If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Thursday, November 14, 2019

5 Ways Spirit-Soul Re-Balances Natural Law Logic
Unity Consciousness #1819


(Part 9ye of 11)

Based on the previous message, it might be improperly concluded that once the mind gets the upper hand, that spirit-soul has no recourse. This is never true in any situation involving two truths. Since everything involves the two truths, the way things are, are never how they were or will always be. The cycle always changes and eventually reverses and comes back around to the flip side.

The previous message discussed our current sickness state of thinking. Our mental logic overrides spiritual logic. Both are unhealthy We have mental illness and spiritual illness, thus by default we also have emotional illness and physical illness. This is why we are very physically sick the way we are and why we accept it and instead focus on having health insurance as a sign of healthy logic. Stupidity repeatedly. However, there comes a point in this cycle, when human laws and ways of thinking reach their most distorted form in relation to the natural world context. Culture cults are as far off course as they can go; therefore, the next step must be to begin moving back in the opposite direction towards balance.

5 Ways This Is Accomplished

1. As alluded to in the previous message, every time a child is born, a fresh flow of spirit-soul enters into the society, this Earth, this Solar System, this Galaxy. This spirit-soul, this being, this baby, this person is not brand new; however the child is a new remix. This child represents what the Good Doctor ordered and pre-scribed for times such as these. This spirit-soul starts out with no logic preferences except to learn “what is what” in terms of the environment it is born into and the form of creation it is. This then will inform the use of genetic potential because it will automatically reveal destinypurpose. This is why children have a greater sense of recognizing contradictions in the logic they encounter. And this is why the society continuously seeks to reduce the child's sense of wholeness thinking and immediately poisons pregnant mothers and newborn children. These are a few of countless continuous attempts to control the person. All humans in modern societies are subjected to this terroristic torture, made agreeable.

2. However, as the child gets older, despite what the society has done to the child and mis-taught the child, any child in any environment will also simultaneously encounter information from sources within and without, that express wholeness logic. This is saving grace. It is the same thing and the only thing the first humans had to go on and rely on to teach them the wholeness of nothing but the truth. These Africans figured everything out via thousands of years of trial and error, so of course Africans today are the ones who have to start from scratch and fix the current logic mess humans are in. We've been there, done that. An additional degree of difficulty is for Africans to do so in an open manner, while all other groups use “undercover methods.” The beauty of it all is that Africans have the ability to tell you what we are going to do and still do it. This is perhaps the last bit of logic to remove any doubt as to the greatness of our genetic potential. Or shall we say the power magnified beyond diatribes when the genetic potential of self is in harmony with the genetic potential of all else.

a) Under super-normal conditions, the child will begin to self-correct before achieving adulthood.

b) Under normal conditions, the child will begin to self-correct shortly after adulthood.

c) Under abnormal conditions, the child will not self-correct unless different information is provided to the child. The length of time needed for self-correction varies.

d) Under super-abnormal conditions, the child will never self-correct, even if briefly seeming to do so. No amount of information is enough. This stuck on stupidness will only happen when there is a irreparable defect in spirit-soul (a bad sector).

This is so because the free will portion of spirit-soul is resisting being revived and restored to the knowledge of truth.

3. The greater spirit-soul outside of self will continuously seek to find another way to influence the person. That might be in a feel good way or a feel bad way. Often we are shown the need to get more nutrition and less toxins. This then will allow all genetic potential to begin to repair and reconfigure logic. If enough of this happens then the mind is healthier and so also emotions, body and spirit-soul. This is how, even through physical nutrition, there is a pathway possibility for healing mental logic and spirit-soul logic. It doesn't just come through the mind. Eat right and get right.

4. As already shown above, and especially in the previous message, and as shown in our own logic, natural law allows spirit-soul to function using incomplete logic. This allows a person to sometimes do the harmonic thing. This results in breif situations where the enemy will do something to help the other side.

However, human free will, as dictated by the mind, often interferes with spirit-soul doing the right thing continuously. In a sense, when spirit-soul is trying to break free towards totality, the mind tries to limit spirit-soul. Why? First of all because the human mind is the checker and balancer of spirit-soul. Now we are moving in the opposite direction from the previous message. When spirit-soul wants to do something, the mind can say whoa, hold up, wait a minute, no. In our current condition, the mind often gets its way because the mind has been developed more than spirit has been developed. That doesn't mean the mind has been developed healthily but it does mean the mind has become to be relied upon as the only knower. Therefore the mind tries to limit spirit-soul because the mind has gotten quite used to being in control without anything else having a say-so. So once we make up our mind, then that's what we're going to do or not do. That's how we function, unbalanced. It's supposed to be once we've made up our mind-spirit-soul, then that's what we're going to do if it also agrees with emotion-body.

5. Eventually all logic must travel full circle, if the human collective does not reverse course, the course itself reverses automatically.

This same metaphor tells us what natural law proves. All logic that rises high and remains imbalanced will fall. Why? Because you cannot be perched at the top of a pinnacle and remain there as that pinnacle is turning unless you are able to maintain balance. So due to being imbalanced in the first place, it is a quicker and more sudden fall from grace when a sudden shift occurs sorta like being thrown from a mechanical bull. All cowboys get thrown or they must get off and get out the way. Likewise, all matadors who taunt the bull, will get gored unless they know when to retire.