If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Unity | Suboptimal & Optimal Evolution
Unity Consciousness #1808


(Part 9xt of 11)

I, the ever-coming one in human form, have been guilty of the following due to incomplete logic and logic not fully explained.
At least every other day, I will hear a comment from an African that basically gives credit to other groups for being united and unified. This same comment will either directly or indirectly state that Africans are not unified and that we should look to the examples of other groups and “be unified like them.” Thus we Africans are said to be dysfunctional or more dysfunctional, can't get along, are divisive, hate ourselves, hate each other and so on and on we go denigrating ourselves and praising the f to the uck upped logic of our enemies.

Despite the truth that there's good and bad in all things, the unasked questions are:
Is the unity of our enemies their good point?
Is the unity of our enemies their strong point?
Is the unity of our enemies something we should praise?
Is the unity of our enemies something we should emulate?

1. The answers are no, no, no, no as in na na na na. This is my hypothesis as already proven by the supreme scientific method. Thus I started from the end and backed into this awareness through the remembering of process.

2. The unity of other groups is based on money, power and fear due to low self-esteem due to malnourished knowledge of self.

3. Other groups are not united and “on code” in a healthy way. This is evidenced by the unequal sharing of each nation's resources as bolstered by the additional robberies of Maafa Racism. There are great disparities within all groups of people, countries and their citizens. All groups of people and countries are plenty full of dysfunction, even among the favored group.

4. Africans are more united than we realize. In very recent times, the rise of black media online is just one example, even though there is some discord and infighting.

5. I will continue to repeat that other groups are not more united or more healthy or less dysfunctional than Africans.

6. The kind of unity Africans need is not the kind of unity other groups are displaying.
How so?
a) Other groups have a suboptimal form of unity. It is based on money, human power, fear, greed, disharmony with the ecosystem, self and with other humans. It is not grounded in respect for all members in the group, no not even those who contribute to and work on behalf of the group. Thus within the favored group, there is a crabs in the barrel mentality; however, when dealing with outside groups, the crabs do work together. This is the easier form of unity. Why? Because it is based on low-self esteem that offers little to no resistance. How so? Because members accept unequal distribution of spoils and their unity is based on a destructive context and concepts.

b) Africans need a much more optimal form of unity. In fact this is the form we are seeking, which is why it is taking longer to achieve. Why? Because in order to get to the optimal form of unity, we have to first divorce, reverse, correct and transform away from the suboptimal logic we are using that interferes with the optimal form of unity we are seeking.

Understand clearly Africans, we are in the process of seeking a more complete form of unity grounded in respect for everyone in the group. A kind of unity, in the African sense, where each receives according to need.

This is the more difficult form of unity. Why? For reasons already stated and also because it is a unity based on equality and rising levels of self-esteem, thus the extended self and rights of creation are involved. That's why we Africans keep checking each other, even though some of this checking is imperfect and incorrect.

7. Now we move on to additionally discuss the optimal form of unity Africans are seeking. We have added degrees of difficulty of:
a) navigating and reorienting the logic of what to unite with (within self and outside of self). In order words, we are not clear on what we need and what we want.

b) We are still unsettled as to a single identity such as African First (A1). This is why we put other identifiers before our African identity. Understand clearly Africans, that other groups already have a single identity that they rally around. This is a slight advantage.

c) So now, when we combine 7a and 7b, all this contributes to the lack of agreement on the steps and processes to build unity around, thus to reach the results of optimal unity.

d) So now, when we combine 7a-c, this causes confused logic which causes us to seek unity with other groups and seeking equity for all humans. Why? Because logic we possess has us greatly contradicted, despite the fact that other groups are our enemies. I blame religion as one of the top preventers of African unity. Religion separates us from unity with the spiritual realm of our human and superhuman ancestors. It has already been stated elsewhere, that after being attacked, Africans continued to rebuild themselves back in the day due to their greater spiritual awareness that connects the African to all creation, thus to the understanding and power we need.

8. I am continuing to show the difference between the suboptimal unity of our enemies and the optimal unity Africans are seeking.
a) Other groups are united the way predators are united. Predators succeed because they accept the notion of the alpha male, alpha female and pecking order. Africans, in our quest for unity with each other struggle with this suboptimal form of unity because we all want to be alphas and we ain't trying to have no pecking order.

b) Africans are seeking the type of unity displayed by plants in a forest. Even though plants vary in size and stature, they all feed and assist each other because they are all connected to the same soil. There is fair distribution because it is based on each according to need. And of course, from time to time, the larger ecosystem changes the forest completely, due to fire, volcano, flood and earthquake for instance. This then allows for a reorienting of all the plants, yet the same logic is still carried out under the new formulation.

This must be properly understood. We Africans are seeking optimal unity and equitable distribution of power, glory, fame, resources, decision-making, input and so on. These words being redefined by the African Utamawazo. All this is a major shift from the suboptimal of the cultures we are in and a major shift from the way other groups use unity.

c) To say this another way, Africans are re-membering and re-learning how to dynamically balance to reach and maintain a more perfect union, which is to say, optimal union. For example, how do we continuously and more smoothly integrate the strongest aspects of each other, thus allowing for a constant change in which logic is in the guiding alpha position, the supporting beta position, the coordinating gamma position and so on. Be encouraged. Africans had this type of unity several times for a heck of a long time. This is evidenced by the outputs of all foundational knowledge and the physical outputs of this knowledge and the civilization outputs of this knowledge. I am talking about thousands of years ago and I'm talking about the past 500 years also. But if not convinced, at least understand the period of Reconstruction from 1865 to at least up until 1921 despite Maafa racism immediately transforming itself into Black Codes and Jim Crow and to a return to the complete ignoring of the Constitution and other laws in the USA that has existed for the past 150 years that are improperly called post slavery.

d) Lastly on this subject, in a collective, the evidence of dysfunction that is based on ways, approaches and methodologies, is evidence of suboptimal unity. However, evidence of suboptimal unity is not necessarily evidence that the next step will be optimal unity. No. Instead, evidence of optimal unity is noticeable at a deeper level of the individual-collective intent behind the tensions and pressures of suboptimal unity. This can be described as Individual-Collective-Unity or ICU. What quickly comes to mind is intensive care unit. Thus intensive care unity, while seemingly a bad thing, has a close cousin, a co-sign, as another form of “intensively caring about unity” and intensively carrying out the processes of unity. Thus such intensity, will by necessity, create imperfections until they are worked out and balanced out into optimal unity rather than the maximum of any individual component of unity. For instance, any single goal, strength, individual or subgroup within the collective. And this is why one single optimal identity must be chosen and adhered to as a beacon, a Polaris guiding light among all other lights that light the way to keep us on track.

9. So now, as if all this wasn't enough we have yet another degree of difficulty. All other groups not only work against African unity, they proactively continuously attack Africans and have long range multi-level plans to disrupt African unity. Open your only always true eye and see for yourself the God's honest proof.

10. Within this message is all the solutions. Meanwhile, by default of our struggle towards optimal unity, our genetics are being transformed to achieve the goal. Why? Because we have never stopped seeking unity.

11. Africans are the pure seed. This is why we Africans are being put to the greatest human test. And as you already know, we're still here and on the verge of mass organization and mass movement that will quickly and greatly shift the momentum in our favor as we align with the same forces taking place Above Earth and Below Earth and Within Earth and Within the Rebirth of the African Seed (US).

12. So to say this another way, if you were to go and view any process and assembly line taking place in a warehouse the size of Earth, you might perceive it to be chaotic and dysfunctional, when instead, it is all going according to plan, thus is coming together on schedule.

13. Now who in the world still thinks that other racial ethnic groups “got it going on” in any way that is superior to the African genetic ability to do so and do it to a higher degree, as they say, and make the shit seem easy and make it look good? We are close, very close. Can you feel it? Of course you can. If our enemies can, then all Africans can also.

14. Let's take another approach. The two lands of Upper and Lower Egypt were once united then divided and then united. These lands were filled with nothing but Africans. But before that, the two lands of Upper and Lower Mestrea or Upper and Lower Karua were also once united, then divided, then united. Another test passed. Now we have the two lands of Africa and the Diaspora that were also once united, then divided and will again be united. We are on that evolutionary path. This is why that damnable Berlin Conference of 1884-5, is important to understand for adding yet another degree of difficulty. Yet, you see what has been taking place in Africa since at least 1963, even though imperfectly. Africans have been moving towards unity.

Innerstand clearly Africans, we, out of all other groups of people, have been given the greatest challenge and the greatest set of problems to solve under the most unforgiving set of conditions. Why? Because we can handle it? Why? Because we've done it before and before and before. By virtue of Aquaria and Kepheus we are being united. Trust the patterns of history written in the stars.

15. Pay attention to Uganda and Tanganyika Tanzania.

16. Africa and African Blacks are the nucleus. God would never allow the nucleus to be divided and conquered if the nucleus could not be reunited and restored. God will never allow humans to destroy God's seed as Africa and as the African. Yes humans can harm individuals, but they cannot destroy Africa collectively or Africans collectively. This will not happen on this Earth because it would require another group to become the firstborn heir apparent.

17. I have used the metaphor of Humpty Dumpty before in relation to suboptimal America. Now the other perspective on that same metahpor shall be used to explain the optimal. Earth is Africa. Both Earth and African are the egg that sat on the wall and that has had a great fall from the Great Wall of the Great Year. The Aethiopian King and Queen and all their courses and men are putting Humpty back together again; and doing so through Africa and the African. This is the pattern, prophecy and process taking place. Expand your mind and your timeline.

18. So what have I said that I'm sure has been missed due to habit of short retention and attention span? I've said white people are not united based on their skin color. Thus truth is self-evident as explained above. If white people were united based on skin color first and foremost, then folks white would not kill and harm other whites or distribute the wealth inequitably. If whites or any group of people were united based on skin color or racial group, then all their countries would be places of love and happiness. That is not true anywhere in the world. Nowhere in white lands, red lands, yellow lands semite lands and so on. Thus then Africans must stop judging ourselves negatively because we are not united based on skin color. As said many times before, if other groups of people were united in a healthy way, they would not poison their children and themselves with poison false logic that they know good and damn well are lies. Their societies would not be patriarchal. There'd be no such thing as elite, upper class, middle class, lower class.

19. Another analogy. It is foolish for an infected cell to look at the behavior of a virus and say, hey, that's how we oughta act. Look at how that virus works together and is united. This is obviously foolish because we know the unity of a virus is self-destructive.
Thus I'll say it again, folks white and other groups are united in sickness. This of course is suboptimal. They are united in a sick way, even amongst themselves their interactions are sick and self-destructive. The only thing that makes it seem otherwise is their continuous attack on Africans and the ill-logical largely unwitting African assistance. We got it twisted clockwise instead of twisted counterclockwise.

20. The type of unity Africans are seeking, unknown to most of us, is a healthy form of unity. That in no way means we are seeking to be united with other groups. This optimal re-unification process is a multi-stage process to beat back, correct and correct multiple malfunctions of logic.
Other groups, being a virus, don't have this problem because they allow, accept and thrive on malfunction amongst themselves and are only able to achieve short-term fragile unity. How do I know this to be true? Because the unity of all other groups is dependent on the disunity of Africans.

21. The moment we Africans gain critical mass momentum of unity, you will see more and more of the supposed “on codeness” of other groups, fall apart. The evidence of such already exists, but evidence will emerge so that even the Giri So can see clearly.

22. Now that some of this is being absorbed, I will continue to repeat while also adding a little more information.
a) All other groups are conditioned to be worker bees for their united cause. They are conditioned to accept unequal remuneration. They are conditioned to “get theirs” by attacking and taking from Africans.

b) However, Africans, as we seek freedom and unity, we are reconditioning ourselves to be more independent minded from the status quo. We are reconditioning ourselves to be more independent and do more for self. Thus the transition of independence from unhealthy logic to healthy logic is necessarily conflicting with our need to coordinate with the African collective. This adjustment process is necessary because we are weary and wary due to the collective effects of being connected to the wrong collective. Thus working together as a healthy collective is being interfered with by our trust and faith in the unhealthy collective, even as we move away from said unhealthy collective. This is a normal part of the process of upheaval and fulfillment.

c) Thus the optimal unity we are being conditioned towards has not fully gelled into the proper orientation and balance, because evolution is a process. Right now, the spirit of the African individual that is becoming healthier is competing out of sync with the spirit of the African collective that is becoming healthier.

d) Thus then this creates the confusion and illusion of seemingly no progress being made towards unity, when in fact, it is actually proof positive that optimal unity is being achieved.

e) Evolution of thinking and behavior is a natural process like all others that includes a learning curve. Overstand clearly my people, part of what is hindering us is the numerous pieces of deeply embedded logic produced by ill-advised religions we still participate in and waste resources in. Even so, we (Africans overall) are moving back towards spirituality, a cornerstone of our power and unity.

f) All this need not seem complex, complicated or hard or far off. All we need to do is continue to learn more complete accurate information about self, others and more of whatever else we need to know to do what we are here to do.

g) Optimal African Unity is a byproduct of multiple other processes. It is not possible to achieve unity outside of self without achieving greater amounts of optimal unity with self (spirit, mind, emotion, body).

h) Let us investigate one of the processes. If in fact Optimal African Unity is predicated on how we use our free will choices, then the process becomes: change free will by getting different information which leads to understanding which changes the basis of logic which changes thought processes which changes conclusions and decisions which changes behaviors which changes how we interact which changes the nature of the collective functioning which changes how much we are unified. Thus we don't start out with collective unity, we end up with collective unity. This then changes everything else, especially in regards to the wars we are in with all of our obvious enemies.

i) We Africans are moving away from the Ages of suboptimal unity as practiced by our enemies and somewhat emulated by us. We are moving into the Ages of optimal unity, which is not as easy to achieve as suboptimal unity that our enemies practice. Even so, despite the odds, challenges, degrees of difficulty and what not, we are right now, each of us, at various points along the banks of many different rivers of understanding. Listen now, observe and you will be guided to the best place and way to cross and continue your safari in the Spiritsphere that merges you with the African collective. This process is enhanced via more harmonic connections with Earth and other creations.

j) Sankofa Africans. Go back to the second paragraph of this message and answer the questions.

23. Fired AU Ambassador speaks (start minute 30:40)

24. Africa Is Ours & We Are The African Union(Farewell Speech) - Dr Arikana Chihombori Quao

25. Although we often say, our oppressors see all Africans worldwide as being the same based on skin color or racial identity, the oppressor's view of us is not the guiding or driving force for African unity. Instead, Africans worldwide have been the same long before any other racial group existed. African unity is based on truth that existed prior to Maafa racism. Africans do not unite through the eyes of our oppressors, instead we unite based on our birthright. That just happens to be African and Black. A1 B1 Be one or no one. We own all copyrights.