do and not do things they are told by parents and other caregivers, including older siblings. The child learns to comply whether the child understands it or not and whether the child wants to or not. Secondly, think of the behavior of police and how they use force to achieve compliance with logic that makes no sense.

2. it is given a reason why that makes sense for the moment. For instance, as a child gets older, the child begins to question why things are being done. The child's spirit-soul is forming the foundational basis of logic of how things work in this dimension in human form. The child's spirit-soul is trying to strengthen as a checker and balancer of the mind.
A common response to a child asking “why” is “because I said so.” The parent is referring to #1 above. This is no small response or matter.
The child's spirit-soul is improperly learning, that in the form of a human, spirit-soul is supposed to follow the authority of parents, teachers, police, laws, rules, governing bodies, majority and so on, irregardless of how much sense it makes to spirit-soul.
This has many unintended consequences such as the child doing what a bully says or a child becoming a bully. This obedience to that which is able to compel you, leads to the condition called peer pressure. Thus the child learns “might makes right.” In a society based on racism, the child learns “white might makes right.”
The child will do what one or more people are doing, even if the logic goes against the child's personal choice, because the child feel's compelled by the need to be accepted and friendship and tattling and so on. Parents who improperly use, or overly use “because I said so” unintentionally create a child who becomes primarily a follower, a bully, an easy target for bullying, succumbs to bullying and a person who will put the logic of one or more other people ahead of their own logic, a person who is easily manipulated. This leads to a distorted thought process that basically ignores “what would Jesus do,” and instead relies on “what would somebody else do, what would my society do.” The thought process is clearly not centered around right or wrong.

This forms a basis of defective logic that goes beyond children. The child uses this kind of logic in all groups from family, community, states, nation. What we already know, is that most of these groups will have logic that contradict each other. This internal conflict spills outside of self. It is justified by being normalized in society.
The related dangerous mental logic to “because I said so,” is “that's just the way it is or has always been.”

3. it is involuntary logic. This is the logic carried out based on a set of pre-determined conditions. Most life-sustaining functions fall into this category.

Not Following Natural Law Leads To Socio-Psychopathy

Why? Because by default, all children, recognize, compare, contrast and question. Children critically analyze because it is a natural process that allows us to move beyond surface understandings. However, when a child is constantly trained not to think critically and be detached from spirit-soul, the child is rewired and detached from what makes universal eco-sense. This is why it is useless to talk about doing anything to fix, correct, stop or slow down climate change. It's not possible without full circle thinking. That type of thinking is beyond the capacity of societies. Only a civilized nation can properly have a widescale positive effect upon the environment.

This must be so because the society, as evidence proves, is full of people who know not the supreme scientific method of inquiry, for all reasons stated above. This then severely limits the ability to understand cause and effect. Since climate is the result of numerous causes and effects, to attempt to affect climate change while lacking a corresponding thought process, is futile and more dangerous than helpful. Hell, they can't even stop school shootings. Come on now intelligent people. Show me some evidence of a large problem solved by a society in a harmonious way. Look at this another way. Why would people who are poisoning you in umpteen ways, want to save you from climate change? Therefore what you should expect is for these people to use weather modification technology to create weather disasters and blame it on climate change. This is exactly what is happening with fires everywhere and planned droughts and floods and earthquakes and any other event that is blamed on climate change. You better first eliminate the most obvious suspect.

Due to mental damage, spirit-soul damage and the limiting suffocation and distortion of our sensing abilities, our ability to make sense of multiple things as a whole (genetic potential), we can't help but to be, at a minimum, mentally ill, spiritually ill, physically ill and emotionally ill. Evidence is everywhere that we live in societies full of contradictions that never get resolved, only denied or bandaged or remixed because they are justified as normal. This message is a reminder as to what is going on in our societies right now in November 2019 as people in the USA are preparing to celebrate the god forsaken form of Thanksgiving.

Spirit-soul is God in Heaven form. The human body-emotion and mind is God in Earth form. The reason spirit-soul is a checker and balancer of the mind is because Heaven is a checker and balancer of Earth.
And this is why, humans claim their human legal laws are from God Above. They do so as the last bit of justification to get their weakened spirit-soul to go along with fragmented logic. Thus then it must be so that most humans in societies, especially those who profess a religion, do not understand God in a healthy manner.

This results in humans who use the adherence to legal laws as a means of determining right or wrong or a good or bad person. This is the extent of the thought process. No before thought as to the law and no afterthought as to how the law is enforced or adjudicated.

Despite this, humans in societies are able to carry out the logic of their minds because their mind has become the sole arbiter of a culture of logic based on the smallest amount of natural law possible. All this because spirit-soul is largely missing in action. So to feel good we say we are a nation of laws. This strokes the sick mind.