If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Friday, November 29, 2019

Dealing With Beasts But Not Understanding Their Nature
Unity Consciousness #1863


( 9zx of 11)

PLO Lumumba, We Are Bees With Honey, But We Do Not Know How Sweet It Is

He is saying what our ancestors and master teachers have told us for several decades. Africans worldwide must change their context, worldview, utamawazo, definitions and meanings because these notions, these pieces of logic are governing our thinking and behavior, thus governing how we think about ourselves, each other and all else. Since we've allowed the Eurasian worldview to prevail, we fail.

Clearly, it is the reset of mindset that the African Diaspora, particularly those from the USA and Caribbean, can help Africa with. We understand the nature of the beasts we deal with.

Before there can be economic development, we must address governance. At the heart of governance is every piece of logic we use.

The entirety of logic being used and allowed in Africa must be reviewed.
And if it doesn't fit, if it is not African-centric, then Africa must adjust it or get rid of it.

To hell with all these Global Organizations, The UN and their “Peacekeepers.”
To hell with the G4, G7, G8, G20, BRICS and any other grouping.
To hell with the World Bank, the World this, the World that.....

It is only our miseducation, lack of self-confidence, lack of love for Africa and willingness to deal with our enemies as if they are friends, partners and other such foolish words, that keeps Africa weak.

Shut them down, close the borders and ports to foreigners, kick them out, quarantine them, review all transactions, all laws. Unite with each other and demand that every transaction puts Africa in a superior position, and that it is preconditioned on proven better treatment of other African countries worldwide and removal of racism. Take the land back and the resources. No ownership of anything for foreigners in Africa. No “being in charge” of anything in Africa. And on and on we must go. We must set all rules and standards and rates and prices and whatever it is we need. We can survive without outsiders, but they cannot survive without us. So what if we have to start over, or do without certain outside things. We have food, shelter and clothing. Once we begin to more fully and urgently and focusedly harambee work together, we can redesign Africa in the image of Africa and not in the image of the beasts we deal with.

Unity and uniting as African presupposes that every piece of logic is Africa First Logic.
In this manner, Africa can re-evolve from the image of the beast and back to the image of human.

Truth is, if Africa is to be free, we are going to have to fight on every front in all ways. Yes that includes physical wars with our enemies. We're already being killed without fighting back.