If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Alkebu-lan Name Origin, Definition, Meaning
Phase One
Unity Consciousness #1242


(Part 9ej of 11)

Revealed and hidden exist as a pair. What we seek, exists in, what is already here.
The earliest remembered name of the homeland currently called Africa is Alkebu-lan. (Jochannan)

We gather and reassemble scattered pieces as did Auset(Isis) and Nebethet (Nepthys) in remembering Ausar (Osiris).
We gather and reassemble scattered pieces as did First Truth and Second Truth in remembering Duality.
We gather reassemble elementals.


Al means mother, father, child, the totality of duality. (UC #1218).
Al means female principle, male principle and offspring principle.
Al is the elemental nature powers,
Al is the father, mother and child of anything and everything created.


Keb is the female principle out front with the male principle behind (Seb). (UC #1224)
Keb means the mes-teriu (mystery) of life related to the mystical waters of fertilization, fermentation, transformation, and blood – that which creates the non-human and human alike. (BB 244-5/256-7, 333-4/345-6)
Not only was Keb, the name of a place, it was also the name of the blue-black water-cow hippopotamus who inhabited the waters, the secret concealed place of the Abyss. The Inner African name of Keb is Ngabbu. (NG1 465/483)


Through Sekhet and through Jinja, Uganda, we reach the feminine birthplace and abode called Bu, But, Buto. (UC#1085) (UC#1139)
We also connect to Khekh, thus the dynamic balancing duality of spirit-soul in all forms.


An is na, nature. An is Un, Nun. An is Maat, Two Truths.
An is the solar birthplace. Consequently then, An also means the dark land, the black land, because the Sun is born out of darkness and out of the Moon. (BB 352/364) (NG2 314-5/322-3, 449/457, 450/458)
An is part of the word Djindja, the dual energy of everything in motion (dancing). Djindja Energy is the Universal Energy of Beingness. (UC#1083)

One Of Many Possible Summary Meanings

Alkebu-lan is the birthplace of the two times three on Earth. The male and female principles manifesting as mother, father, child in all creations.

Finding Alkebu-lan Again, This Time Through The Origin Of Life On Earth

Ha-Keb is the concealed secret sanctuary of the mystical waters and the two times. (BB 333/345)
Since the Ha-keb is the mystical celestial place (the above and below), then Africa is the Earthly version of the Ha-keb (the within and without), thus Africa becomes the Ha-keb land, thus Ha-keb-ulan, a-keb-ulan and alkebu-lan.
When we further add the meaning of Keb as it pertains to the water-cow, we are shown how Ha-keb and Ngabbu can become Alkebu-lan as the waters, the land, the cow of Earth who gives birth to all other lands and waters on earth, rises up out of the waters and breathes life into them This is Africa. This is Alkebu-lan. (NG1 465/483)

Word variations: Teriu, Kep-en-terui

Note 1: Ngabbu, as a word to define the first and most ancient sacred divine life-giving mother of all things, contains the word Nga which has become the words jigaboo and nigger. Jigaboo and Nigger are currently revealed, Nga is hidden, but this is changing, as part of the climate of logic changing phoenixes from first to last and between rising and falling.

Greeks & Romans Doing What People Do

Even though the Greeks were African and even though Greeks came into existence in northern Africa and even though Greece existed in Africa before it existed in Europe, enough generations had passed such that the Greeks of Europe didn't have a clue about Africa beyond northern Africa. Most of Africa was the “unknown world” to the now fully Europeanized Greeks. The forgetfulness of these former much darker skinned Africans, is proof of how quickly we humans can forget. So today, after 500 years of logic lethargy due to the same European colonization of information, we have, of course, easily and quickly forgotten much.
Ii is inappropriate to say Africa was the unknown world. Africa was not unknown to Africans in Africa, nor to Africans in other places.
It is inappropriate to call America or any other place, the “New World.” Africans were already everywhere, long before any white African by any name, had the notion there was more to the world.

Names Of Africa

1. We will come into remembrance of a much more ancient name to give us the proper rendering and reckoning of the optimal times we are healing into.
2. Ut-opia
3. Alkebu-lan
4. Ta-neter, “the land of the gods.” This is self-explanatory for two basic reasons: First of all, Africa is the land of the gods because the gods as elementals and powers that be as spirit-soul, created Africa as a manifestation of themselves. Secondly, since all gods of all religions have their roots in Africa.
5. Kush/Cush (which includes Punt) by Egyptians. (DuBois), (UC#457)
6. Sudan or Bilad-es-Sudan by the Arabic-speaking people. At one point in history, Sudan referred to the land from the Nile to the Atlantic. Then eventually, a smaller portion was called Nubia. (DuBois)
7. Libya, by the Greeks. They were referring to a tiny portion of northern Africa because they didn't know there was more. The small area the Greeks were referring to was called Lebus earlier. (Jochannan)
8. Eskhate, by the Greeks. (Reclus). Contrary to Reclus' assessment regarding the vagueness of the name Eskhate, based on our studies of “Es” and “Khat,” Eskhate likely means the birthplace across the waters.
9. The World's End, by the Greeks. (Reclus)
10. Hesperia by the Greeks. (Reclus).
11. Western Land, by the Greeks. (Reclus).
12. Africa (Af-rui-ka), by Greeks and Ennius the Roman [after Greek, then Roman, occupation of Kemet beginning approximately 332 BCE]. (Jochannan), (Reclus).
13. Friga by the Romans. (Reclus)
14. Old World. (Reclus)
15. Olympia. (Jochannan)
16. Ortygia. (Jochannan)
17. Coryphe. (Jochannan)
18. Old Dark Land (Finch, Charles III “Echoes Of The Old Dark Land') and by many others.
19. Black Land and Dark Continent by many. (DuBois)
20. Land of Contrasts by Europeans (DuBois)
21. Land of the Blacks by Arabians. (DuBois)
22. Seat of the Sphinx and Lotus Eaters. (DuBois)
23. Home of the Dwarfs, Gnomes and Pixies. (DuBois)
24. Refuge of the Gods. (DuBois)
25. Slave Mart. (DuBois)
26. Source of Ivory, Ebony, Rubber, Gold, Diamonds. (DuBois)
27. Home of Black Folk. (DuBois)
28. Country of the Blacks. (DuBois)
29. Ati-opia. (UC #1193)
30. Aethiopia/Ethiopia. (UC#457)

Note 2: Look at the process of how things change: Alkebu-lan, the birthplace and First World, became the Unknown World, then the Light of the World, then the Old World, then the primitive savage world and then the Third World, thus through many logical processes over tens of thousands of years, everything must change.

Note 3: But let us get to a greater point: Alkebu-lan is the most sacred place on this plane. Look again at the meanings of the name. It is the Garden, thus it must also be the Desert. If any place on Earth can come back full force, it's Alkebu-lan. All power of all dimensions emanates from and through Africa. Alkebu-lan does have a big old But emerging in the reeds, full of liquid essence.

1. Ben-Jochannan, Yosef, Africa: Mother of Western Civilization (Black Classic Press: 1988), pp. 230, 409.

2. Dubois, W. E. B., ”Black Folk Then and Now: An Essay in the History and Sociology of the Negro Race,” Oxford University Press, 2014

3. Reclus, Elisée, "The Earth And Its Inhabitants. Africa," D. Appleton & Company, (New York:1886), Vol I, North-East Africa, p.1 .

4. BB; NG1; NG2

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