Cause and effect is Khaos & Akhekh.
Justice is cause and effect,
Justice is Khes & Akhekh.
Justice is Khaos & Akhekh.
Khestes is cause and effect.
Khestes is Khaos & Akhekh.
Khestes is Khes & Akhekh.
Justice is Khekh & Akhekh. Round and around and around they go, where the wheel stops, nobody knows.
Up and down, round and around and around Khekh go and come, where khes will starts and stops, nobody knows. Justice is spirit-soul in the form of dualities, seen and unseen, that shape illusion and reality.
Whatever form spirit-soul takes, is a form and instrument of justice. There are no exceptions. So yes, humans are a form of justice, but only a small part.
Akhekh is Khekh( spirit-soul) in the opposite form.Akhekh is the name given to darkness when darkness was feared because people could not see and could not avoid very real dangers creeping in the dark. They could not see what was coming and knew not where they were going (sounds familiar). Eventually darkness was understood to be temporary and part of the necessary cycle of life and existence. Then darkness was elevated from being denigrated (de-nga-rated). It was realized darkness allowed them to see light above in the stars. Darkness was then viewed as the mother of light.
Akhekh is the shadow of darkness. Akhekh is the element of darkness. (NG1 293-4/311-12, 296/314) Thus, then, as you can see, Akhekh & Khekh are Night & Light, thus Justice is Night & Light, thus Justice is the cause and effect of Akekh & Khekh. Justice is like Night & Day and Black & White. Justice is the result of opposite forms of spirit-soul manifesting this way and way in cycles. Word Variations: NĂ¢ka, Nakak, Kak,Ukha, Naga, Nga, Nigga, Nigger, Night, Shadow, Shadow of the Night, Shadow of Death, Evil, Devil, Satan, Sut, Sevekh, Khevek, Kek, Sebek-Ra, Typhon, Apophis, Hu, Mistress of Darkness, Bringer-forth of Light, Revealer of Light Form Variations: monster, devourer, dragon, serpent, viper, gryphon Note 1: Understand why darkness and its synonyms are feared. It is a repeat manifestation of the same spirit-soul in a different form. Note 2: People fear the justice that exposes their limitations and rejoice in the justice they makes them feel in control and safe. Note 3: All the names of darkness and badness are also the names of lightness and goodness. Even the current version of Christianity tells us Satan was the angel of light who was transformed into the angel of darkness. Spirit-soul empowers and disempowers. Spirit-soul installs and uninstalls all programming. (NG1 362-3/380-1)