If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Monday, November 18, 2019

Basic Differences Between Racism, Prejudice, Hate
Unity Consciousness #1827


(Part 9ym of 11)

Hate and Prejudice are a part of each other and a part of Racism.

Racism is not necessarily a part of hate or prejudice.

Thus this is why many racists do not think they are racists. Members of the favored group take this position because they are not aware of the hate and prejudice inherent in their logic, that they carry out and that supports and sustains racism. Even if silence is the method used.

Thus there are two groups of racists. Those who know they are and those who are unaware. This latter group has an added dimension of altered reality that amounts to feeble-mindedness. However both groups of racists know the difference between right and wrong. It is this basic metric that convicts the unknowing racist of hate and prejudice masked. Thus, as a member of the favored group, the unaware racist still knowingly carries out racist logic due to contradictory justifications. The primary example of this contradictory justification is when a member of the favored group claims not to be racist, yet largely supports what racism has wrought.

Lastly in explaining these basic differences, a common misconception must be addressed.
Ultimately, members of the disfavored group, against whom racism is wielded, cannot be racists. They can however assist racists, but do not have the same standing in the racist collective as members of the favored group.
This disfavored group of racist assisters also has two categories: the intentional and the unintentional.
The intentional are those who assist racism knowingly. They go by the common names of sellouts and traitors and so on.
The unintentional are mentally handicapped (deeply dumbed down) in understanding the causes and effects of their actions. They are in no ways equal to the unaware racist because the unaware racist is not only a member of the favored group and shares in that power, but also has many other privileges acknowledged or not. The unintentional assister of racism enjoys none of this. The only thing they might enjoy is what they've earned.

In other words, a black person cannot be racist in a global society where blacks are not the racist collective. The black person can hate and be prejudiced; however in the current global climate, this is to be expected.

No. There is no racism in Africa for two reasons.
1. Africa does not have institutionalized systems in all areas of people activity that infringe upon the rights of other groups.

2. Africa is in a war fighting enemies. You, as an enemy of Africa, cannot simultaneously carry out racism against Africa, thus attack Africa, and also claim to be disenfranchised from your rights due to the actions of Africans.

Lastly, I must throw this in to what was said above. When it comes to two black people in the racist judicial system, one as plaintiff and one as defendant, the decision will not be made based on who is right or wrong or the written law or based on which black person is more acceptable in the sight of whites. No. Instead the decision is always made based on which decision will cause the greatest harm to the black collective.