If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Do Africans Have A Sellout Culture?
Unity Consciousness #1842


( 9zc of 11)

The notion of sellout, sellouts, traitors, coons, Judas and many other such words, have been discussed multiple times.

First of all if you are one of those people who do not think all humans have the same potential strengths and weaknesses, then the problem begins there. However, we must also acknowledge, that in certain groups, due to the branching off of experiences, these groups have developed a propensity for greater or lesser strengths in some areas and greater or lesser weaknesses. Their experiences have predisposed them in certain ways, however predisposition is not the final control, due to the individual experiences that can mitigate or moderate group predispositions and also due to individual free will.
This has to be said up front so we realize, that on average over the long course of history, all humans are capable of the same things good or bad. However, this does not always manifest equally due to group experiences that are then adjusted by individual experiences.

So then, this is all we need to know in order to understand that all groups of people have individuals within their group that will sellout the group. The reasons why are vast and are not limited to the group, the individuals or to the opposing group, but instead are inherent in humans when faced with a certain set of conditions.

As we all should know, each and every day, in all groups, people are selling each other out in various ways. However, when it comes to Africans, as usual, this is made to seem unique to Africans and that Africans have the most sellout culture.

This would be false.

If Africans were in military bully terroristic authoritarian control of the world, then all other groups would be viewed as having the highest sellout culture. Why? Because Africans would find the weak people in each group and easily manipulate them to harm their people by getting those weak people to think there is personal benefit that cannot be obtained from their own group.

This then is the main reason why Africans are highlighted as having a sellout culture greater than anyone else.
All groups of people are filled with weak people. However, as it currently stands, Africans don't have the thought or means to go to white people and coerce them, force them, threaten them or trick them into selling out white people. Even so, white people still do sellout white people voluntarily. For instance, abolitionists.
If Christians were the Christians they claimed to be, they too would be sellouts. This list can go on and on as to show there are many sellouts in all groups of people, who are backstabbing each other in plain sight and others who are doing it but we don't call it being a sellout.

Once again I repeat. In all societies where there is one group of people as the overwhelming majority, let's say in Russia or China, even within those groups in those countries, they sell each other out to each other and to the USA and to whoever makes the best offer. It happens all the time.

Being a sellout is a human thing, not an African thing.

We all know humans, when hungry, will do things they normally would not do. So let us be honest that the intentional poverty imposed on Africans, would make us more susceptible to being used to betray our people in exchange for things to alleviate our individual poverty.
Let us continue to be honest to say, this sellout behavior only occurs for those Africans who are weak-minded. This is why only a small percentage of Africans in poverty are intentional sellouts.
Continuing to be honest we recognize that even those who are not in poverty can be sellouts. In all groups, those who are not in financial poverty, still sellout each other for money.

The reason we might mistakenly believe one group has a greater sellout culture is due to our short term incomplete analysis of what being a sellout actually means and the many forms of selling out.

God's Honest Truth Be Told, all the racists collectives around the world who are aligned and arrayed against Africans have extreme sellout cultures, because they are selling out the original family of humans, thus selling out their roots, thus will surely perish as a result. Why? Insufficient nourishment due to a very distorted relationship with Africans and Africa. These sellout racist cultures have only flourished in the manner of viruses that rise rapidly then are eliminated from the body when comes the antidote, the anti-doke, the dope for the doke.

This message is in response to hearing, an otherwise clear-thinking African say, that Africans have a greater sellout culture than other groups. To prove his case he gave the examples of Africans killing African leaders such as Patrice Lumumba, Thomas Sankara, Kwame Nkrumah, Malcolm X.

I simply respond to this by saying who has killed all the white leaders, for instance, in America, their presidents. White people killed white presidents in the USA (Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley, Kennedy). Who shot Roosevelt and Reagan? Who shot John Brown? Does that mean those European Asians have a higher sellout culture? We can use the same analysis in all groups of people. It's not hard if we just ask enough questions from at least two sides.

Most certainly if we compile a list of all the ways sellout occurs and list all the people who have done so, we will find all human groups are equal over the longer course of history; however during short-term cycles some groups show higher amounts in certain areas and lower amounts in other areas. Thus, then, when this focus is imbalanced, we can wrongly conclude that Africans have a greater sellout culture than other groups.

This is further exacerbated due to a misunderstanding of unity in general and the nature of the perceived unity of other groups and the perceived disunity of Africans.
How does the misperception of unity add to the misperception of sellouts? One false notion becomes the proof for the other. Thus each false notion is seconded by another false notion, which gives us all the proof we need to wrongly convict ourselves.

Lastly, I must simply add what I realized several years ago. Once you understand what it takes to take a child and turn that child into a racist, then you will realize the level of abuse necessary to create a child that thinks abuse is a good thing. Thus you will understand that every racist collective sells their children out of humanity and into racism.
With that in mind, if we are going to choose which culture has the most sellouts, the answer is everywhere.