If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Troll Mentality Born Of Doldrum Mentality
Unity Consciousness #1849


( 9zj of 11)

I used to think trolls where make-believe. Evidently not.

Here are some of the things trolls (stalkers) do.

1. Come to your website with robots and drop all manner of crazy comments, sometimes flattering. Almost all of these comments contain unrelated links.

2. Send robots to copy every page of your website.

3. Set up alerts or notifications so the moment you post something, here they come.

4. Will try to change the subject

5. Have no interest in conversation, thus healthy learning.

6. Specialize in distraction.

7. Try to find an emotional button to push.

8. Make claims that balanced brains know is ridiculously wrong.

9. Love to skip over the most essential points being made.

10. Respond with vague statements that make you instantly wonder who they are talking to.

11. Love to blast you with a bunch of stuff that sounds official but is actually artificial.

12. Will ask you for proof but will never provide you with proof. If by chance they do, after reading their proof, you will realize it is only a trick to waste your time.

13. Tell you to go look it up and do the research. Thus also trying to send you on a goose chase to nowhere because they are not interested in truth.

14. Create fake profiles filled with images opposite to who they really are. Truth is, a profile doesn't matter, because a troll can be detected based on their logic. So even if a person is not a troll, their logic makes them a doldrum type thinker.

15. One troll will use multiple accounts to have conversations with themselves and to high five their-self to give the illusion that their logic is being approved.

16. Use a list of responses and ploys that have been sent to them by their handlers. On this list are sample responses and strategies to create confusion. These range from the subtle to the ridiculous and also include comments that are partially accurate, that subtly or blatantly include a trick or zinger. Kinda like kissing someone who bites your tongue.

17. We are talking about trolls and doldrums online, but truth is, they exist offline everywhere in life. Every place I've worked, the other employees trolled my life and were always making up stuff about me that I have no clue where they got it from or who started it.

In one town I lived in, my neighbors on both sides were always trying to find out what I was doing in my yard. So also were the police whose station was behind my house and separated by a large parking lot. I rarely closed my living room curtains because they only way you could see anything over the 6 foot privacy fence and large tree in the middle, was to stand in that police station parking lot in a particular spot and wait for me to pass by that one window. This is exactly what the police did while sitting in their car.

18. Understand clearly that doldrums is the result of having the dol, drummed into your brain, your body, your emotions, your spirit, your being.
The dol has its foundation in intense pain, grief, sorrow, loss, traumatic drastic separation that feels like being torn apart.
19. So now we have another way of knowing why people all around us such as police and other racists, behave the way the do. They are miserable relentless predators because they are deeply damaged.

20. At least one article says there is a difference between trolls and stalkers. I say that trolling is the gateway to cyberstalking, just as doldrum is the gateway to troll behavior. However, the difference is, that trolls are those who have the motive but have not yet found the opportunity to behave as a cyberstalker. Trolls are cyberstalkers in waiting. Trolls already have the mindset of cyberstalkers. On the other hand doldrums are unintentional trolls who are waiting for that last bit of mutating to become intentionally stupid and crazy as hell.

The article, in all its supposed thoroughness, confirms, but does not acknowledge the sameness of trolling and stalking. The article says trolls are psychopaths. That's all we need to know. Racists are psychopaths. Two examples are racists who go around waiting for their opportunity to flex their racist muscle against Africans. This comes in many forms including police cop outs who ride around trolling and stalking and hunting Africans for an opportunity to harm them.

The confusion in the first article is due to multiple definitions that contradict. The article relies on what it calls “academic literature.” I call this “anemic literature.” This then is yet another lesson that if you rely solely on the analysis, context, definitions and meanings of those who use the suboptimal context, you will remain in a lot of trouble and either not be aware of it and/or not understand why.

Another article acknowledges a real life account that trolls are indeed the same as cyberstalkers who are just a hair or heartbeat away from unleashing in person what they unleash online. This is why we often hear of racists, bullies and school shooters, for instance who have posted harmful things online before doing harmful things in public in person.

21. So I'll say the same thing to Africans, to racists, to trolls, doldrums and cyberstalkers. Stop trying to be smart while being stupid.

22. Pain is the gateway is a statement I heard just as I was finishing this post. It fits into the gamut of the this blog. Pain due to loss of knowledge of self is one of the roots of evil. Click the link, be still and listen. You will find that Charlemagne makes a good point that essentially acknowledges that Africans have gone through stages of surviving, resting a little during integration, and though still dealing with many stresses, recent generations have moved more into the realm of healing.