If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Monday, November 25, 2019

Trauma, Dreams & Things Temporarily Unseen
Unity Consciousness #1847


( 9zh of 11)

Dreams are replays of memories, past, present and future. Sometimes these memories are a mixture and not just one long consecutive memory of one event. This is due to at least two reasons: (1) fragmentation of the memories in our minds, spirits, emotions and bodies; (2) remix of memories to create a new reality.

Dreams are in no way limited to a single human lifetime. Dreams can consist of any part of any memory in the universe from any creation. Any portion of these memories can manifest in your dreams.

Based on multiple people I've talked to personally and/or listened to tell their story or read their story, there is a connection between trauma in this life and the portal to other dimensions surrounding this life. No one has ever said this to me, until today in my memory when I was not physically asleep.

It is increasingly becoming more common for people to say they've talked to people or spirits or had dreams or other experiences that most of us do not. Almost all of these people are called crazy, not just verbally, but many also by being institutionalized by societies that are psycho themselves. It is very dangerous for us to use the status quo measurements as the norm because we expose ourselves to being judged by the same level of unbalanced logic.

All this stuff about dreams is related to what I'm going to keep repeating. Climate change is environmental change and environmental change covers the full range of our existence and experiences and is related to the changing positions of the stars in the heavens. Memories are being rearranged and transmitted via vibrations and all of us are receiving at least some of this information. Some of us are more aware of this than others.

I know this because environmental change as governed by the stars, determines how genetic potential functions. Therefore, natural law is changing, therefore, in the human sense, our abilities are changing, including our sensing abilities. We usually call this gifts and this is also related to the rising awareness of various types of children called Indigo, Crystal, Diamond and so on. The fuller truth is, these abilities can manifest in any human or other creation at any time. Trauma is one of the catalyzing factors but so also is increasing levels of knowledge of self.

For instance, as the result of several years of self-study from a human perspective, aka African-centered, I have become more aware of deja vu taking place more frequently. Nowadays in the moments this deja vu is occurring, as I'm remembering what took place before and what is happening right now, I am able to alter the outcome by virtue of being aware and/or by virtue of consciously thinking of a different outcome. This has not yet been perfected. These experiences fit into what is being learned about quantum particles and how observing them changes the behavior of the particles. Quantum particles are genetic material. Genetic material contains memories.
Thus what also seems to be taking place is that when one aspect of nature is aware of another aspect, there must be some sort of vibration that communicates this awareness, which then alters the behavior of the observed and the observer. This then is a type of self-awareness and self-reflection.

In an overall sense, to the extent necessary to fulfill the need incentive, the experiences of trauma in our epigenetics long ago and as recent as now, provide a substrate for processes such as photosynthesis to formulate our memories in such a way that we have more real time awareness of what is taking place. More mature levels of knowledge of self is one of the unseen things inside us that further enhance our dreams and the hearing of voices or having the experience of information just popping into our heads.

The main point of this message is not about dreaming or trauma or things unseen or knowledge of self.
Instead, the main point is that many things we have perceived to work to our disadvantage in the shorter-term are now working to our advantage in the longer-term, and the other way around. This includes the power of awareness that comes through dreams and unseen things, but also includes a heck of a lot more. The more we become aware of being in these streams of consciousness from the Supreme Scientist, the more we can, in real time, virtually create, call into being to come forth, direct and construct genetic material in the manner we wish. From the point we are right now in the cycle, this begins with belief in self, but is rooted in knowledge of self and can only be fulfilled through continued knowledge of self as manifested expressed in various ways of knowing, going, showing and doing.

All this is why our increasing awareness is changing things.