If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Logical But Illogical Concerns About Africa
Unity Consciousness #1821


(Part 9yg of 11)

The list is long, so for now I'll only focus on the area of moving back to Africa.

Many people ask questions about Africa as if it's a place unlike no other.

1. In a sense this is true in several ways.

2. However it is also not true in several ways. This is our focus for now.
a) Africans are humans

b) Land is land

c) Of course there are variations.

d) If you are a person who has gone from primary school to middle school to high school, then making those transitions are the same as making the transition back home to Africa.

e) If you have gone to college, even community college or junior college or trade school, then making those transitions are the same as making the transition back home to Africa.

f) If you have gone anywhere on vacation, then the process of doing so is the same as making the transition back home to Africa.

g) If you've ever gone anywhere or done anything for the first time, even if it's learning something from the comfort of your own home, then making those transitions of logic are the same as making the transition back home to Africa.

h) What you must be aware of is that your logic, thoughts and feelings are based on incomplete and falsely formulated information. If it were not, then whatever ill or negative concerns you have about Africa, you'd soon recognize are the same thoughts you have when dealing with other things unfamiliar.

So to say this again another way. It is natural and normal to have concerns. It is not natural and normal to not check out the veracity of those concerns by checking information.
There is a worldwide propaganda campaign to defame all things African. This we know. It's up to Africans to change this when encountering such information being spread. We don't really care what other people think, but we do care what Africans think. We ain't trying to change how other people think. We are only trying to educate our own people because it's logical to do so and illogical not to.

11.18.19 Update

The narrative about Africa is unbalanced when we talk about roads, electricity, Wifi, water, trash/sewage. Truth is, around the world, especially in countries and their cities there are many intermittent problems with these very items. All of their most touted cities are every closely surrounded by areas that are not well kept. This, of course, is by design. All the governments federal and local are corrupt. Plus, as we know the copouts (the police) roam the streets like terrorists in search of Africans to harass, ticket and kill. These countries and cities are unsafe on multiple levels including poison water, poison electricity, poison food, poison air and so on. Multiple cities have pollution problems, trash and landfill problems and basements and properties that flood with sewer water when it rains. Yet we pay extremely high prices for all these things. It is short-sighted to still feel comfort due to the presence of these things and discomfort due to the lack of these things in some places in Africa. Look at how many towns in these countries have been abandoned and/or are light years behind other cities in the same country. Africa is not unique in that respect so we need to stop acting like it is. Remember African labor and resources have been and still are being used to build and maintain these countries. Africa has been purposely neglected in order to plunder it.

For example, nobody talked or talks about the Americas as a backwards continent when Europeans first arrived. No. Instead they called it a New Word, a land of opportunity and promise and hope. Nobody in the USA talked about the “American West” in that manner. Instead they called the people pioneers and trailblazers and settlers and all manner of daring, brave and courageous words when they were going into these places that had zero human infrastructure.

It is short-sighted to view one type of human infrastructure as the epitome of high quality of living or as something that represents safety and security. Especially when we know darn good and well that in such places, we've shot ourselves in the foot due to the environmental cost of such use of technology. We are sick, and we know it, but too sick to connect the dots in our thoughts.

The goal in Africa must not be to reproduce a western world template or an Asian template or an Australian template, or in summary, a suboptimal worldview context. No instead, Africa must shore up and build a broader and stronger foundation that is in harmony with self, each other and the natural environment. We don't need to rush and haphazardly do things in order to please outsiders and what they think we should have in order for them to enrich themselves.

To say this another way, Africa must resist the urge to try to prove themselves acceptable or intelligent based on non-African-centered ideologies, thus ways of living. Right now, Africa is straddling a dangerous fence trying to please the suboptimal world view and the optimal worldview. That optimal worldview being Pan-African First and Foremost, which of course is inseparable from an abiding spirituality. It is this spirituality that will help Africans reign in their human weaknesses and balance their human strengths. In this manner, Africans can and will reset the standards for all things.

Understand the mismatched narrative being promoted by Africa's enemies. On one hand Africa should be viewed negatively due to lack of this and that and too much of the other. Yet, these same enemies, countries, their businesses and other organizations, continue to focus on “humanitarian aid” and “security assistance.” They do not focus on all the things that the average citizen is told to focus on. Everything is about trying to control Africa. Yes, we must strengthen and heal our minds so we portray the correct narrative about Africa.