If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Monday, November 25, 2019

Hut Mentality
Unity Consciousness #1846


( 9zg of 11)

One of the still stupid things people say is that Africans live in huts. It's stupid because it's said in a demeaning way by those who think they are sane. Truth is, as discussed elsewhere, we all came from huts and still live in huts. Our extremely limited understanding of what a hut is has caused us to make many illogical statements.
In truth, when we are speaking of a dwelling place for humans, a hut is the same thing as a cave is the same thing as a house. Search hut and cave.
Let's look at more of our related craziness. We denigrate huts, yet when people don't live in huts, we denigrate mobile homes, trailers, modular homes, tiny houses, campers, apartments, condos, houses, mansions, motels, hotels and on and on we go finding some kind of way to denigrate each of these. We are never satisfied or settled in our logic.
We pat ourselves on the back for living in the most expensive kind of dwelling we cannot afford and then have to endure multiple ongoing additional expenses, yet we feel superior to those who live in structures that don't measure up to our goofy standards. To make sure we can separate our great achievement of having the type of dwelling we have, we praise our dwelling, even if it's an apartment and then we call other dwellings huts or trailers or something we think is lesser. We are stupid.

There are people who are homeless and we feel good about putting them in a shelter, yet if someone said they live in a shelter, we look down on them. Yet when natural events strike, we go and live in shelters. Then there's the people who live in tents because we think we are helping them out, yet if someone lived in a tent by choice, we'd think they were crazy. Then there's people who live in houses they've moved into but don't own, and we look down on them, yet we don't want them on the streets. Meanwhile most of us live in houses we don't own because we owe on a mortgage and we owe property tax extortion payments. We don't realize God lives in a hut, a cave and a mansion, plus there are many houses in the heavens that are inside this hut, cave and mansion.
Women are thankful they have a hut and men are always trying to live in it.
We can call something a container, a shed, a storage building, a boat, an ark, a ship or whatever and it is still a hut, a cave, a house. Truth is, most of us live in shacks compared to the structures other live in. At least that's how it is in their minds.

There are so many things to be said on this topic but I'm restraining myself and will only continue to add those that seem most important. For instance.
1. We tolerate children living in a home, but we call it a foster home. Somehow the house changed.

2. We tolerate children in group homes, orphanages and older or sick people in nursing homes. None of us want to live in those places, but we don't make a squeak about it for others, yet we still have the time to look all the way into Africa and talk about people living in huts, when those huts, in many ways on many levels, are much better than the houses we live in.

3. Most of us live in sick crowded environments of houses piled on top of each other, all huddled together in very artificial environments divorced from the wholeness and healthiness of nature. This is true even where people live on large properties because the way we live inside our minds, inside our mentalities is very barbaric.