If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Friday, November 29, 2019

Secrets Untold, Unfold In Books Of Beingness
Unity Consciousness #1860


( 9zu of 11)

The following comments were posted to Bill Duke Talks Racism and Growing Up In Poughkeepsie

My partial comment.
I've been helped by folks white but I do recognize they were only willing to go so far and never let me in on the inside secrets, which they would have if they were really wanting to help me in a teaching me how to fish kind of way.

The response from Sanchi Hawkenrath
White People have Given Me All Kinds of Inside Secrets. It's Called 📚 Books.

My response
That reeks of whitespeak which is doublespeak instead of just telling me to read a book you black man, that's your problem. I ain't talking to you no more.

About an hour later I added the following: I read books from white folks all the way up to getting a master's degree and multiple other books they've promoted outside the classroom. It wasn't until I read books through my own self-education that I began to really learn secrets. Once I became aware of multiple ways of knowing, I've learned much from ancestors that is not in a book I've read, at least not in this lifetime.

The best kept secrets are secrets about self.
That is found in the book of heavens, the book of Earth, the book of nature, the book of self, all of these to a greater extent must be relied upon and then use that context to reorient what we've learned in order to reeducate our mis-education to get us moving in the optimal way and direction.

Africans have always had a love for books and read books. Always.
With the exception of the Christian bible, the problem of Africans not reading books, is overstated today because of the more recent African aversion to the books given to them by white folks in schools that leave us out, make us look bad, and that are taught in nonsensical confusing ways. These books also reveal themselves as false promises, false portals and false gateways to a better life for the majority of Africans. Only a few squeak through to uphold the illusion. We instinctively know something's wrong with those books based on the community education we've had all our lives. Those schoolbooks are the only books many of us don't want to read, otherwise, once we find the books about self, then we readily devour them because we have found the secret to all else.

[Full Session] Cannon's Class with Dr. Carr